Chapter 5 - Adaptations to Anaerobic Training Programs Flashcards
Anaerobic Training
High-intensity, intermittent bouts off exercise.
Requires ATP to be regenerated at a faster rate than the aerobic energy system is cable of.
Includes Anaerobic alactic (phosphogen or creatine phosphate system) and Anaerobic lactic (glycolytic) systems.
Physiological Adaptations to Resistance Training:
Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Aerobic Power Maximal Rate of Force Prod. Vertical Jump Anaerobic Power Sprint Speed Fiber Size Capillary Density Mitochondrial Density Stored ATP Stored Creatine Stored Glycogen BF% Fat Free Mass %
Muscular Strength: Increases. Muscular Endurance: Increases for high power output. Aerobic Power: No change or increase slightly. Maximal Rate of Force Prod.: Increases. Vertical Jump: Increases ability. Anaerobic Power: Increases. Sprint Speed: Improves. Fiber Size: Increases. Capillary Density: No change or Decreases. Mitochondrial Density: Decreases. Stored ATP: Increases. Stored Creatine: Increases. Stored Glycogen: Increases. BF%: Decreases. Fat Free Mass %: Increases.
Neural Adaptations of Anaerobic Training
May elicit adaptations along the neuromuscular chain, beginning in the higher brain centers and continuing down too the level of individual muscle fibers.
Central Adaptations
Motor cortex activity increases when the level of force developed increases and when new exercises or movements are being learned.
Many neural changes with anaerobic training take place along the defending corticospinal tracts.
Adaptations of Motor Units
Maximal strength and power increases of agonist muscles result from an increase in recruitment, rate of firing, synchronization of firing, or a combination of these factors.
Adaptations from Heavy RT
All muscle fibers get larger (hypertrophy) because they’re all recruited in consecutive order by their size to produce high levels of force.
In advanced lifters, the CNS might adapt by allowing these athletes to recruit some motor units not in consecutive order, but by recruiting larger ones first to help with greater production of power or speed in a movement.
Size Principle
Low-threshold motor units are recruited first and have lower force capabilities than higher-threshold motor units.
Typically, to get high-threshold motor units, the body must first recruit lower-threshold motor units.
Exceptions exist with respect to explosive, ballistic contractions that can selectively recruit high-threshold units to rapidly achieve Moore force and power.
Neuromuscular Junction changes from Anaerobic Training
Increased area of NMJ.
More dispersed, irregularly shaped synapses and a greater total length of nerve terminal branching.
Increased end-plate perimeter length and area, as well as greater dispersion of acetylcholine receptors pithing the end-plate region.
Neuromuscular Reflex Potentiation (muscle spindles or stretch reflex)
Anaerobic Training may enhance reflex response, thus enhancing the magnitude and rate of force development.
Anaerobic Training and Electromyography (EMG) Studies
An increase in EMG indicates greater neural activation.
Studies have shown strength and power increases of up to 73%.
Advancement in training contributes to further gains in strength and power.
Dramatic increases in neural adaptations take place in the training program.
Additional EMG Studies and Anaerobic Training
Cross-education: muscle undergoing unilateral RT produces increased strength and neural activity in the contralateral resting muscle.
Bilateral Deficits in untrained: force produced when both limbs contract together is lower than the sum of the forces they produce when contracting unilaterally.
Bilateral Facilitation in training or stronger individuals: increase in voluntary activation of the agonist muscle groups occur.
Change in muscle activity of the antagonists during agonists movements, as the antagonists provide protection and increase joint stability.
Muscular Adaptations - MUSCLE GROWTH
Muscle hypertrophy refers to muscular enlargement from an increase in cross-sectional area of the existing fibers.
Hyperlasia results in an increase in the number of muscle fibers via longitudinal fiber splitting.
Process of hypertrophy involves booth an increase in synthesis of contractile proteins within myofibril and an increase in number of myofibrils within muscle fiber. New myofilaments are added to external layers of the myofibril, resulting in an increase in its diameter.
Muscular Adaptations - FIBER SIZE CHANGES
RT results in increases in both Type I and Type II muscle fiber area.
Type II fibers have greater increases in size than Type I.
Muscular Adaptations - FIBER TYPE TRANSITIONS
Fiber type continuum: IIx, IIax, IIa, IIac, IIc, Ic, I.
Transitions occur during training.
This means that a shift of the type of myosin adensosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and heavy chains takes place during training.
Changes in fast-twitch fibers not linked to rate of changes in muscle fiber cross-sectional area.
Transformations from IIx to IIa can be seen, and then small percentages change to IIac and IIc.
Exercises that recruit motor units with Type IIx muscle fibers initiate a shift toward IIa fibers.
