Homicidal offenders Flashcards
1st degree murder
planned and deliberate
- or murder of law enforcement or correctional staff member
- murder occurring during commission of another violent offence like sexual assault
- automatic life sentence, no possible parole until 25 years
2nd degree murder
all other murders, intends to cause harm/death
- min sentence life sentence, no parole 10 years
unintentional murder
- might have intent for harm
- criminal negligence also
- life sentence?
killing of a baby by it’s mother
- up to 1 year of age
- max sentence is 5 years
homicide rates
- less than 1% of violent crimes in Canada
- 80-90% known to victim
- 4/5 male victims
- 1/4 gang related
- 6.5X higher for indigenous people
- females more likely to be killed by spouse
bimodal classification of homicide
reactive (affective) aggression - family/ known -80% - 55% acquaintances instrumental (predatory) aggression - likely among strangers -20% - higher PCL-R scores
killing of children by biological or step parents
- majority of child homicide victims
- male/ female equally victimized
- risk declines as children age
- half committed by men
- strangulation, suffocation, drowning
- 2008-2018 38% decrease
murder of newborn baby with 24 hours
- most commonly by mothers
- typically, young, poor, unmarried, no stable relationship with father, emotionally immature
- concealment of pregnancy: fear of rejection, family, shame
- active - violent act (most common)
- passive - neglect/ absence of medical care
- majority no mental illness at time of killing
Affective denial - aware but resent Pervasive denial -physical manifestations are misinterpreted or absent Psychotic denial
mothers who kill
most research focus
- neonaticides
- committed by battering mothers
- committed by mothers with mental illness
postpartum mental illnesses
postpartum blues - 85% of women - crying, irritability, anxiety - last few hours- 12 days postpartum depression - 7-19% -clinical depression -up to several months postpartum psychosis -1 or 2 per 1000 - delusions, hallucinations, suicidal or homicidal thoughts - first 3 months
Andrea Yates
postpartum depression and psychosis
- killed 5 children
Suzanne Killinger-johnson
killed herself and child by jumping in front of train
- had depression
Sonia Blanchette
killed her 3 children
- no mental illness found
- killed herself before trial
fathers who kill
- most of familicides committed
killing of spouse and child
- often history of spousal and child abuse
- 50% perp commits suicide
- usually male 30-40
- most common type of mass killing
- 1/3 full time employed
despondent non hostile - depressed and worried about impending disaster - suicide common after - keep family together Hostile accusatory - control/ revenge - express hostility towards wife
youth who kill
- low homicide rates
- attempted homicide are higher but still much lower than adults
- usually have an accomplice 57%
- psychotic, conflict, or crime