Identity Part 2 Flashcards
Binomial Nomenclature
- Genus name + Species Name
- Evolutionary Relationships with positive or negative traits
Species vs Subspecies
- Species: Can interbreed and produce viable offspring
- Subspecies: Different traits but can still interbreed
Reproductive Isolation and Separation
- Two species can mate without fertile offspring
Reproductive Isolation and Separation
Allopatric Speciation
- Separated by geography
Reproductive Isolation and Separation
Sympatric Speciation
- Separation/Isolation but can meet if wanted to
Reproductive Isolation and Separation
Types of Sympatric Isolation
- Prezygotic:
- Behavioral: Calls
- Temporal: Mating time
- Habitat
- Gamete/ZP3 incombatibility
- Postzygotic:
- Hybrid Inviability: No development of offspring
- Sterility: 0 fertile offspring
Reproductive Isolation and Separation
- Salamanders in California are same species but different subspecies
- Need to be polymorphic in gene pool for subspecies
- May become sep species with time and more genetic variation
Reproductive Isolation and Separation
Ernest Mayr
- Helped introduce subspecies after working with Birds of Paradise
- Was just a continum of one species adapting to different environment
Reproductive Isolation and Separation
Subspecies Criteria
- Polymorphic
- Geo Isolation but can interbreed
- Genetic Difference(75% Rule)
- Physically Different
* Human Races ≠ subspecies because doesn’t apply to 75% rule
Skin Color
What is it caused by?
- Melanocytes ==> Melanin(in Melanosomes)
- Transported to keratinocytes by tubes
Skin Color
Determination and Correlated to
- Types:
- Phenomelanin: Pink/Yellow
- Eumelanin: Brown/Black
- Amount of Melanin
- Number of Melanosomes
* Correlated to UV Radiation Levels
Evolution of Skin Color
Old Theory
- Started with chimps wit hwhite skin
- From Persistance Hunting, Sweating, and less hair, there was more need for melanin
- Problem: Cancer comes too late for evolution
Evolution of Skin Color
New Theory
- Because UV destroys Folate and Folic Acid, needs to increase melanin for dark skin
- Since UV needed for Vitamin D production
- Vitamin D needed for calcium absorption
- Decerased Vitamin D ==> Rickets
- As go away from equator:Decreased melanin for Vitamin D
- Balance between Vitamin D and Folate
Evolution of Skin Color
Folic Acid
- Prevent anemia in pregnancy
- Needed to make new cells and synthesize DNA
- Prevents spina bifida and hydrocephalus
- Needed for sperm production
Population Separation
How population separation(race) came to be
- Race Genetic Drift ==> Founder and Bottleneck Effect
- Genome ==> skin color ≠ genetic equality
Bias Systems
- Unconcious = 90%
- Automatic and Error Prone
- Conscious = 10%
- Effortful and Reliable
- Mental Framework of abstract concepts
- Social Schema: Certain traits for groups
Representativeness Heuristic
- Judge membership of someone based on how close they are to a certain schema
Anchoring Effect
- Reason to believe something
False Consensus Effect
- Surrounding yourself with others who agree with you
Just World Effect
- Believing the world is fair
- Helps us rationalize what happens to others
- Helps us think that our efforts will be rewarded
Fundamental Attributional Error
- Focusing on external factors and ignoring internal factors
Actor-Observer bias
- External affect us
- Internal affect others
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
- Treat someone based on bias which leads to proving bias
How different societies view success and failure
- Individualistic: Success = Internal vs Failure = External
- Collectivisitic: Success = External vs Failure = Internal
Ideological(Explicit) vs Implicit
- Nazis/KKK vs Unconcious
Problems with IAT
David Amodio and Patricia Devine
- Testing with Trivia and what parts they take
- How close they sit to a partners chair based on name sound
Problems with IAT
Phyiscian Implicit Bias
- Black recieve less analgesia b/c can tolerate less pain
- White more treatment
Evolutionary Causes for Implicit Bias
Group Reasons
- Outgroup Bias
