IFSTA Company Officer Flashcards
_______ refers to the legal ability of an individual to make and implement decisions for which the individual is held accountable.
Decisions made by one person at the top of the structure describes _____ authority.
Decisions are made at a lower level with the effects of the decisions reported through the structure describes _____ authority.
______ is the process of providing subordinates with the authority, direction, and resources needed to complete an assignment.
_________ means that each person within an organization reports to one, and only one designated authority.
Unity of Command
What is the path of responsibility from the top of the organization to the bottom and vice versa?
Chain of Command
What is an organizational principle that allows workers to report to more than one supervisor?
Functional Supervision
The number of subordinates that one individual can effectively supervise describes what?
Span of Control
Span of Control typical range?
NIMS-ICS optimal span of control.
1 to 5
Dividing large jobs into smaller tasks that are assigned to specific individuals describes what?
Division of Labor
Notifying ones supervisor that one wishes to take an issue to the supervisors supervisor describes what?
Skip Level Notification
Going around a link in the chain of command to deal with an issue describes what?
This leadership style provides clear directions of what, how, and when tasks will be performed.
________ inspires confidence from subordinates, the administration and the public.
Command Presense
________ is a system of moral principles.
What principles define what is correct and proper behavior for the members of society?
Personal _________ determine what an individual believes about morality and right and wrong.
_________ is a critical variable influencing career success, personal achievement, and life satisfaction.
Emotional Intelligence
What is the process of directing, overseeing, and controlling the activities of other individuals.
What refers to the administration and control of projects, programs, situations, or organizations.
Supervising fire officer (all company officers)
Level 1, 2, 3 or 4
Managing fire officer (battalion, district, and assistant chiefs)
Level 1, 2, 3 or 4
Administrative fire officer (admin chiefs)
Level 1, 2, 3 or 4
Executive fire officer (chief of department)
Level 1, 2, 3 or 4
Who will be held responsible for their own actions, commands, and decisions as well as for the actions of their subordinates?
Company Officers
Who’s priorities are based on the mission of the organization and the services it provides?
Company Officer
Angry or emotional individuals will not hear ________ solutions to problems.
When brainstorming is used in the problem solving process, ______ has a voice.
_________ assists in identifying and resolving personal, behavioral, or career problems that are adversely affecting an individuals performance.
_______ uses a positive role model to better prepare individuals for their roles and responsibilities within an organization.
________ is the process of controlling or directing available resources for the purposes of achieving a goal or objective through the use of authority or persuasion.
What management function creates:
a mission statement
sets goals and objectives
Develops tactical plans for accomplishing a specific objective.
What management function coordinates tasks and resources to accomplish the units goals and objectives.
What management function guides, influences, inspires and motivates employees to achieve goals and objectives within a group?
What management function establishes and implements mechanisms to ensure the objectives are attained. Sets performance standards and measure the actual performance.
What is an evaluation method that incorporates feedback from multiple sources such as the worker, his/her peers, superiors, subordinates and customers?
360 degree feedback evolution
What is an individuals ability to correctly perceive and label their own and others emotions?
Emotional Intelligence
Who must consider the safety, health, and well being of their personnel above all else?
Company Officers
What type of conflict behavior:
Occurs when people hide their own emotions so that others do not know how they feel. The goal of this is to appease others and avoid conflict at all costs.
What type of conflict behavior:
occurs when people express their emotions openly and use threatening behaviors toward people or objects that violate the rights of others.
What type of conflict behavior:
Occurs when people express negative feelings, resentment, and aggression in unassertive, passive ways.
What type of conflict behavior:
occurs when people express their emotions honestly and defend their rights without hurting others.
It is best to resolve _______ as soon as it occurs.
The longer a company officer waits to confront a problem, the _______ it will be to find a solution.
What has been defined as training that corrects?
The main purpose of _________ is to educate and change behavior
What type of discipline starts with training/education
Progressive discipline involves what 3 levels?
Preventative, corrective, punitive
What is a complaint against management by one or more personnel concerning an actual, alleged, or perceived injustice?
Interpersonal Communication Basics:
What is the content that the sender is trying to communicate?
The message
Interpersonal Communication Basics:
Who are the individuals with whom the sender is attempting to communicate?
Interpersonal Communication Basics:
What is anything that prevents the receiver from understanding the message?
Determining the audience, scope and purpose is the first step in doing what?
Writing any document
A ______ is used to determine organizational decision making.
A ______ is a detailed plan of action that is similar and closely related to a policy.
At an emergency scene, what is the preferred route of communication?
Direct, face to face
What type of radios are operated from a departments telecommunications center?
Base RAdio
What type of radios are mounted in a response vehicle?
What type of radios are handheld?
What type of system receives a signal from a radio, boosts its power and transmits the signal?
Repeater system
___________ is the ability of a system to work with and use the parts or equipment of another system.
What does it mean to use clear text?