RT increases myofibrillar volume, cytoplasmic density, sarcoplasmic reticulum and T-tubule density, and sodium-potassium ATPase activity.
Sprint training enhances calcium release.
RT increases angle of pennation.
Other Muscular Adaptations of Anaerobic Training
Reduced Mitochondrial Density
Decreased Capillary Density
Increased Buffering Capacity (acid-base balance).
Changes in muscle substrate content and enzyme activity.
Bone Modeling
Application of a longitudinal weight-bearing force causes the bone to bend, creating a stimulus for new bone formation at the regions experiencing the greatest deformation.
Osteoblasts lay down additional collagen fibers.
Previously dormant osteoblasts migrate to the area experiencing the strain
The collagen fibers become mineralized, and the bone diameter effectively increases.
General Bone Physiology
Trabecular bone responses more rapidly to stimuli than does cortical bone.
Minimal essential strain (MES) is the threshold stimulus that initiates new bone.
MES is approx. 1/10 of the force required to fracture bone.
Force equal to or exceed threshold stimulus initiate new bone formation in area experiencing mechanical strain.
Anaerobic Training and Bone Growth
Muscle strength and hypertrophy gains increase the force exerted on the bones, which may result in a corresponding increase in bone mineral density (BMD) or the quantity of mineral deposited in a given area of bone.
Principles of Training to Increase Bone Strength
Magnitude of thee load (intensity).
Rate (speed) of loading.
Direction of the forces.
Volume of loading (number of repetitions).
How can Athletes Stimulate Bone Formation?
Exercises that directly load particular regions of the skeleton.
Structural exercises to direct force vectors through the spine and hip and allow the use of greater absolute loads in training.
Overload musculoskeletal system and progressively increase load as tissues become accustomed to strain.
Vary exercise selection to change distribution of force vectors.
Program design to stimulate new bone formation should incorporate concepts of specificity oof loading, proper exercise selection, progressive overload, and variation. Should be structural and weight bearing.
Adaptations of Tendons, Ligaments, and Fascia to Anaerobic Training
Primary growth for all is mechanical forces during exercise.
Degree of tissue adaptation is proportional to intensity of exercise.
Consistant anaerobic exercise that exceeds strain threshold stimulates connective tissue changes.
Primary structural component of all connective tissue is collagen fiber (Type 1 for bone, tendons, and ligaments and Type 2 for cartilage)
Sites where connective tissue can increase strength and load-bearing capacity
Junctions between tendon (and ligament) and bone surface.
Within body of thee tendon or ligament.
Network of fascia within skeletal muscle.
Specific tendinous changes that contribute to size and strength increases
Increase in collagen fibril diameter.
Greater number of covalent cross-links within hypertrophied fiber.
Increase in number of collagen fibrils.
Increase in packing density of collagen fibrils.
How can Athletes Stimulate Connective Tissue Adaptations? Tendons, Ligaments, and Fascia.
Longterm adaptations ini tendons, ligaments, and fascia are stimulated through progressive high-intensity loading patterns using external resistances.
High-intensity loads should be used, as low to moderate intensities do not markedly change collagen content of connective tissue.
Forces should be exerted throughout full joint ROM. and with multiple-joint exercises.
Main function of Cartilage
Provide smooth joint articulating surface (hyaline cartilage).
Shock absorber for joint.
Aid in attachment of connective tissue (tendons) to bone (fibrous cartilage).
Cartilage Adaptations to Anaerobic Training
Not fully explained yet.
Genetics most likely play a greater role in determining cartilage adaptations.
Dense connective tissue capable of withstanding considerable force w/o damage to tis structure.
Lacks its own blood supply and must depend on diffusion of O2 and nutrients from synovial fluid. Therefore, joint mobility is linked with joint health.
Movement about joints creates changes in pressure in the joint capsule that drive nutrients from the synovial fluid toward articular cartilage of joint.
How can Athletes Stimulate Connective Tissue Adaptations? Cartilage.
Moderate-intensity anaerobic exercise seems to be adequate for increasing cartilage thickness. Strenuous exercise does not appear to cause any degenerative joint disease when progressively overloaded appropriately.
Tissue viability can be maintained by adopting a variety of exercise modalities and ensuring that load is applied throughout ROM.
Endocrine Response and Adaptations to Anaerobic Training
Acute Anabolic Hormonal Responses.
Chronic Changes in Acute Hormonal Response.
Chronic Changes in Resting Hormonal Concentrations.
Hormone Receptor Changes.
Acute Anabolic Hormonal Responses
Critical for exercise performance and subsequent training adaptations.
