How languages are learned - L1 Flashcards
What are the types of languages defined in TEFL?
L1: First language (mother tongue).
L2: Second language (for work, education).
Foreign Language: For non-immediate use (e.g., travel).
Target Language: Language being learned.
How is L1 acquired according to behaviorism?
- Through imitation, feedback, and habit formation.
- Based on conditioning (Stimulus-Response-Reinforcement).
Key figures: John Watson, B.F. Skinner.
What does “Nativism” propose about L1 acquisition?
- Language learning is biologically programmed.
- Language Acquisition Device (LAD) enables natural acquisition.
Key figures: Noam Chomsky, Eric Lenneberg (Critical Period Hypothesis).
What role does interaction play in L1 acquisition?
Interactionism/Cognitivism emphasizes a mix of biological ability and social environment (e.g., parents, peers).
Key figures: Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky.
What is “Universal Grammar” (UG)?
A theory by Chomsky suggesting that all humans are born with innate grammatical structures.
What is the “Critical Period Hypothesis”?
Proposed by Eric Lenneberg, stating that language learning is most effective in early childhood.
What is the role of information processing in L1 learning?
Focus on how the brain processes, stores, and retrieves language input (short-term and long-term memory).