Performance Improvements From Anaerobic Training - Muscular Strength
Mean strength increases in: 40% - untrained 20% - moderately trained 16% - trained 10% - advanced 2% - elite
Increased recruitment of higher-order motor units.
Type IIx change to Type IIa reflects increased fatigue resistance at similar force outputs.
Performance Improvements From Anaerobic Training - Power
Loads for peak power outputs maximized at:
Jump squat = 0% 1RM (bodyweight). Can be maximized at 30-60% 1RM squat.
Back Squat = 56% 1RM
Power Clean = 80% 1RM
Ballistic Bench Press Throw = 46-62% 1RM bench press.
Performance Improvements From Anaerobic Training - Local Muscular Endurance
Improved oxidative and buffering capacity.
Fiber type transitions from Type IIx to Type IIb.
Increased mitochondrial and capillary numbers.
Increased resistance to fatigue.
Increased metabolic enzyme activity.
Performance Improvements From Anaerobic Training - Body Composition
RT increases fat-free mass and reduces BF% up to 9%.
Increased lean tissue mass.
Increased daily metabolic rate.
Increased energy expenditure.
Performance Improvements From Anaerobic Training - Flexibility
Potentially can have positive effect on flexibility, and a combination of RT and stretching appears to be the most effective method to improve flexibility with increasing muscle mass.
Performance Improvements From Anaerobic Training - Aerobic Capacity
Doesn’t no significantly affect aerobic capacity.
High volume and short rest programs (circuit training) improve VO2max.
Performance Improvements From Anaerobic Training - Motor Performance
Increases in:
Running economy. Vertical jump. Sprint speed. Tennis serve velocity. Swinging and throwing velocity. Kicking performance.
Tendon change from Anaerobic Training
Increased collagen fiber diameter (hypertrophy).
Greater number of covalent cross-links within the hypertrophied fiber.
Increased number of collagen fibrils.
Increased packing density of collagen.
Heavy RT (80% 1RM) increases tendon stiffness.
Collectively, these adaptations increase tendon’s ability too withstand greater tensional forces.
Ventilatory Response to Anaerobic Training
Unaffected or moderately improved.
Significantly elevated during RT (greatest during the first minute).
Effected largely by rest intervals (30s-1min).
Increased tidal volume and breathing frequency during maximal anaerobic exercise.
During sub maximal anaerobic exercise, breathing frequency is reduced while tidal volume remains increased.
Improved ventilation efficiency (shown by ventilatory equivalent for oxygen).
Acute Anabolic Hormone Responses - Testosterone, GH, Cortisol (even though it’s mostly catabolic)
Elevations are greatest with large muscle mass exercises or during moderate-high intensity/volume with short rest..
There are high correlations between blood lactate (from anaerobic exercise), GH and cortisol. Thus, H+ might influence GH and cortisol release.
Acute Anabolic Hormone Responses - IGF-I
Mediates GH.
Delayed response and is dependent upon acute GH response.
Acute Anabolic Hormone Responses - Insulin
Mostly effected by nutritional before, during, and after; not by the anaerobic training stimulus.
Acute Anabolic Hormone Responses - Catecholamines
Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine
Reflect acute demands of anaerobic training.
Increases in concentrations important for regulating for production, muscle contractions rate, energy availability, and augmentation of other hormones (i.e. testosterone).
Chronic Changes in Resting Hormone Concentrations
No changes in resting concentrations.
Resting concentrations reflect the current state of the muscle tissue from changes in the training program.
Acute Cardiovascular Responses During Anaerobic Training - HR, SV, Cardiac Output, BP, Intrathoracic Pressure
Increased HR.
Increased Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output (mostly during eccentric; especially with Valsalva maneuver).
Increase BP and Intrathoracic Pressure (highest during concentric; especially during the “sticking point”).
Factors increasing blow flow to working muscles
Length of time of the effort (i.e. number of reps).
Size of the muscle mass activated.
Heavy RT effect on Blood Flow to working muscles
Decreases blood to working muscles as a result of contracted muscle tissue clamping down on capillaries and creating localized occlusion (closing blood vessels).
20% or greater of maximal voluntary contraction impede peripheral blood flow.
This lack of blood flow (and subsequent increase in metabolites such as H+ and reduced pH) during heavy RT is a potent stimulus for muscle growth.
Anaerobic Training and Chronic Cardiovascular Adaptations at Rest
Short-term RT has been shown to decrease resting HR by 5-12%.
Long-term training doesn’t reduce it much more than that.
Adaptation of Myotatic Reflex from Anaerobic Training
Reflex (muscle spindles or stretch reflex) response of the neuromuscular system and enhances the magnitude and rate of force development.
Harnesses involuntary elastic properties of the muscle and connective tissue and acts to positively increase force production without any additional energy requirements.