Upregulation of anabolic hormone receptors is important for mediating the hormonal effects.
Chronic Changes in the Resting Hormonal Concentrations
Consistent chronic changes in resting hormonal concentrations are less likely.
Likely reflect current state of muscle tissue in response to substantial changes to training program.
Elevation during and post-workout present receptors with enough stimulus to affect tissue remodeling w/o need for chronic elevations in basal concentrations.
Hormone Receptor Changes
RT has been shown to up regulate androgen receptor content within 48 to 72 hours after the workout.
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Responses to Anaerobic Exercise
Acute Cardio Responses to Anaerobic Exercise.
Chronic Cardio Adaptations at Rest.
Chronic Adaptations of Acute Cardio Response to Anaerobic Exercise.
Ventilatory Response to Anaerobic Exercise.
Acute Cardio Responses to Anaerobic Exercise
An acute bout of anaerobic exercise significantly increases cardio responses, especially if the individual uses the Valsalva maneuver (sticking point).
Acute anaerobic exercise results in increased cardiac output, stroke volume, heart rate, O2 uptake, systolic blood pressure, and blood flow to active muscles.
Chronic Cardio Adaptations at Rest
Anaerobic training leads to decreases or no change in resting HR and BP.
RT alters cardiac dimensions (increased L ventricle wall thickness, but not if expressed in relative to body surface area or lean body mass).
SV will increases lean tissue mass during long-term resistance.
Rate-Pressure product (HR x Systolic BP; measure of myocardial work) has been shown to either remain constant or decrease following RT.
Chronic Adaptations of the Acute Cardio Response to Anaerobic Exercise
Chronic RT reduces cardiovascular response to an acute bout of resistance exercise of a given absolute intensity or workload.
Ventilatory Response to Anaerobic Exercise
Ventilation generally doesn’t limit resistance exercise and is either unaffected or only moderately improved by anaerobic training.
With RT, ventilation significantly increases during each set, but the increase is even greater during the first minute of recovery.
Highest increases occur with short rest (30-60s)
Training adaptations include increased tidal volume and breathing frequency with maximal exercise.
With submaximal activity, breathing frequency is reduced and tidal volume is is increased.
Compatibility of Aerobic and Anaerobic Modes of Training
Combining resistance and aerobic training may interfere with strength and power gains primarily if the aerobic endurance training is high in intensity, volume, and frequency.
No adverse effects on aerobic power result from heavy resistance exercise.
Areas of Performance Improvements from Anaerobic Exercise
Muscular Strength Power Local Muscular Endurance Body Comp. Flexibility Aerobic Capacity (not much improvement) Motor Performance
Performance Improvements from Anaerobic Exercise - Muscular Strength
Review of 100+ studies showed mean strength increased approx. 40% (untrained), 20% (moderate trained), 16% (trained), 10% (advanced), 2% (elite) over periods of 4 weeks - 2 years.
Heavier loads most effective for fiber recruitment.
Effects of training are related to type of exercise, intensity, and volume.
With trained athletes, higher intensity and volume of exercise are needed in order for adaptations to continue.
Performance Improvements from Anaerobic Exercise - Power
Heavy RT with slow velocities of movement leads primarily to improvements in maximal strength, whereas power training (lifting light-to-moderate loads at high velocities) increases force output at higher velocities and rate of force development.
Peak power output is maximized during the jump squat with higher loads corresponding to 30% to 60% of squat 1RM.
Peak power in the squat is maximized at 56% of 1RM and in the power clean at 80%.
For upper body, peak power output can be maximized during the ballistic bench press throw using loads corresponding to 46% to 62% of 1RM bench press.
Performance Improvements from Anaerobic Exercise - Local Muscular Endurance
Cross-sectional data in anaerobic athletes have shown enhanced muscular endurance and subsequent muscular adaptions consistent with improved oxidative and buffering capacity.
Skeletal muscle adaptations to anaerobic muscular endurance training include increased mitochondrial and capillary number, fiber type transitions (from Type IIx to Type IIb), buffering capacity, resistance to fatigue, and metabolic enzyme activity.
Performance Improvements from Anaerobic Exercise - Body Comp.
RT can increase fat-free mass and reduce body fat by 1%-9%.
Increases in lean tissue mass, daily metabolic rate, and energy expenditure during exercise are outcomes of RT.
Performance Improvements from Anaerobic Exercise - Flexibility
Anaerobic training potentially can have a positive impact on flexibility, primarily if the individual has poor flexibility to begin with.
The combination of RT and stretching appears to be thee most effective method to improve flexibility with increasing muscle mass.
Performance Improvements from Anaerobic Exercise - Aerobic Capacity
Heavy RT does not significantly affect aerobic capacity unless the individual is initially deconditioned.
