Hosts Flashcards
Rabies Host
all mammals
Rabies Reservoir
foxes, skunk, racoon, bats
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus host
wide host range - cattle, horses, swine, deer, pronghorn, foxes, coyotes, rodents, insects, plants, humans
Rift Valley Fever Virus host
ruminants, wildlife, humans
Heartland Badnavirus host
Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus host, amplification hosts, reservoir
ruminants/hares (amplification host)
reservoir: Ixodid tick - Hyalomma
Akabane Virus host
ruminants esp. CALVES
Cache Valley Fever virus host and reservoir
fetal goats, sheep
reservoirs: deer, horses, cattle
Hantavirus host and reservoir
host: human
reservoir: rodents (vole, mice, rate) - Apodemus agrarius & Peromyscus spp.
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus host and reservoir
host: humans
reservoir: rodents
Avian Influenza (A) host and reservoir
host: birds/mammals
reservoir: water fowl and shorebirds
Swine Influenza (A) host
primarily commercial growers
Equine Influenza (A) host
Canine Influenza (A) host
Influenza B host
humans, seals
Influenza C host
humans, swine
Canine Distemper Virus host and reservoirs
host: canines, ferrets, bears, felines, skunks, wildlife
reservoirs: feral wild canids
Phocine Morbillivirus/Distemper host
harbor seals
Cetacean Morbillivirus host
dolphins, porpoise, marine mammals
Rinderpest Virus host and reservoir
host: ruminants (cattle, yak, water buffalo, antelope, giraffe), pigs, warthogs, hippopotamus
reservoir: wild ruminants
Peste de Petits Ruminants Virus host
small ruminants - sheep/goats
Avian Paramyxovirus 1 host and reservoir
host: poultry, psittacines, domestic/free range avian species, migrating waterfowl
reservoir: waterfowl
Avian Paramyxovirus 2-10 hosts
Psittacines, Passerines, Turkeys, Pigeons, Waterfowl
Hendra virus host and reservoir
humans, horses, cats, guinea pigs
reservoir: pteropodid fruit bats (flying foxes)
Nipah virus host, amplification host and reservoir
pigs, humans, cats
pigs amplification host
reservoir: pteropodid fruit bats (flying foxes)
Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus host
Bovine Parainfluenza Virus 3 host
domestic/wild ruminants
Avian Rhinotracheitis Virus host
turkeys, chickens, pheasants, Pekin/Muscovy ducks, guinea fowl
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever host and reservoir
primates, swine, non-human primates, rodents
reservoir: fruit bats
Borna Disease Virus host and reservoir
reservoir: rodents
Avian Bornavirus - Proventricular Dilation Disease host
Foot and Mouth Disease Virus host and reservoir
host: cloven hoofed species
reservoir: wild-life - African Cape Buffalo
Swine Vesicular Disease Virus host
domestic swine
Equine Rhinitis A virus host
horses, alpacas, llamas
Equine Rhinitis B virus host
Avian Encephalomyelitis Virus host
younger chickens, turkey, pheasants, quail
Feline Calcivirus host
felines, marine mammals
Vesicular Exanthema of Swine Virus host
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Fever Virus “European Brown Hare Syndrome Virus” host
Oryctolagus cuniculus
Lupud europaeus
does not infect rabbits < 2 mo old
Norwalk-like disease virus host
West Nile Virus host, dead end host and reservoir
host: horses, primates, birds
dead end host: horses, humans
reservoir: birds
Japanese Encephalitis Virus dead end host and reservoir
dead end host: humans, horses
reservoir: pigs, aquatic birds
Yellow Fever Virus host
non-human primates
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus host and reservoir
host: wild/domestic ruminants
reservoir: PI animals
Classical Swine Fever Virus host and reservoir
host: wild/domestic swine
reservoir: PI animals
Border’s Disease Virus host and reservoir
host: sheep, goats, cattle
reservoir: PI animals
Equine Arteritis Virus host and reservoir
host: horses, donkeys, zebras, mules
reservoir: stallions
Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus host
domestic swine
Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus host and reservoir
host: horse
reservoir: birds
Western Equine Encephalitis Virus host and reservoir
host: horse
reservoir: birds
Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus host and reservoir
host: horse
reservoir: small mammals (rodents, opposum) & birds
Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) host
piglets < 3 weeks
Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus (PRCV) host
piglets 5-8 weeks
Porcine Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus (PHEV) host
piglets < 3 weeks
Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) host
domestic swine
Bovine Coronavirus host
calves 3-12 days , 1 week peak
winter dysentery host
adult cattle
Bovine Respiratory Coronavirus (BRC) host
feedlot calves
Infectious Bronchitis Virus host
Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus (FIPV)
< 16 weeks, > 13 years