Homeopathy Flashcards
Contains tyramine, dopamine. For neuralgia, anxiety, feeling of pain so bad you will die, angina, paresthesia of the left arm like you’re having an MI. One check red. Person is strong and vigorous. Non-strep sore throat, laryngitis, OM Heat stroke with dry skin
Onion. For nasal and eye d/c that runs LIKE A FAUCET (like your eyes water when you cut an onion!) D/c burns your upper lip. Hoarse cough, want to hold your throat with your hands. Colicky pain with garlic-smelling gas. Neuralgia with shooting pain. Tx for: rhinitis, laryngitis, flatulence, neuralgia
Allium cepa
For PUD that’s better with eating, memory loss, low self-esteem, anger and violence. Idea of “angel on one shoulder, devil on the other.” Violent pruritus, sense of constriction (like an ANACONDA). Tx for: PUD, tiredness from exams, bulimia in obese people. *Main remedy for poison ivy that is very itchy.*
Anacardium orientale
For pustular lesions topically, peevish kids who don’t want to be touched or looked at. Rattling cough with mucus, can’t breathe due to thick mucus, white tongue, blue lips Causes NV, chronic lung stuff when used too much (pneumoconiosis, bronchitis). Tx for: COPD, asthma, pustular acne
Antimonium tartaricum
Stinging pains, burns, swollen eyes, urticaria that burns. Active, healthy people with inflamed membranes (pleural, pericardial, synovial, meningeal). Ovarian cysts, GN, UTI. High fever but not thirsty. *ALL FEVER*. Non-strep pharyngitis with uvula swollen. Shingles.
Person feels well, but restless and don’t want to be touched. Bed feels hard.
Blunt trauma, concussions, epistaxis, sprains, myalgias.
Person has a burning fever, burning eczema, burning neuralgia. Symptoms and mood alternates daily, worse at midnight- wakes up and has panic attacks at midnight (was there arsenic in my rice?).
Calls doctor a lot, anxious.
Tx for PUD, gastritis, burning eczema
Arsenicum album
Person has HTN and is an alcoholic, emotionally labile. They have violent palpitations worse at NIGHT, think their heart actually stopped beating. Angry, especially about finances. Obsessive about suicide.
Think wall street banker who wants to kill themselves after the stock market crashes.
Delayed mental development or senile elderly person. Afraid of people and school, being laughed at, bites their nails, needs reassurance.
LAD and swollen tonsils.
**TOXIC in high dilutions
Baryta carbonicum
Sudden fever with red face but dry mucus membranes. Hot flashes. Delirium, afraid of dogs, hallucinating (actual herb is poisonous). Hypertension that causes a headache and photophobia.
Person has RA, headaches, fever, vertigo or appendicitis. Worse with motion. Dry mucus membranes and VERY THIRSTY.
Workaholic, burned out, afraid they will go insane. Sweaty and out of shape, obese. Cold hands.
Cal Carb
Burning urination with sexual mania, burning ulcers in the mouth, burning diarrhea. Burning pain like from herpes.
Very thirsy but afraid of water.
Overeats a lot and is bloating, then is gassy, burpy, irritable and apathetic towards their family. Has COPD and had some great illness from which they “never recovered.”
Carbo veg
Political activist, care about the suffering of other people; has warts on their fingers; paralysis (face, vocal cords, flexor muscles); arthritis worse with cold but wants cold drinks; contractures.
Everything is tight or paralyzed.
Irritable baby that is teething; cranky adult with hyperalgesia, tingling or numbness; pain seems out of proportion to the condition. Poop smells like rotten eggs. Hot and kicks covers off at night.
Kid has pinworms and an itchy rectum, yells when picked up but then calms down. Has crampy gastroenteritis. Pale with blue around the eyes.
Walter Mitty; lies awake in bed and has fantasies about heroic deeds. Bloated stomach but doesn’t feel better with passing gas. Food all tastes bitter. Afraid of all animals.
Tx for all hemorrhages, colic that doesn’t improve with farting, diarrhea, fevers, insomnia (when having fantasies) and tinnitus
CRAMPS that feel like an iron clamp. Worse after anger or confrontation. Cramps are so bad, averse to all food. Cramps in the uterus, GI, kidneys (better bending over***), face, back, etc. Sweat smells like urine.
Patient with BRCA or fibrocyctic breasts (if female) or impotence (if male). Vertigo worse with movements of the head or eyes.
Spasmodic cough, pt holds chest, coughs so hard they vomit and turn blue in the face and their nose starts running
UTIs, gets up at night to pee or wets the bed
Influenza with tenderness of the eyeballs and bones hurt
Conjunctivitis, nasal discharge which is NOT irritating; allergies, URIs
Fever, anemia, bright red blood, pneumonia with hemoptysis
Nervous, fragile patient with stage fright that makes them feel they will pee and poop their pants. So nervous they have insomnia, tremble, they get double vision and their eyes get droopy, they loose their voice. They have occipital HAs.
Patient with HTN who gets sudden onset HAs, tachycardia, palpitations, and hot flashes. Worse with the sun, alcohol, and motion.
