Il condizionale Flashcards
sarei [felice]
I would be [happy]
saresti [felice]
you would be [happy]
sarebbe [bello]
it would be [great]
sarei partito
I would have left
sarei andato
I would have gone
sarei stato
I would have been
saresti stato
You would have been
I would have
You would have
It would have
avrei potuto
I could have
avrei dovuto
I should have
avrei fatto lo stesso
I would have done the same
avrei potuto andare
I could have gone
saresti dovuto andare
You should have gone
potrei essere
I could be
potrei esserci fra 10 min
I could be there in 10 min
potresti esserci fra 10 min?
Could you be there in 10 min?
potrebbe essere
It could be
potrei avere
I could have
Avrei potuto essere lì
I could have [been there]
dovrei essere
I should be