Hormoner: endokrin kontrol af vækst Flashcards
Højdevækst er afhængig af væksten af de lange rørknogler og ryghvirvlerne
Væksthormon GH og højdevækst
Effekten af GH på højdevækst kræver at GH er unormal i de først leveår
Forøget cirkulerende GH efter lukning af vækstskiven kan resulterer i akromegali
- resulterer i abnormal vækst af fingre, fødder, tunge, læber, kæbe, pande og næse.
- Akromegali skyldes oftest en benign hypofysetumor
Hypofyse-betinget dværgvækst og gigantisme
Skyldes GH’s indvirkning på højdevækst udelukkende en direkte effekt af GH på vækstskiven?
Experimental set-up:
- Epiphyseal cartilae growth (where longitudinal bone growth occurs) in vitro
1) Serum from normal animals promoted growth
2) Serum from GH-deficient animals did not promote growth
3) Serum from GH-deficient animals supplemented with GH did not promote growth
4) Serum from GH-deficient animals treated in vivo with GH promoted growth
- GH promotes the secretion of another circulating factor with growth-promoting properties
Den hormonelle kaskade
1) Stimulus: exercise, stress, fasting, low plasma glucose, sleep
2) Hypothalamus: increased GHRH secretion and lowered SST secretion
3) Increased plasma GHRH and decreased plasma SST
4) Anterior pituitary: increased GH secretion
5) Increased plasma GH
6) Liver and other cells: increased IGH-1 secretion
7) Increased plasma IGF-1
Feedback regulering
IGF-1 påvirker GHRH og GH negativt og SST positivt.
GHRH påvirker GH positivt
SST påvirker GH negativt
GH påvirker IGF-1 positivt og SST positivt
I forhold til den generelle mekanisme for
feedback-regulering (slide 36), er
reguleringen her mere kompleks, da der
her både er et positivt og et negativt
virkende hypothalamisk hormon
Effekter af GH
1) Promotes growth: Induces precursor cells in bone and other tissues to differentiate and secrete insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which stimulates cell division. Also stimulates liver to secrete IGF-1
2) Stimulates protein synthesis, predominantly in muscle
3) Anti-insulin effects(particularly at high concentrations):
- Renders adipocytes more responsive to stimuli that induce breakdown of triglycerides, releasing fatty acids into the blood
- Stimulates gluconeogenesis
- Reduces the ability of insulin to stimulate glucose uptake by adipose and muscle cells, resulting in higher blood glukose concentrations
Growth hormone
Major stimulus of postnatal growth: induces precursor cells to differentiate and secrete insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which stimulates cell division.
Stimulates liver to secrete IGF-1
Stimulates protein synthesis
Stimulates fetal growth
Stimulates postnatal growth by stimulating secretion of IGF-1
Stimulates protein synthesis
Thyroid hormone
Permissive for growth hormone’s secretion and actions
Permissive for development of the central nervous system
Stimulates growth at puberty, in large part by stimulating the secretion of growth hormone.
Causes eventual epiphyseal closure
Stimulates protein synthesis in male
Stimulating the secretion of growth hormone.
Causes eventual epiphyseal closure
Inhibits growth
Stimulates protein catabolism
Vigtigt at huske
- Princippet ved knoglevækst
- Væksthormons involvering i højdevækst
- Den hormonelle GH-kaskade, der regulerer vækst,
herunder betydningen af IGF-1 og feedback-regulering - Eksempler på andre hormoner med indvirkning på vækst