How accurate is it to say that the actions of Napoleon III were the main reason for moves toward unification between 1849 and 1861? Flashcards
What four factors need to be discussed?
1) Napoleon III
2) Nationalist groups and organisation
3) Piedmont and VEII
4) Cavour
What are the four areas of Napoleon III that need to be discussed?
1) Legacy of guilt following the July 1849 invasion of the Roman Republic
2) Congress of Paris 1856
3) Pact of Plombiers July 21st 1858
4) 1958 Second War of Italian Independence / Treaty of Villafranca
What prompted Napoleon to talk to Cavour?
Piedmont’s 1855 involvement in the 1854-56 Crimean war with 15 000 soldiers
Following the peace agreement, what issue rose to the agenda in the Congress of Paris?
Austrian Dominance in the North of Italy
When was the pact of Plombiers?
July 21st 1858
What was the pact of Plombiers?
Secret diplomacy between Cavour and Napoleon that agreed that, if Austria was seen as the aggressor, Piedmont would have the full support of France against them.
Under the terms of the pact of Plombiers, what would happen to Rome?
Would remain under papal control
Under the terms of the pact of Plombiers, what would be created in northern italy?
A kingdom of Northern Italy controlled by the House of Savoy
Under the terms of the pact of Plombiers, what would be created in central italy?
A kingdom of central Italy, controlled by Tuscany
In return for Nice and Savoy in plombiers, france would give how many soldiers if VEII could raise how many?
France would give 200 000 soldiers for use in the war against Austria if Victor Emmanuel could raise 100 000 troops, in return for Nice and Savoy.
What about the 1859 war suggests that Louis Napoleon was them most important factor?
It was only thanks to Louis Napoleon’s support that Piedmont was even able to contemplate challenging Austrian dominance, the biggest impediment to unity by 1861.
What battles of the 1859 war gave victories to the allies?
Magenta and Solferino
At solferino, the second battle of the second war of independence, what were the casualties?
Allies took 17 000 casualties and Austria 21 000
What led Napoleon to sue for Peace?
The 17 000 casualties ar the second war of Italian independence
As a result of the 1859 war, what did Piedmont eventually gain?
Lombardy, as well as the central duchies of parma and magenta
Despite all his limitations, what did the fact that Piedmont gained Lombardy and the central duchies following the 1859 war show?
That Napoleon did help the cause of unity
What did Napoleon do in 1860 that hindered unity?
March 1860, France annexed Nice and Savoy
In march 1860 Napoleon annexed Nice and Savoy, a move bitterly opposed by who?
Palmerston and Russel, both advocates of self determination
In a post 1856 context, Napoleon III was….
vital in allowing the unification of the North of Italy
What types of unity did Napoleon help and what types did he not address?
He helped geopolitical unity not social unity
It could be argued that the fact that Napoleon III was a hindrance to unity in 1849 meant that he was later what?
More of a help to unity because of the guilt that he felt
What are the three aspects of Nationalist groups and individuals that need to be discussed?
1) garibaldi
2) Mazzini and Mazziniians
3) National Society
Describe Garibaldi
An ill educated populist military commander who had little regard for foreign affairs and diplomacy but nevertheless contributed significantly to unification in 1860
When did Garibaldi’s expedition leave Genoa?
May 1860
When he let Genoa, Garibaldi had with him how many volunteers?
Where did Garibaldi land in Sicily?
After landing in Marsala, Garibaldi marched on to Palermo, the capital, where he defeated how many soldiers?
20 000
when marching to Palermo who was Garibaldi helped by?
Local peasants and mafia
What did Garibaldi cross on the 22nd August?
Straights of calabria
When marching through Naples, GAribaldi had an army of how many?
60 000
When did Garibaldi cross the straights of Calabria?
22nd August 1860
When was the Teano meeting?
26th August 1860
Give a judgement for Garibaldi?
Garibaldi was certainly the main reason for long term Geographical unification within the limited context of 1860. Socially, however, he created long term problems failing to address the topic of land reform and he soon sided with the ruling classes over the peasants when he became dictator of Sicily. Even this, however, was only possible thanks to Napoleon III removing Austrian dominance in Naples, meaning that Garibaldi’s expedition was not simply a repeat of the 1848 revolutions.
How was Mazzini significant?
Roman Triumverate of Mazzini, Saffi and Armelini declared a Roman Republic on February 9th 1849 which lasted until July 1849. It was a proto-liberal state and, though short lived, demonstrated to other nationalists what was possible with a liberal state.
