FRU Course - Water Rescue Technician Flashcards
What Colour helmet denotes a ‘Water Rescue Technician’?
What is the ‘Clean Line’ concept?
Only using lines that are free of knots
When would a Rescue Technician shout the word ‘Contact’?
Once they have taken control of a casualty in the water
What does the phrase ‘NO DUFF’ signify?
That and individual is serious
What is the hand signal used to indicate that you are ok?
Pat your head
What helmet colour signifies a Water Rescue first responder?
What are the four most common line throwing techniques?
Underarm American Football Side on (round the corner) The grenade (Don’t forget the stick technique)
What is the first stage in the Hierarchy of Rescue?
When speaking to a casualty in the water how do we address them?
Swimmer (eg ‘Swimmer I am going to throw you a line’)
On a tidal river, which can flow either way how do you determine ‘River Right’ and River Left’?
It would normally be following the flow but in this case would be from the direction of the rivers origin to its outlet
What is the second element of the Hierarchy of Rescue?
What are the advantages of using a pole to reach?
You are unlikely to be pulled in as you can let go and it gives you a greater reach
What is the line attached to the front of the rescue boat called?
The Painter
What’s the key to success when ‘Shotgun’ Rescue lining?
Short lap coils
Facing down the boat, from the stern, which side is the port side left or right?
At what point does a rescuer shout ‘CONTACT’?
Once they have the casualty secured.
When a boat is capsized where do the crew assemble?
At the stern
What is the signal that you are going to move under the boat or from under the boat?
Two clear bangs on the hull
What is a ‘strainer’?
An obstruction in the water with holes in it eg railings, grates or natural materials such as branches or roots?
As a rescue swimmer where do you attach the karabiner from the ‘cows tail’?
The loop on the outside of the rescue line bag
What is the ideal angle for a tensioned rescue line or tethered inflated hose?
At 45 degrees or less to the direction of flow (current vector)
How many turns should a ‘NO KNOT’ have?
As many as you need
The bow (front) chamber of the rescue boat should be inflated first. How many chambers does the rescue boat have and why?
4, if one is punctured the other 3 should keep it afloat.
Why can you slightly under inflate the bow (front) chamber of the ERB?
Because the side chambers push against it once they are inflated and increase the pressure
To what pressure do you inflate the hose inflation kit?
3 bar
What knot is used the fix the rescue line to the inside of the bag?
A re-roved figure of eight
What class of water are we now qualified to work in?
Class 2
What is an ‘Eddy Fence’?
A visible line of turbulent water that needs to be crossed in order to enter or exit an Eddy
What are the 4 characteristics of moving water?
1) Powerful
2) Relentless
3) Predictable
4) Lazy
When tying a ‘NO KNOT’ which way should it be wound around the anchor?
So that the drag pushes it against the anchor rather than pulling it away
Where is the slowest water on a bend found?
On the inside of the bend
What is a ‘SYPHON’?
A constriction such as a drain or a pipe which attracts a high level of water pressure
‘Easy Rapids, clear channels with a risk of bumps and bruises’ describes what class of water; 1,2,3 or 4?
What is a ‘CUSHION WAVE’?
An unmoving area of surface turbulence (wave) which indicates a solid object below the surface of the water which goes all the way to the bottom.
A velocity of 3 meters per second is the equivalent of: A) a slow walk or B) a fast walk?
B) a fast walk
What hand signal should be used to ‘release the line’?
The cut sign, flat hand drawn across the neck
What is a ‘LILLY PAD’?
A small area of land surrounded by flood water
What does IRP stand for?
Inflatable Rescue Path
The ‘fire boat’ carries a 5m IRP, what length are the 3 carried on the FRU?
2 meters
Which is stronger New or Old ice?
The IRPs have how many chambers?
Do we adopt the water rescue Hierarchy when working on unstable surfaces?
Hydrostatic Squeeze can cause cardiac arrest so what is the best position for the casualty once rescued?
Horizontal, preferably feet first if in the rescue boat as this elevates them.
How many mm’s of ice can trap you; 15,20 or 25?
What is the average normal core temperature for a person?
37 degrees Celsius
Most traumatic injuries occur within 3m’s of the bank so personnel must be kept to a minimum, what must they wear?
Full PPE
‘Cold Water Shock’ can occur at relatively warm temperatures, what does the body do when this occurs?
There is an involuntary gasp for air followed by breathing that the casualty cannot control
Drowning can occur up to 72 hours after an incident, what are the four symptoms that would require the casualty to be transported to hospital?
1) Are Unconscious
2) Have inhaled Water
3) Have difficultly breathing or coughing
4) Have Foam around the mouth or nose
There are 2 types of operation; RESCUE and RECOVERY what is the recognised timescale between the two?
90 minutes from a casualties ‘confirmed’ time of entry in to the water
What is the hand signal that a rescuer wants to stop moving when carrying out a downstream ‘V’ rescue?
Both hands straight up
What may be used to tension a line if a rope grab is not available?
A prusik line
What is the third stage of the Hierarchy of Rescue?
