Experiments Flashcards
Medical Experiments
Hindsight Bias
Tendency to believe, after learning outcome, that one wpuld have forseen it
Medical Experiments
Science Attitude
Curious, Skeptical, Humble
Medical Experiments
Types of Experiements
- Case Studies: 1 case to learn about a rare thing
- Naturalistic Observation: Describe behavior without explination
- Hawthorne Effect: Ppl act different when being observed
- Survey: Lots of data in short time and need to have representative group
What is it?
- Extent to which two factors change together
Illusory Correlation
Percieved non-existent correlation
Regression Toward Mean
Uncontrollable events correlate with actions
Medical Experiments
What is Experimentation
- Investigator that manipulates factors
- Control and Experimental Groups
- Matched Pair design
- single and double blind studies
- statistics to show data as bigger deal
- standard dev: √∑dev^2/# of scores
Ethics in Research
1st Nuremberg Code of Medical Ethics
- 1947
- Ethical guidelines for conducting experiements on humans
Ethics in Research
Shocking Trials
- Stanley Milgram
- Testing to see if Americans not followers like Germans
- Many went to max
- Problems:
- Not equal to Nazis because not racial bias
- Screams could be heard by subjects
- Led to New ethics (Helsinki Declaration) around written consent. caution, decreased placebo effect, participants must benefit
Ethics in Research
Stanford Prison Experiment
- Philip Zimbardo
- 1960
- Abuse of participants and unsanitary conditions
- Not good protections or consent
- Led to Institutional Review Board(1974)
Ethics in Research
Belmont Report
- Respect of Persons
- Beneficence
- Justice
Animal Use in Science and Research
What they have helped with
- Dogs used to find rabies
- Koch: Germ Theory by injecting cow anthrax into mice
- Pasteur: First tested on guinea pigs to find vaccines for Diphtheria and anthrax
- 1st surgical advancements and blood transfusions and Tissue + Organ Transplants
- Corneal: Rabbits
- Kidney: Dogs and Cats
Animal Use in Science and Research
- REPLACE with other methods
- REDUCE trials
- REFINE(decrease stress of study animals)
Animal Use in Science and Research
Lash Lure Incident
- 1933
- Blindness and death in women b/c 0 testing
- FDA ==> Animal Testing for all products
Animal Use in Science and Research
Regulate Testing / Decrease Testing
- 1959: 3Rs
- Animal Welfare Act: 95-99% animals not protected
- Organ Chips = Replacement but require Stem Cells
Humans vs Animals
Definition of Language
- Discreet Units of Language
- Grammar
- Productivity = usability
- Talk about things not here
* Animals can do a few but not all and can’t have moral discussions
Human Experimentation
Boston Project Uranium Injections
- William Sweet
- No proper consent or success
- People given doses to large for their bodies and wasn’t properly monitored ==> More problems
- Not all people about to die
Human Experimentation
Marshall Islands
- Approved by Truman
- Bomb Testing
- Cause radiation effects and dislocated the people of Bikini Atoll
- Tested also on unsuspecting American soldiers for decades to test how bad it was and if they could be treated
Human Experimentation
Eugene Saenger
- Full Body Irradiations to remove cancer
- Funded by DoD
- Subjects were low IQ, poor, and black Americans
- didn’t have informed consent
Human Experimentation - Ethics during WWII
- Altitude experiments, Hypothermia exp., twin exp.
- Soldiers hesitant but disassoc. with gas chambers
- dissected people to see how viruses affected them
Human Experimentation - Ethics during WWII
- Leader of Unit 731
- Experiments on Chinese and POWs abt diseases
- Made deal to get out of persectution by giving data to Am.
US Human Experimentation
Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Study
- Testing alternate med to treat malaria(not quinine[all in German hands]) on prisoners
- No consent only $2.50
US Human Experimentation
Mustard Gas Tests
- Af. Am. soldiers unknowingly exposed and found that M.G. killed white blood cells and high dividing cells
Informed Consent
What is it?
- Must tell
- Exp
- Side effects
- Composition
- Affect on QOL and health
- 0 benefit possible
- Placebo = Standard Care
- Voluntary
Informed Consent
Failures of IC
- Nazi hypothermia trials results still used today
US Human Experimentation
Tuskegee Syphilis
- Tested Af. Am. without consent
- Told them that they would get treatment for ‘bad blood’
- Oslo = On whites but Tuskegee is for black
- Kept going even after treatment found(Penicillin) and 0 to Af. Am. for 40 years
- Done by Am Gvt
- Could be fatal if not treated(after decades)
- Reasons: Commitment to cause and see full effects of syphilis
- Racism, Money, Contributing to Sci
- Bl. Doctors: No choice because job security
US Human Experimentation
- Tested vaccine again Hep on mentally disabled kids in willowbrook penetentarys