Assess the impact of Mazzini
Mazzini never enjoyed the following that Garibaldi did. His blend of Nationalism remained the preserve of a liberal, intellectual, Northern elite. Long term Geographical unity nor socioeconomic unity were not forthcoming as a result of Mazzini. It could even be said that he hindered social unity.
When was the National Society formed?
Who formed the National Society?
Liberal exiles living in Piedmont such as Daniel Manin
What did the National Society encourage?
Nationalists across the country to accept Piedmont’s rule
Why was spreading the message of Piedmontese led unity within Nationalists so important?
Because there was such great division within Nationalists and great social division fuelled by the strategy of Piedmontisation
What was the name of the National Society’s newspaper?
Il Piccolo Corriere d’Italia
What language did Il Piccolo Corriere d’Italia use?
The National Society distributed leaflets in batches of how many?
3 000
What is a limitation of using a newspaper in Italian and distributing leaflets?
⅔ illiteracy rate and only 2.7% of the population spoke Italian
Why was the national society useful for Cavour?
provided a useful template for nationalism that suited his aims and temperament: conservative and pragmatic rather than radical and ideological.
What did the National Society do in 1859?
Secure votes in Northern states such as the central duchies of Parma and Magenta for annexation to Piedmont following the 1859 war of independence
The National Society were instrumental in the transformation of the cause of unity into what?
They were instrumental in the transformation of unity into a fashionable and respectable movement that was appealing to both radical Mazzinians, who had provided early impetus, and Middle Classes alike.
Give a judgement for the National Society?
The NS was often jointly significant with the actions of Napoleon the third. The geographical changes that Napoleon III facilitated warfare were often ratified and confirmed by the plebiscites of the NS. The NS, whilst also convenient to Cavour, was also only relevant in the latter part of the time period. Napoleon did not want the Central Duchies alleged to Piedmont, but was agreed to make such a concession under diplomatic pressure from Russel in GB.
Piedmont’s legacy as the dominant Italian state allowed them to do what?
it allowed them to force the pace of unity through Piedmontisation
Through Piedmontisation, Piedmont split the Peninsula into how many provinces?
53 each governed by their own prefect
Piedmont introduced unified systems across the peninsula what were they?
1) Legal
2) judicial
3) Currency
4) Weights and Measures
Between 1849 and 1852, Piedmont were certainly not the most important force for unity, why was this?
Between 1849 and 1852 the moderate conservative D’Azeglio was appointed as PM and enacted the controversial Siccardi laws. This weakened and divided Piedmontese politics in the early time between d’Azeglio and the conservative right led by Balbo. This ensured that, in the early part of the time period, Piedmontese politics was concerned with domestic issues rather than the issues of unity.
In what speech did VEII claim to be the first soldier of Italian unity?
1859 Grado di Delore
Judgement for Piedmont
Piedmont doubtless helped political unity, providing a stable and strong economic base from which unity could emanate. The result, however, whilst often valuable for unity was not always intended to create unity, usually aimed at furthering the Piedmontese economic system. It was only, however, due to France that VEII was able to have the confidence to make such a statement, it is doubtful that, alone, he would have been strong enough.
Cavour’s economics helped the foreign involvement in what way?
It mean that French investment was so great that they would seek to protect their assets from Austrian dominance
What was the Cavour canal built?
What was the Genoa - Turin - French Border railway built?
Who financed the Mount Cenis Railway tunnel?
Rothschild and Lafiet
Which port did Cavour modernise?
What was the first Italian steam ship?
What was Piedmont’s debt in 1861, a debt that doubled when it took on smaller state’s debts
2 450 million lire
Give a judgement for Cavour
Cavour’s diplomacy was vital in allowing the work of Louis Napoleon to be a success. Whilst often concerned principally with Piedmontese interests, towards the latter part of the period, his role became increasingly one of an ‘architect’. Ultimately, he was of equal importance to that of Louis Napoleon.
In the early stages of Unity, how extensive was Napoleon’s impact?
In the early stages of unity, Napoleon’s impact was limited, his confidence to intervene tainted by the legacy of his uncle.
Between 1856 and 1859, what factors were the most important?
the partnership forged between Napoleon and Cavour between 1856 and 1859 allowed them to work in partnership to become the most significant factors of unity.
What about Nationalist organisation meant that they never had the kind of impact that Napoleon had?
their elitism
Give a judgement for the events of 1860 and 1861
Whilst in 1860 and 1861 Napoleon was not so directly involved, his earlier action allowed the path to unity to be unimpeded.
What does AJP Taylor say?
Italy owed most to French armies and British moral approval