The exception is in relatively untrained people, who can experience increases in VO2max ranging fro 5%-8% as a result of RT.
Circuit Training and programs using high volume and short rest periods (30s or less) have been shown to improve VO2max.
Performance Improvements from Anaerobic Exercise - Motor Performance
Anaerobic training enhances motor performance; the magnitude of change is based on the specificity of the exercises or modalities performed.
RT has been shown to increase running economy, vertical jump, sprint speed, tennis serve velocity, swinging and throwing velocity, and kicking performance.
Excessive frequency, volume, or intensity of training that results in extreme fatigue, illness, or injury ( which is often due to lack of sufficient rest, recovery, and perhaps nutrient intake).
Excessive training on a short-term basis.
Recovery typical in few days or weeks of rest.
Can be programmed if followed by a taper in order to allow for “supercompensation” in performance.
Markers of Anaerobic Overtraining
Decreased desire to train, decreased joy from training (all psychological effects).
Acute epinephrine and norepinephrine increases beyond normal exercise-induced levels (sympathetic overtraining syndrome).
Performance decrement, although these occur too late to be a good predictor.
Nonfunctional Overreaching (NFOR)
When intensification of a training stimulus continues without adequate recovery and regeneration, and athlete can evolve into a state of extreme overreaching, aka NFOR.
Mistakes that can lead to anaerobic overtraining
Chronic use of high intensity or high volume or a combination of the two.
Too rapid a rate of progression.
Hormonal markers of anaerobic overtraining
Acute epinephrine and norepinephrine increases beyond normal exercise induced levels.
Increased sympathetic activity at rest (Sympathetic Overtraining Syndrome)
Increased parasympathetic activity at rest (Parasympathetic Syndrome).
Psychological Factors in Overtraining
Psychological alterations are often observed before actual decrements.
Possible Symptoms of Overtraining
Unexplained underperformance. Persistant fatigue. Increased sense of effort during training. Disordered sleep patterns. Loss of appetite.
Possible errors in design of training program leading to overtraining
Training volume increased significantly (<5%)
Training intensity increased significantly.
Training monotony present.
High number of frequency of competitions.
Confounding factors of overtraining
Psychological signs and symptoms (higher RPE).
Social factors (family, relationships, work, finances, coach, team, etc.).
Recent or multiple time zone travel.
Athlete’s common exclusion criteria leading to overtraining
Confounding illness. Anemia. Infectious disease. Muscle damage (high CK levels). Endocrine disorders (diabetes, catecholamines, adrenal, thyroid). Major eating disorders. Biological abnormalities. Musculoskeletal injury. Cardiologic symptoms. Adult-onset asthma. Allergies.
Term given to a decrement in performance and loss of the accumulated physiological adaptations following the cessation of anaerobic training or when there is a substantial reduction in frequency, volume, intensity, or any combination of these variables.
Magnitude of detraining
Loss of physiological adaptations depend on length of detraining period as well as initial training status of the individual.
Highly trained athletes: ecc. force and sport specific power may decline significantly faster.
Oxidative fibers may increase in strength-trained athletes (decrease in endurance athletes) within 8-weeks of stopping training.
Muscle fiber cross-sectional area declines rapidly in strength and sprint athletes
(mainly fast-twitch fibers initially; no immediate change in slow-twitch fibers).
Development of Anaerobic Overtraining – Stages and Time of Recovery
Acute Fatigue -- Day(s) Functional Overreaching (FOR) -- Days/Weeks Nonfunctional Overreaching (NFOR) -- Weeks/Months Overtraining Syndrome (OTS) -- Months/Years
Ventilatory Equivalent for Oxygen
Ratio of air ventilated:oxygen used by tissues.
An untrained muscle undergoing unilateral resistance training produces increased strength and neural activity in the contralateral (opposite side) resting muscle.
This increase in strength accompanied by greater EMG in the limb, suggesting that a central neural adaptation accounts for the majority of the strength gains.
Bilateral Deficit
Mostly untrained individuals.
Force produced when both limbs contract together is lower than the sum of the forces they produce when contracting unilaterally.
EMG activity is lower during these kinds of bilateral contractions, suggesting neural aspects play a part.
Reduced with long-term bilateral training.
Bilateral Facilitation
Trained and stronger individuals.
Increased voluntary activation of the agonist muscle groups during unilateral movements.
Unilateral exercises SHOULD NOT be considered in trained individuals, as they may reduce bilateral force production.
Time for strength gains to be less from neural adaptations, and more from hypertrophy
First 6-10 weeks: Neural Adaptations.
>10 weeks: Hypertrophy.