Inclusive Enviroments Flashcards
What are the principles of inclusive environments?
- Placemaking
- Acknowledging diversity and difference
- Giving choice as a single solution doesn’t accommodate all
- Flexibility in use
- Environment - convenient and enjoyable for all use
What are the key sections of the NPPF which relate to inclusive environments?
Section 12 - achieving well-designed and beautiful places
Section 8 - promoting healthy and safe communities
What is approved document M of the building regulations?
Part M of the building regulations: Access to and use of buildings
It relates to the east of accessing use of buildings, including:
facilities for disabled visitors or occupants
ability to move through a building easily including toilets and bathrooms
volume one: dwellings
volume two: buildings other than dwellings
It provides guidance on :
gradient of enterance ramps, building dimensions, facilities to facilitate wheelchair users and adequate lighting
It is split into 4 parts
M1 - use and access
M2 - use and access to extensions to buildings other than dwellings
M3 - sanitary conveniences in extensions to buildings other than dwellings
M4 - sanitary conveniences to dwellings
How is volume 1 dwellings split?
Split into three main categories
M4(1): visitable dwellings - mandatory
M4(2): accessible and adaptable dwellings
M4(3): wheelchair user dwellings
M4(2) and M4(3) are optional in terms of buildings regs but can be applied through local plan policies where there is a need at is it is not deemed unviable
What are BS8300?
Introduced in 2018 go beyond the minimum requirements in part M
Spilt into two parts providing guidance on
Part 1 accessible and inclusive design for new public spaces
Part 2 internal design to meet all user requirements. Not dwellings
The guidance relates to issues such as lighting external areas, ramp gradients, accessible viewing for audience seating, sanitary facilities, WC layouts and babysitting facilities