It is an ‘Absolute’ that you should have upstream spotters but what should they have been briefed to spot? (4)
1) Further Casualties
2) Floating Debris
3) Changes in flow conditions
4) Other River Users (Traffic)
Only the IC (Safety Officer) can start a rescue. Who can stop one?
Any Personnel taking part
What is the 4th element of the Hierarchy of Rescue?
Ironically the ‘Hot Zone’ is the water, what/where is the warm zone?
3 meters from the ‘fall point’ to the water, this forms the inner cordon
What is number one on the list of ‘Absolutes’ of water rescue?
Never let Urgency and Emotion drive a decision
Air may be pumped into mud in an attempt to loosen a casualty using the mud lance, what might be used to pump water for the same purpose?
An extinguisher
What is element number 5 in the Hierarchy of Rescue?
Row (ERB)
As with RTC’s an IC must always have a what?
Plan B
What is ‘Laminar flow?’
A layered water flow where the fastest water is nearest the surface and the middle of the current
What is the 6th element of the Hierarchy of Rescue?
‘GO/TOW’ tethered ERB
When using ‘tensioned lines’ what must you never do?
Stand in the bight
A recovery line must never be tensioned at what angle to the current vector and why?
90 Degrees because the strain that would be placed on the line, it would also likely hold the casualty in the current (ideally aim for 45 degrees or less)
Why might a weir affect buoyancy?
The white water is 40-60% Air
What is the 7th element in the Hierarchy of Rescue?
Helo - Helicopter
How much force does 1 meter cubed of water exert?
1 metric Tonne
SAR and NPAS helicopters have thermal imaging and FLIR, what does FLIR stand for?
Foreword Looking Infrared
Given the Hierarchy of Rescue what is the best type of plan?
One executed from the bank.
There are many waterborne diseases, what do police divers do when they are aware that they have consumed potentially contaminated water?
Drink 2 litres of Coke, it is believed to create a gastric environment difficult for the bacteria to survive in.
How can you adjust the ‘trim’ of the ERB?
By moving backwards or forwards in the boat (raising the bow or stern)
What is a ‘surface dive’ and how do we use it?
A dive which skims the water surface (hands over face) used to reduce the swimming distance in strong currents.
During the ‘Talk’ (1st element of Rescue Hierarchy) stage what information should be gathered from the casualty? (4)
1) Are there any other casualties?
2) Are they injured?
3) Are they trapped?
4) How long have they been there?
Can we always ‘wade’ when the water is below knee height?
No. 15cm’s of fast water can be to strong to stand in.
What is the difference between a ‘PAN PAN’ and a ‘MAYDAY’ distress signal?
A ‘PAN-PAN’ (possible assistance needed) signals an urgent but not life threatening need for help requiring a more localised response. MAYDAY will see a drop everything response from every vessel receiving it.
When can an IRB be committed to the Thames?
When escorted by the fire boat, or equivalent, and only with correct Radio
Can an IRB cross the Thames?
Yes if escorted but unlikely as they are underpowered and will be unable to cross at 90 degrees
What is an ‘ENGLISH REEVE’ and what is it used for?
A tensioned line pulley system that crosses the flow and is roved to advantage. It is fastened to a bridle on the front of the ERB and used for moving the ERB up and down and from side to side in conjunction with 2 throw lines attached to the D rings at the Stern
When might it be necessary to tie an ‘ALPINE BUTTERFLY’?
When rigging the ‘BRIDLE’ for the IRB for a Norwegian or English reeve
What is the difference between an ‘ENGLISH REEVE’ and a ‘NORWEGIAN REEVE’?
There is no throw line attached to the ‘BEARS PAW’ for the opposite bank in the Norwegian Reeve
Which part of the IRB is the ‘TRANSOM’?
The board on the stern where the motor is mounted.
Gold, Silver and Bronze form the command structure for a major flooding. What do they each control?
Gold - Strategy
Silver - Tactics
Bronze - Operations
It is an ‘ABSOLUTE’ that boats can only be used if?
There is a ‘swim out’ or a failsafe system is in place
Who comes last in the Absolute of priority of care?
The Casualty
What type of team will ‘Water Rescue Technicians’ be in at a flooding emergency?
Type ‘B’
How many team members are there in a ‘B’ team and how can you identify the team leader?
7 and they will be wearing a white helmet
Who wears a ‘PINK and YELLOW’ tabard at a flooding event?
The Sector Commanders
Who wears the ‘PINK’ tabard?
The IC
Why have I not asked a series of questions about TEMPO?
Because it’s one of those stupid made up words that doesn’t actually help you remember the list as it’s constituent parts don’t really fit the meaning
What is the overriding principle of flood rescue planning?
‘Any tactic can not exceed the capabilities of those carrying it out’
What are the 4 phases of a major flooding incident?
1) Pre Flood
2) Flash Flood
3) Expansion
4) Recovery
It is an ABSOLUTE that you must have multiple down stream safety. What level in the Hierarchy of Rescue should they be?
Equal to or greater than the rescue
Who must you never give a throw line to?
Feet facing downstream and together with legs slightly bent
Which Maritime VHF channel is used by the fire boat to communicate with the Police boat and RNLI while using search patterns on the Thames?
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