Consciousness/Brain/ Identity Flashcards
Brain Tour
Parts of Neuron
- Dendrites = Input
- Cell Body = Integration
- Axon = Output
Brain Tour
Neural Communication
- Nerves = 1000s of neurons
- Synapes and neurotransmitters
Brain Tour
Brain Parts for Fear
- Frontal: Thinking + Decision-making + Dampening Fear
- Amygdala: Fear
- Hippocampus: Memory Processing
Brain Tour
Processing Types
- Bottom Up: Understanding things by taking sensory info ==> Assembly and Integration
- Sensory Info affects Models, Ideas, Expectations
- Top -up: Models, Ideas, Expectations affect Sensory Info
Brain Tour
What affects decision-making
- Outside chem exposures
- Brain Anatomy
- hormone levels
- Sleep
- Drugs and Alcohol
Brain Tour
Ventromedial PFC
- Self-thinking
- Seeing ourself in others
- Damage ==> NO past or future knowledge
Brain Tour
No Hippocampus?
- No memory and can only remember thought to finish, then forgotten
Brain Tour
The Memory Journey
- Cortex
- Hippocampus
- Short Term Memory
- Long Term Memory
- Declarative: Concious Telling
a. Episodic: Life Events
b. Semantic: Knowing Facts - Nondeclarative: Unconcious Showing
- Declarative: Concious Telling
Brain Tour
Basal Ganglia and Cerebrum
- Intrinsic(Nondeclarative) Memory
- Skills & priming(can name things quickly after seeing them)
Brain Tour
Autobiographical(declarative) Memory
- Episodic + Semantic
- Hippocampus + Amygdala
Brain Tour
How memory works
- Requires attention
- Recalled memories ==> neurons rewired
Brain Tour
Memory Levels vs Conciousness
- Episodic <==> Autonoetic(Self-Events)
- Semantic <==> Noetic(Facts)
- Periodic <==> Anoetic(Procedural)
Free Will
Meaning of Free Will
Autonomy to do anything
Free Will
- God(Omnipotent) controls all actions
- Cons:
- Lets bad occur
- Need to have faith for Free Will
Free Will: Neuroscience
Biological Tests
Prove Less Free Will
- Libet: moving finger
- Haynes: Addition/Subtraction
- Biology restricts free will
Free Will
What determines who you are
Your mind which shifts with neuroplasticity
Brain Problems
Frontal Lobe Tumor
- Texas Shooter(Charles Whitman)
- Occasional Pedophile(Alex)
- Unable to respond with rationality ==> altered mental state
Brain Problem Types
Frontotemporal Dementia
- Alex(pedo) + Parkinson’s patients
- Lose control of their hidden impulses
Brain Problems
Homicidal Sonambulism
- Sleepwalking Killer
Brain Problems
Removed in this case
- Henry Molaison
- No hippocampus
- Couldn’t remember anything
- Documented by Brenda Milner: memory = basal ganglia + cerebellum + hippocampus
Brain Problems
Clive Wearing
- No short term memory
- Couldn’t remember anything but could remember how to play piano b/c played it for decades: had become part of long term memory
Human Body
How to save memory
- Rehersal and active mantainance
Types of Memory
Episodic Memory Storage
- Medial Temporal Lobe