Human Reproductive Physiology and Reproductive Cycles lecture 6 Flashcards
Sperm production takes place in the ____________. Each testis contains ~500 coiled tubules called ________________ – that produce hundreds (thousands?) of sperm each second in healthy males.
1) testes
The inner lining of each tubule is lined with germinal tissue ( germinal means it’s gonna create something) – germinal tissue includes two kinds of cells knowns as
1) Germ cells
2) SUSTENTACULAR (Sertoli or Nurse) CELLS
•GERM CELLS goes through _________, these cells produce haploid sperm cells. All four resultant cells are viable sperm cells.
1) meiosis
•SUSTENTACULAR (Sertoli or Nurse) CELLS – nourish and __________________. They also secrete lubricating fluid to aid outward movement of sperm as they exit testis via ______________ and eventually epididymis. Also produces AMH (__________________), which regulates other hormones (e.g. testosterone, estradiol)
1) protect germ cells (so they can undergo meiosis)
2) efferent ductules
3) anti-Mullerian hormone
After it’s secreted by the sustentacular cells, the _______________ causes the “regression تراجع” of the paramesonephric duct.
anti-Mullerian hormone
Between seminiferous tubules there are clusters of endocrine cells called ____________ (aka ‘LEYDIG’) CELLS.
These cells secrete male sex hormones – ANDROGENS, the most important of which is __________________.
Sperm cells are amongst the smallest in the body (~1/20 mm).
Simple construction: __________________.
Tail is a flagellum – whipping motion provides ____________.
Base of tail contains a coiled _______________ to provide power for movement.
1) head and tail
2) motility
3) mitochondrion
Sperm Head contains nucleus and an organelle called an _____________ which contains digestive enzymes that helps sperm to penetrate egg (if present).
1)ACROSOME (a combination of vesicles diffused together)
Seminiferous tubules lead into straight tubules, then into larger set of tubules called _______________.
Rete testis ultimately drains into larger tubules called ______________, which in turn drain into ____________.
1) efferent ductules
Epididymis includes _________, ________ , and TAIL.
Tail of epididymis dilates (expands) into _______________.
Epididymis is a site of __________ storage
sperm (it’s not motile)
Epididimis secretes an enzyme that ___________________ of sperm that it can’t move.
Prevents the capacitence
DUCTUS DEFERENS passes up spermatic cord, and into body through _______________.
Inside body, right and left ductus deferens pass __________ over ureters, then loops _________ to them behind the urinary bladder.
1) inguinal canal
2) cranially
3) dorsal
As each duct passes behind (dorsal to) bladder, it has appended to it a gland called the ________________.
Just prior to attachment of the seminal vesicle, the ductus enlarges into an ________, which is a position of sperm storage prior to ejaculation.
Notice how the spermatic cord loops ventral to (“in front of”) the attachment of the ureter of the bladder.
SEMINAL VESICLE has the enzyme which causes ______________ of the sperm
the capacitence
- Plastered up against the dorsal side of ____________.
- Exocrine glands - provide secretions that make up most of _____________.
- Fluid lubricates path of exiting sperm.
- Fluid is energy-rich (sugar rich) , providing food for sperm which is called _________.
1) urinary bladder
2) seminal fluid
3) Fructose
SEMINAL VESICLE Secretions is slightly __________. it helps to neutralize slightly acidic environment of vagina.
_______________ promotes uterine contractions to help facilitate sperm movement up uterus into fallopian tubes.
___________ forms a temporary clot in vagina.
Once beyond the seminal vesicle, ductus is referred to as the ejaculatory duct. These are paired structures which empty into the prostatic urethra.
2) Fibrinogen
- Ejaculatory ducts come together to join the urethra within the mass of the ____________.
- Prostate is a single, midline gland just ________ to urinary bladder.
- Prostate is a mass of ____________, glandular tissue, and _____________.
1) prostate gland
2) inferior
3) connective tissue
4) smooth muscle
Prostate gland secretes Prostatic fluid that acts on the _____________ that is inside the seminal fluid that causes the clot in Females Vagina, after the temporery Clotting enzyme, the ____________ will break the clot down.
1) Fibrinogen
2) profibrinolysin
BULBOURETHRAL GLANDS is located in the ______________.
Cranial body wall
BULBOURETHRAL GLANDS is a Pair of glands at the base of prostate. it Secrets _____________ (pre-ejaculatory fluid that Lubricates the urethra & glans of penis.
Alkaline mucus
- Primarily a PARASYMPATHETIC function segments __________
- Parasympathetic function stimulates dilation of penile blood vessels – causing __________ of penis with blood. (A muscular hydrostat). Parasympathetic action potentials also stimulate glands to _____________ (e.g., bulbourethral).
1) sacral outflow (S2, S3, S4) (Autonomic control)
2) engorgement
3) secrete fluids
- An erection is Initiated by sensory stimuli, including sensations conveyed via _____________
- Conscious thoughts (cerebral cortex) can either ________________ erection center in hypothalamus.
- Also in part a sacral reflex (spinal cord injuries do not preclude sexual activity)
1) pudendal nerves
2) stimulate or inhibit
- A ____________ FUNCTION!!
- Sympathetic fibers innervate smooth muscle of ____________.
- Produces forceful ____________ contractions of smooth muscle of ductus deferens.
- Peristalsis _________ sperm and seminal fluid out distal end of urethra.
2) ductus deferens
3) peristaltic
4) propels
GONADOTROPIN RELEASING HORMONE (GnRH) – (hypothalamus) stimulates secretion of _________________ and
___________________ from ant. pituitary .
1) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
2) Luteinizing Hormone (LH)