Plain English on the radio
Internal employees, external beneficiaries and stakeholders are often referred to as _________ by fire organizations.
Customer _______ indicates how well an organization meets or exceeds the expectations of the community it serves.
Employees and members of the organization, including emergency personnel, admin staff and officers.
Internal or External customers
Members of the general population within the service area.
Internal or External Customers
________ customers should be allowed to participate in the decision making process at meetings.
What is a broad term that incorporates all programs that protect the public using protection, prevention, and education?
Community Risk Reduction
A public relations program _________ the organization to the community,
What determines if current policies are effective and enforceable, or if the lack of policies has caused problems.
Policy Analysis
When does a policy analysis occur?
When an organization is experiencing internal difficulty
What provides a consistent point of reference that helps all organizational members perform to a measurable standard?
Company officers must communicate any concerns or problems with policies and procedures to their ________
At an emergency incident, orders and directives are considered ________.
What type of budget includes projected major expenses?
Capital Budget
What type of budget includes items that cost more than a specified amount and are elected to last more than a year?
Capital Budget
Fire apparatus, vehicles, equipment and facilities are usually a __________ budget item.
What budget is used to pay for the recurring expenses of day-to-day operations including personnel salary and benefits?
Operational Budget
What is the single biggest expense of the operating budget?
Salary and Benefits
Personnel costs may be as much as _____ percent of the budget.
Utilities, office supplies, fuel, janitorial supplies are part of what budget?
The external review is the _________ review the budget-request document receives.
Based on citizen interests or concerns, the budget may be ________
What defines the needs of the organization and allows manufacturers or authorized distributors to decide if they can meet bid specs.
Request for proposal
What maintenance is usually performed according to a pre-determined schedule to prevent damage, reduce wear, and extend the life of an item?
Preventative Maintenence
______ ______ and repairs are often the result of an unforeseen event.
Corrective maintenance
The decision to repair or replace an item is often based on its ________ record and life _______.
Maintenance, Expectancy
What are the basis for planning and justifying budget requests?
Activity Records
What type of records include training, performance, attendance, hazardous materials exposure, and medical records?
Personnel Records
Why must personnel records be kept current?
For emergencies or LODD’s
Personnel records are confidential with the exception of _______
Performance is documented and measured through individual job performance _________.
Hazard exposures and medical records must be maintained for ____ years after employment end.
What is the intranet?
Internal Network
Who has the ultimate responsibility or providing a safe workplace and protect employees from job-related injuries, illnesses and exposures?
Organizational Management
What is the most common cause of incident fatalities?
cardiac arrest
If an unsafe act occurs during on-scene operations, the company officer should address it _______.
During exposure reduction, do not use wipes that contain ______.
Regardless of conditions, company officers are always responsible for their drivers ________.
One of the best methods for providing a safe workplace is proper ________.
What is the process of identifying and analyzing the exposure to hazards?
Risk Management
__________ risk management evaluates risks and hazards that can effect the organization and provide control measures to reduce the frequency, severity, and probability of a negative event.
Risk reduction through ____ ______ is the most common method used to manage risk.
Control Measures
Three E’s of safety?
Engineering, education, enforcement
Which component of a risk management plan?
Conducted in the community, within the organization, and within the operational setting at emergency and non emergency incidents.
Risk Identification
Which component of a risk management plan?
Evaluated on their probability and potential for negative consequences, including the anticipated severity and frequency of occurrence.
Risk Evaluation
Which component of a risk management plan?
Determined by ranking the identified risks on the degree of severity and frequency of occurrence.
Establishment of priorities for action
Which component of a risk management plan?
Identified control measures for each significant risk.
Risk-Control techniques
Which component of a risk management plan?
Ongoing process to monitor the risk control measures. Recommendations for plan revision will be based on the monitoring process.
Risk Management monitoring
What NFPA standard provides guidance on yearly physicals?
Absorption rates increase _____ percent for every ______ degree rise in temperature.
400, 5
What areas have a high absorption rate?
groin, jaw, forehead, back
4 step method of instructing.
Preparation, presentation, application, evaluation.
What is a road map that guides the instructor, teacher, or company officer through a topic?
Lesson Plan
What is the act of showing how to do something or how something operates and is a basic means for teaching psychomotor skills?
NFPA 1403 reccomends an instructor to student ration of ____ to ____.
1, 5
______ are legal documents that govern activities at various levels of government.
What is a set of requirements that are similar to a standard, and these requirements are generally called prescriptive codes?
Model Code
Like standards, model codes are only enforceable when the _______ adopts them.
What 2 model code organizations in America?
What are the codes used by the department of defense called?
Unified Facilities Criteria
What refers to a document that a committee of experts has developed and agreed upon before publication?
Consensus Standard
Who develops and publishes the majority of the consensus standards concerning fire protection, electrical systems and life safety systems in the US?
Who is an independent, not-for-profit product safety testing and certification organization?
Underwriters Labratory