HPM 100.67 Flashcards
Except for ________________________ mutual aid, the CHP will not normally dedicate departmental resources directly to city requests prior to the reasonable commitment of available county resources.
“officer needs assistance” and “emergency traffic assistance”
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
When a chief of police determines that an emergency situation in their jurisdiction may become or is already beyond the control of their department’s resources, it is their responsibility to request mutual aid from the operational area coordinator (_________________).
county sheriff
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
California and the bordering states of Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona desire to assist each other. All assistance rendered voluntarily or in response to a request shall be limited to that area within ____ miles of the border of the affected states.
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
Each state shall be responsible and liable for any damages or injuries caused by its employees. Officers of the requesting assisting state _____________ be considered employees of the party requesting assistance.
shall not
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
All bordering states have Fresh Pursuit Acts. These acts convey peace officer status to officers who enter the state in fresh pursuit of a __________________________.
known or suspected felon.
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
The Fresh Pursuit Acts are not applicable to misdemeanor violations. Interstate Mutual Assistance Agreements do permit officers to act within ________________ of the state border where “immediate law enforcement action” is required such as subject’s driving presents an extreme hazard to the public (i.e., DUI, reckless).
50 statute miles
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
Neither the Fresh Pursuit Acts nor the Interstate Mutual Assistance Agreements authorize routine enforcement of ____________________(____________) outside the State of California.
traffic violations (infractions)
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
Federally recognized Indian reservations and rancherias are to be considered ____________________ with respect to criminal matters, and the Department will take appropriate enforcement action with respect to felonies, misdemeanors, and infractions occurring under any California statute.
proprietary jurisdiction
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
Officers should take appropriate enforcement action for all violations observed, regardless of claims of diplomatic or consular immunity alleged by violators. However, a person shall not be subjected to in-custody arrest when:
(1) Diplomatic or consular immunity is claimed by the individual or suspected by the officer, and
(2) The officer has verified or reasonably suspects that the claim of immunity is valid.
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
An enforcement document _________ be issued at the scene for all violations warranting such action, regardless of the violator’s immunity status.
(The issuance of a citation is not considered an arrest or detention under current DOS guidelines.)
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
Diplomatic agents and consular officers ______________ from arrest or detention.
are immune
(unless they have no identification and the detention is to verify their diplomatic status)
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
Embassy Notification
Whenever an officer arrests or detains an individual for a criminal investigation and the officer reasonably believes the person is a foreign national, the officer shall attempt to determine the person’s citizenship. This procedure applies to in-custody arrests and to detentions exceeding ______ hours.
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
What are the four levels of mutual aid?
- local (cities)
- operational areas (counties)
- regional (two or more counties)
- state
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal-OES) divides the state into ____ law enforcement mutual aid regions.
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
Officers shall not stop or detain persons solely for the purpose of determining ____________ status.
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
A person who enters the U.S. at other than the time and place designated by an immigration officer has illegally entered the U.S. illegal entry is a _____________ offense. Officers may only arrest for violations occurring ________________.
misdemeanor/occurred in their presence
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
The illegal or undocumented presence of an individual is not sufficient ________________ to support an arrest for illegal entry.
probable cause
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
Knowingly harboring or transporting a foreign national in furtherance of violating immigration laws is a _________ . If officers have sufficient reasonable suspicion, they should detained the suspects for ______. Lengthy detentions, however, may be considered an __________ and must be based upon probable cause.
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual
The Department of justice has begun flagging in CLETS the records of criminal foreign nationals who have previously been deported. Flagged foreign nationals are defined as those individuals who have been previously released from a California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation facility, convicted felons. If the suspect is arrested for a _________ offense, the officer shall notify ICE. If the suspect is not incarcerated, the officer should notify ICE of identifying information sufficient to verify the warrant and locate the suspect for later prosecution/deportation.
HPM 100.67, Law Enforcement Assistance and Inter-Jurisdictional Operations Manual