Horney Flashcards
Moving Toward RTO
Key word is Compliant: try to overcome their basic anxiety by gaining affection and approval. Bargain is if they do good for others they will receive that same in return
Moving Against RTO
Key Word is Expansive: Try to overcome basic anxiety by gaining a mastery over their environment
Three sub types:
narcissistic; seek to master life “by self-admiration and the exercise of charm”
Perfectionistic; Having extremely high standards and expects others to perform to such
Arrogant-Vindictive; Seek to dominate there environment because of harsh treatment in childhood
Moving Away RTO
Key Word: detachment: Seeks to gain self efficiency from environment, and remove oneself from problems
Basic Anxiety
a feeling of helplessness in a potentially hostile world, strategies of defense: pursuit of love, power, or detachment.
Real Self
The real self is not a fixed entity but a set of essential potentialitie. it is actualized through interactions with an external world that can provide many paths of development.
Tyranny of the shoulds
The shoulds compel us to live up to our grandiose conception of our-selves. create conflict when our idealized self wants something different than our real self