Homeostasis Flashcards
A condition of equilibrium, or balance, in the body’s internal environment
What is homeostasis maintained by?
The body’s regulatory processes
What 3 things are necessary for a control system to maintain homeostasis?
- detect deviations from normal
- integrate info with other relevant info
- make appropriate adjustments
Set point
the normal range for a given system
Circadian Rythms
endogenous autonomous oscillators of physiological activites that result in an 24hr day/night cycle
What is the circadian clock system a major regulatory factor for?
nearly all physiological activities
Local controls inherent to an organ
Intrinsic controls
Extrinsic controls
regulatory mechanisms intiatied outside an organ accomplished by the nervous and endocrine systems
How do we control homeostatis?
feedback loops and feedfoward loops
What is the difference between feedback and feedfoward loops?
Feedback: responses made after a change
feedfoward: responses made in anticipation of a change
What type of loop is it when a dog starts drooling when they see a treat?
What are the 3 components of a negative feedback loop?
COntrol center
Explain core temperature control.
Explain blood pressure control.
Explain glucose control.
Explain calcium control.
What type of feedback loop amplifies or reinforces an intial change?
Positive feedback loop
Explain contractions during labour.
general term for any derangment of abnormality of function
An illness characterized by a recognizable set of signs and symptoms
What occurs to ones ability to restore homeostasis with age?
it declines
What do feedfoward loops attempt to do?
Anticipate changes
Explain the feedfoward mechanism for digestion.
- Saliva is produced prior to eating to prepare for the bvreakdown of carbohydrates
- In the digestive tract, secretion of insulin is increased to promote cellular uptake and storage of nutrients
Explain the feedfoward mechanism for exercise.
- regulation occurs through “Central Command”
- primes body for the changes that are about to take place during the exertion
- oxygen demand increases to working muscles
- cardiac output increase up to 6-7x
- oxygen extraction (oxygen pulled out of blood) rates can increase 2-3x (start breathing more)
Explain in detail the feedfoward loop for exercies.
Flow chart