- Reduced with religion which makes more people ingroup
Evolutionary Causes for Implicit Bias
Brain Reasons
- amygdala: Lights up with racial bias
- Non-stressful conditions = ventromedial PFC dampening
- Stressful = hypothalamus and amygdala activation
Evolutionary Causes for Implicit Bias
Tania Singer
- Mirror neurons when other people get hurt
- in the Anterior Singulate Cortex
Defining Race
Biology vs Societal
From Smith
- Bio = Similar
- Soc = Difference ==> judgement/stereotypes==> power
- also equal action of percieving others
Male vs Female Ethics
Biology at Birth
Male vs Female Ethics
- Psychiology
- Masculine / Feminine
Male vs Female Ethics
Gender Identity
Male vs Female Ethics
Gender Role
Societal Definition
Male vs Female Ethics
Sexual Orientation
Erotic Desire
Biological Separation of Males and Females
Wolffian Ducts
- Dev with Testosterone @ 6 weeks
Biological Separation of Males and Females
Müllerian Ducts
- Dev without Testosterone @ 6 weeks
Biological Separation of Males and Females
- < 74 genes
- Determine increased height and bone length
- SRY gene
Biological Separation of Males and Females
SRY gene
- Transcription Factor
- Leads to production of Testosterone, anti-müllerian hormone (Internal Structures)
- Test ==> 5alpha-Reduction==> dihydrogentestosterone (External)
Biological Separation of Males and Females
- Swyer: No SRY
- Tall but really small uterus and infertile
- XX male: XX and SRY
- Male/ Ambiguous External Appearance: male gender role
- Sterile(azoospermia)
- XY Androgen Insensitivity(AIS): No binding of Test
- External = female
- Psych = female
- Tall, thin, no uterus
Biological Separation of Males and Females
5-alpha Reductace Deficiency
- High amount of Test ≠≠> dihydrogentestosterone
- Internally Male only
- transitions from Female to Male during puberty
Biological Separation of Males and Females
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia(CAH)
- Increased Androgen ==> Increased Testosterone ==> Identifying as male
Male vs Female Brain Comparisons
Intra- vs Inter-hemispheric Connectivity
- Higher in men
- Higher in women
Male vs Female Brain Comparisons
- While men brain larger, only b/c gave to do with body size
- Men: Increased parietal cortex(spacial awareness), Increased amygdala, increased SQ
- Women: Increased Hippo, FC, Corpus Callosum, Broca and Wiernike’s area, EQ
Male vs Female Brain Comparisons
Hormone effect on sep brains
- Second wave of Testosterone ==> Male brain
How Homosexual males different from Hetero males
- Have cell clusters in hypothalamus≈ hetero women
- Have male pheremone receptors
- Caused by many genes
- More male older siblings ==> increased chance of homosexuality
Purely Genetic Syndromes
- Down: Extra trisome(chromosome)
- Klinefelter: XXY(appear male but masks male effects)
- Proportion of variation among individuals in population due to genetic causes
- Calculated by Heritability Coefficient
- Abstract and Population Concepts: math and not about individuals
- Warrior Gene
- Increased = less agression in men and vice versa in women
- Balance Critical
- Too much = anxiety; Too little = agressive
- Short-form==> Agression
- Couldn’t break down Phenylalanine ==> neurotoxicity
- Can alter by decreasing Phen in diet==> healthier babies
Gay Marriage
Past Cases
- 1986: Bowers v. Hardwick: State decision
- 1996: Romer v. Evans: Colorado couldn’t descriminate
- 2003: Lawrence v. Texas: Complete SCOTUS overturning(no state control)
- 2013: US v. Windsor & Hollingsworth v. Perry: 0 talk about marriage
Gay Marriage
Obergefell v. Hodges
- Gay marriage legal
- 4 principles
- Personal Choice and Autonomy: Loving
- Marriage Contraceptions(Intimate Associations): Griswold
- Purpose of Marriage(safeguards children and family): Windsor
- Marriage = keystone of nation’s social order: Maynard
Gay Marriage
Majority vs Dissenting Opinion
- Kennedy: Lawfully expressing identity
- Roberts: SCOTUS ≠ Leg ==> 0 role in case
- Thomas: Court ≠ giving rights
- Alito: People’s decision
- Scalia: majority = hubris & coup & playing god