Incidents Involving Waste, Recycling or Refuse Derived Fuel Handling and Storage (PN 838) Flashcards
What are the 4 types of incident covered by this note?
1) Scrap Metal Yards
2) Landfill Sites
3) Refuse or refuse derived fuel storage facilities
4) Refuse Containers
Which 3 flamable or explosive gases can commonly be produced at Landfill sites?
1) Methane
2) Carbon Dioxide
3) Hydrogen
There are 5 Biohazards listed in the note, can you name 4?
1) Clinical Waste including needles
2) Animal Waste and Carcasses
3) Vermin
4) Human Waste
5) Bacterial and Viral infections (including Weils, Hep C and Tetanus)
- At dedicated sites what may assist with the containment of runoff? *
Interceptor Tanks
What is the initial hazard zone for each stack involved at a waste or recycling site?
50 metres
The IC must request the attendance of who at an incident involving waste or recycling? (3)
2) The Environment Agency (EA)
3) Public Health England (PHE)
What is the default Tactical Mode for an IC at an incident of this kind?
- When using Aerial Appliances at a waste or recycling site what provision should be made for them? (3) *
1) Sited in a position not affected by possible fire development
2) A covering jet
3) A clear exit route
Biological organisms can be spread by a form of airborne particulates known as what?
Exposure to Bio-aerosols can lead to what?
Respiratory Sensitisation and/or disease
** Unstable ground is a hazard at waste and recycling sites. What 3 particular reasons for this hazard does the note list? **
1) Unstable stacks
2) Under burning creating large voids
3) Application of water on to porous stacked materials
Bound and stacked paper/cardboard is common at refuse sites. Stacks of this kind weigh in excess of how many Kgs?
1000 kgs (1 tonne)
There 15 more hazards listed in the note that require less detailed consideration and so don’t have a Question of their own. Can you think of 10?
1) Access and Egress - ground condition, security
3) Pressurised Containers
4) Fibres - asbestos or man-made
5) Chemicals
6) Dangerous Dogs
7) Plant machinery and Vehicles
8) Working on or near water
9) Working at height
10) Needle stick and Sharps
11) Refuse Shoots and Bin Rooms
12) Aggressive or Violent Behaviour
13) Skip Weld Explosions
14) Electricity
15) Backdraughts in enclosed containers
There 15 more hazards listed in the note that require less detailed consideration and so don’t have a Question of their own. Can you think of 10?
1) Access and Egress - ground condition, security
3) Pressurised Containers
4) Fibres - asbestos or man-made
5) Chemicals
6) Dangerous Dogs
7) Plant, Machinery and Vehicles - crushing blades
8) Water - slurry pits, contamination
9) Needles and sharps
10) Chutes and bin rooms
11) Agressive or Violent Behaviour
12) Skip Weld Explosions
13) Backdraughts in Containers
14) Electricity
What Hazard listed could explode, drip hot fluids, give off large amounts of toxic smoke which may induce arcing from high voltage power lines and is a particular concern because of contaminated run off?
Rubber Vehicle Tyres
Powers of entry are covered by which statutory instrument?
Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
Given the large number of hazards what should the IC consider appointing at a very early stage?
Safety Officers
At the planning stage who could accompany crews to assist with the 7.2d inspection? (2)
Fire Safety Inspection Officer and/or Environment Agency
There are 11 areas that a 7.2(d) visit should focus on can you name 8?
1) Processes
2) Materials
3) Surrounding Infrastructure
4) Site Emergency tactics/plans
5) Firefighting Facilities
6) Siting of monitors, Aerials etc
7) Containment
8) SSSIs nearby
9) Use of enforcement authorities
10) Advice to residents
11) Addition of HMEPO to PDA
On arrival the IC of the first appliance should? (4)
1) Locate responsible person
2) Access on-site plans
3) Establish Life and Environmental Risks
4) Formulate an initial plan
What defensive tactic might an IC consider at a waste or recycling site?
Controlled burn, taking into account smoke plume
What 3 considerations may prompt the IC to consider offensive firefighting tactics?
1) Save Life
2) Protect property
3) Prevent Fire Spread
If early intervention is unlikely to prevent full involvement of the materials on site the IC should consider what? (3)
1) Ground Monitors or Water Curtains
2) Drenchers and Fixed installations
3) Additional Resources
Where the fire involves HAZMATs or large volumes of smoke are produced and are affecting local transport what should the IC consider? (5)
1) Evacuations
2) Closure of Roads
3) Notifying EA and PHE
4) Railway Procedure
5) Firemet via HMEPO