HSM 270 UOP Tutorials,HSM 270 UOP Assignments,HSM 270 UOP Entire class Flashcards
HSM 270 Week 9 Final A Program Summary
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Summarize the process of a program’s development based on the program scenario you have used throughout the course from Appendix B.
Include the following sections: Overview of the program, Assessment, needs and problem statement, Program planning, Alternative funding, Implementation, and Evaluation
Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper that contains all of the above elements.
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HSM 270 Week 9 Capstone CheckPoint
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Programs are often smaller pieces of a larger human services organization. How will the organization’s mission affect your program? Why is it important to make sure your program is oriented to the organization’s mission and purpose?
Post your response in 200 to 300 words.
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HSM 270 Week 8 DQ 2
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HSM 270 Week 8 DQ 2
Why do we need nontraditional funding along with traditional funding, especially in this economic time?
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HSM 270 Week 8 DQ 1
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HSM 270 Week 8 DQ 1
Identify three sources on nontraditional funding including the URLs. How could this funding benefit your chosen scenario?
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HSM 270 Week 8 CheckPoint Alternative Funding
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Brainstorm ideas for alternative funding for the program you selected from Appendix B. Search the Internet or contact local human services organizations for ideas on obtaining nontraditional funding.
Post a 200- to 300-word response that describes your plan to obtain nontraditional funding for your program.
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HSM 270 Week 7 Individual Assignment Stakeholder Influences On Programs
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Programs must often cater to the needs or expectations of many stakeholders, which may include the program administrator and staff, the funding institution, and the community the program serves. In any human services program, one of the most influential stakeholders is the funding institution. The funding institution often has its own expectations for the program and its evaluation.
Describe how the needs and expectations of stakeholders influence a program plan.
Evaluate the program in the scenario you selected from Appendix B from each stakeholder’s perspective.
Summarize the needs and expectations of each group in terms of your program.
Address how the needs and expectations of each group can be met, and where compromises must be made.
Find a funding institution that works with human service organizations.
Explain the expectations for evaluation of this funding institution. How could these expectations influence the program or evaluation plans?
Write your assessment of stakeholder influences in 1,050 to 1,400 words
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HSM 270 Week 7 CheckPoint Program Improvement Opportunities
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Identify where the program planning and evaluation process can provide opportunities for program improvement.
Explain the how program evaluation can improve a program. Consider both the manager and funder perspectives as you look for program improvement opportunities.
Post your response in 200 to 300 words.
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HSM 270 Week 6 DQ 2
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HSM 270 Week 6 DQ 2
Refine your list to include what you think is the five most essential elements of a program plan? Choose one of the three models from Chapter 7 in your text. Do the model elements address all the elements you identified as essential to a program plan? Explain how the program does or does not meet these expectations.
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HSM 270 Week 6 DQ 1
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HSM 270 Week 6 DQ 1
Discuss the necessary elements of an effective program plan from the initial idea to the evaluation stage. What elements are necessary to all programs? What special considerations might be necessary? Produce a list that identifies 5 to 10 elements of an effective program plan.
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HSM 270 Week 6 CheckPoint Revised Evaluation Plan
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Create a revised version of your original evaluation plan: Review your instructor’s feedback from your evaluation plan in Week Five. Consider your group’s list of essential elements for a program plan. Make improvements to your evaluation plan based on the feedback from your instructor and your list of essential elements. Are there areas you should incorporate into your evaluation plan that you did not address before?
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HSM 270 Week 5 Individual Assignment Scenario Evaluation Plan
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Create an evaluation plan for your chosen scenario in Appendix B that analyzes the program for process and outcome evaluations.
Describe the types of evaluations you would include in your evaluation plan and how each would serve to analyze various processes or intended outcomes in 700 to 1,050 words.
Explain the measurement tools you would use and why.
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HSM 270 Week 5 CheckPoint Process And Outcome Evaluations
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HSM 270 Week 5 Check Point Process and Outcome Evaluations
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HSM 270 Week 4 DQ 2
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HSM 270 Week 4 DQ 2
Describe a project-wide evaluation plan and an objective-oriented evaluation plan.
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HSM 270 Week 4 DQ 1
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HSM 270 Week 4 DQ 1
What is the empowerment evaluation approach for human service programs? When would the empowerment evaluation approach be appropriate in the human services field? When would it be inappropriate? Use the context of your chosen scenario to support your position.
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HSM 270 Week 4 CheckPoint Project Wide Or Objective Oriented Eva
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Provide a brief summary of your selected program from Appendix B and discuss whether you would use a project-wide evaluation plan or an objective-oriented evaluation plan. Explain the reasoning behind your choice and why you preferred one plan over the other.
Post your response in 200 to 300 words.
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