Humanities 2 Flashcards
What time did the Industrial revolution happen
1720 till around 1840
Industrial Revolution
A big fast change in how we make things
What area of society was changed first
The Community farms were changed into enclosures
When farms were made private and fenced off with hedges or small stone walls
Enclosure advantages
It allowed people to grow more and have more time to invent machines that can help them.
Enclosure Disadvantages
Most of the poor who depended on the community land of the farms lost there living and had to rely completely on there wages they got. Some moved away from the villagers for work on the cities
Charles Townshend 4 field rotation
Divided into 4 fields, wheat - turnips - barley - clover, rotated 1 field each year over 4 year cycle. By planting clover and turnips after wheat and barley it replenished the soil of it’s nutrients
Jethro Tulls seed drill
In 1700 horse drawn seed drill that planted 3 rows at a time. It made holes, planted the seed and then covered the whole up. Prevented loss of scattered seeds because no birds could eat it and cannot blow away
Spread of Industrialisation
Other than Britain countries affected by industrialisation were the United States, Germany and France
Alessandro Volta
An Italian Physicist who invented the alkaline battery
Alexander Bell
An American innovator who invented the first working telephone
Thomas Edision
An American inventor and businessman who invented the phonograph, able to record and play back, and the light bulb
Guglielmo Marconi
An Italian inventor who was able to establish radio communication
James Watt
A Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer who made improvements to the Newcomen steam engine by allowing the steam to be cooled and reused
Robert Fulton
An American engineer who created the commercial steamboat
George Stephenson
An English civil engineer who made the first public, intercity rail line
Henry Ford
An American Engineer who produced the Quadracycle, Model T and Ford Motor Company
Wilbur and Orville Wright
2 American brothers who invented the dirigible
Rudolf Diesel
A German engineer who created the Diesel Engine used in large trucks and submarines
Population explosion factors
After 1700 population rose because of eradication of the Plague, improved medical science, supplies of good quality food and the fact the children can also work in factories and mines bringing in a larger income
Significance of 1851 Great Exibition
To celebrate the technology and industrial design from all over the world but also to demonstrating British industrial power
What was child labor
Child labour was when children worked the same hours and roughly the same jobs as adults
Why was child labour used
To allow family’s to bring in more money and factory owner to make more products
Working conditions then
Not only were the workers cramped, always in danger and poisoning their bodies they also had to make sure that they conformed to the rules and kept going even if they were tied otherwise they would be beaten by the supervisors
working conditions today
We have OHS policies, protective clothing including ventilation, medical approval and limited hours
Living conditions then
Houses were built back to back(no gardens), no plumbing, narrow streets, public cesspools, rubbish littering the streets
Living conditions today
We can design and build our own houses and cannot live in industrial suburbs
Robert Owen
A factory owner who stopped employing young children and created a school for them and older children limiting there working hours. Also built clean and comfortable houses for his workers
Lord Ashley
He encouraged the passing of laws to improve working conditions, introduced factory acts, supported mine acts of 1842 and set up first free school
Edwin Chadwick
He companied for poor law commissions, the poor law amendment of 1834 and clean water and sanitation
Union movement
It was around the 1820’s when unions started to form
What are unions
Unions are associations of people who work in similar trades made to campaign for improved working conditions and better wages
Combination act
In 1799 and 1800 the combination acts were passed banning workers from forming unions but were revoked then replaced with the combination acts of 1825 not allowing workers to strike but were allowed to bargain over conditions and pay.
Shipping changes
Led to Britain having a larger trading empire and a spread of industrialisation to other countries