HPM 9.2 Flashcards
The following elements are critical if the substance abuse testing program is to be successful:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
- Consistency
- Confirmation
- Collection of sample
- Chain of custody
- Control of quality
- Contracts
(The Six C’s)
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
The states substance testing policy requires the involvement of specified managers in all substance test as a __________________ before any sample can be collected. These managers are to make certain the policy is properly applied and the test appropriately administered.
confirming official
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
For the substance test to be effective, each supervisor must insure that:
- Reasonable suspicion is supported by proper documentation
- The sample is properly collected
- The chain of custody is maintained
- Employees rights are not violated
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
There are ____ sensitive positions:
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
Supervisors who suspect substance abuse by non-sensitive employees are encouraged to support their observations using the same criteria used to establish reasonable suspicion for sensitive positions. Since the chemical test will not normally be part of the investigation, it is essential that the supervisors final determination is based upon:
- Articulable facts
- Close observation
- Good faith
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
For the purposes of the departments substance testing program, the confirming official will be the first designated manager in the supervisors chain of command. The role of the confirming official shall be to:
- Consider the fax and/or evidence and agree whether or not they support reasonable suspicion.
- Ensure accurate and proper application of the rules.
- Provide guidance and direction.
- Authorize the substance test.
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
Cal-HR discontinued the practice of obtaining a __________ for alcohol testing in all state substance abuse testing programs. All alcohol testing will be conducted using _______________________.
urine/ evidential breath testing devices.
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
The Cal-HR rules provide for a _________ test as the primary means of determining whether or not an employee has abused drugs.
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
Employees suspected of being under the combined influence of alcohol and a drug are required to submit to _________________________.
both a urine and breath test.
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
Substance testing experts believe the best time to collect a sample is within _______________ of the initial observation.
2 to 4 hours
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
There is nothing precluding administrative action for levels below ________ as determined by a breath sample, citing the Inconsistent and Incompatible activities statement.
.04% BAC
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
The supervisor who made the initial determination of reasonable suspicion must prepare a reasonable suspicion report using the _________, workplace substance abuse investigation/voluntary testing report. Since there is an expectation of a ________ turnaround, this document may be handwritten or typed written. The manager who acted as the ________________ must review the reasonable suspicion report.
CHP 202X/48 hour/Confirming Official
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
The CHP 202X, reasonable suspicion report, must contain:
- All necessary elements outlined
- An accurate representation of the circumstances (either witnessed personally by the confirming official or related by the supervisor) that led to the decision to authorize the substance test.
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
A _______________________ shall be completed whenever the determination of reasonable suspicion of work place substance abuse leads to substance testing.
Reasonable Suspicion Report
(CHP 202X)
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
When I criminal investigation is conducted, a ___________________ shall be completed.
Reasonable Suspicion Report
(CHP 202X)
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
Under no circumstances will the CHP 202X indicating a negative test result be retained in the __________________________.
Employee’s personnel field folder.
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
Ensure at least _____ milliliters (approximately two fluid ounces) of urine is collected (to be split into two containers after collected).
60 milliliters
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
In order for an informant to be considered reliable by D.PA. standards, the informant must be a _______________.
uniformed employee.
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
Negative substance test abuse results shall be forwarded to _____________________.
the Medical Review Officer (M.R.O.)
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy
When the employee is suspected of being under the influence of drugs, all ___________________ shall be surrendered.
state-issued equipment
HPM 9.2, Substance Abuse Testing Policy