Dull, slow person with a bad memory. Everything is cracked- anal fissures, cracked skin behind the ears, OM, eczema, psoriasis, scales, tinea, etc. Eruptions have a honey crust- like impetigo.
Hearing loss and “cobweb sensation” on the face.
Skin things with pus- boils, purulent sinusitis, AOM, dental abscess, styes. Sweat smells bad and sour. Wants to eat acidic food like vinegar.
Hypersensitive, angry children with barking cough and stitching pains in the throat (croup?).
Hepar sulph
Patient with nervous exhaustion leading to tremors, dysphagia, delirium with weird behavior, they are pale with dilated pupils
Patient with skin wounds- puncture wounds, lacerations, contusions, nerve tears. Pain is sharp and shooting, worse with movement and raising their arms. May have phantom limb pain, painful scars.
Jealous, feelings get hurt easily; ailments after romantic disappointments, insomnia from grief; hates tobacco and coffee and other strong smells, sense of globus and weight on their chest. Migraine like a nail into their head. Worse with sweets. Deep sighs. Paraoxysmal symptoms (pain that’s better when pressed etc).
Mariah Carey
Migraines, NV, hemorrhages, clear tongue with hypersalivation. Main vomiting remedy.
Sinusitis remedy. Pain in one spot that wanders all over. Burning gastritis. Patient is rigid and sticks to a routine.
Kali bi
Stitching pain in the lungs. Weak after sex, rigid, conservative, moral, dogmatic; think old white Christian men. Afraid of death and disease. Dramatic.
Kali carb
Angry people who want revenge, sarcastic and hypersexual. Sensation of pulsing or throbbing pain, globus, suffication in sleep, constriction in throat. Sc better with menses, purple face with red lips.
Purple bruises, insect bites and stings that don’t itch. Joint problems, gout, patient is cold but better with more cold.
Humming tinnitus, rabbit stools, rashes, bloated and don’t want clothes around their abdomen.
Heartburn and feels full after one bite, but wakes up at night to binge eat (bulimia remedy).
Stressed and then depressed, low self-esteem, stage fright
Cramps, sciatica, facial neuralgia, irritability
Mag phos
Extremists who get into trouble. Wants to try everything. Cruel to animals. History of gonorrhea, UTI from sex, hypersexual. Sensitive feet, sleeps w feet uncovered.
Made from penile secretions from a person w gonorrhea
Everything is gross and smells bad- sweat, breath, poop. Thick yellow discharge from the ears. Metal taste in the mouth, hands shake, wants sugar (someone going into ketosis)
Grief but can’t cry or pee in front of people. Wants salt and cold drinks. Wants to be alone, averse to company and consolation.
HA from 10am-3pm that feels like a hammer
Nat mur
Patient has green diarrhea, and wet dreams. Has heartburn, gout, and deQuervain’s tendonitis.
Nat phos
Immature frat boy who rock climbs.
TBI, SI but won’t because of family. Weeps with music. HA post-TBI. Warts, itchiness, left-sided pain.
Nat sulph
Pessimistic, depressed person who holds grudges. Worse in the morning. Has cheilitis, hemorrhoids, herpes or warts with splinter-like pain. Sweat smells bad. Person is cold.
Type A person, controlling, ambitious and hypersexual. Spasms, crampy pains, Charley horses. Tenesmus and constipation. Substance abuse (tobacco, coffee, alcohol, spices)
Nux vomica
Friendly, pleasant but afraid to be alone, afraid of the dark, robbers, etc. Bright red blood and hemorrhages. Unstable because they have no moderation, hypersexual, workaholics.
Pain in the tonsils, pain in the throat like a hot ball of fire, breast pain, and tendon pain.
Skin is dirty and itchy, patient smells bad. Patient feels they are incurable and is constantly worried about their health, especially skin disease.
Patient is always cold and liked lying on their back with their arms out (like if they were crucified).
Weepy and wants to be consoled. Always feels hot, their bladder hurts, and their menses are irregular.
Doesn’t like fatty food, but craves cream. Likes open air.
HIgh temperature with low puse- remedy for the flu or sepsis.
Tongue is red and shiny, patient is restless and achey with fever.
Decomposed beef
Skin issues, joint pain, tendonitis that is worse when they start moving, but better as they get warmed up. Then they are restless and want to keep moving because this alleviates pain.
Worse cold and wet. Better warm and with cold milk.
Rhus tox
Patient has a cough, they wear a scarf over their mouth to warm the air and suck on candy. Their sternum tickles and this stimulates the cough.
Morning diarrhea, and intense pruritis while undressing.
Rumex crispus
Patient has eye strain, sciatica, and stiffness. Critical and quarrelsome. Patient gets anxious if they get too hot.
Patient gets right-sided migraines that radiate from their trap and occur periodically, every 7 days. Face, hands, and feet are red and feet feel hot. Better with vomiting, burping, and farting.
Patient weeps, wants to be alone, is sarcastic and then apologizes for it. Itchy candidiasis, worse with sex, PMS.
Better with exercise and in the evening.
Failure to thrive and malnutrition.
Blocked ducts, abscesses, LAD.
Feeling of a thorn or splinter in their throat.
Smelly feet, sweat burns through the socks.
Croup or laryngitis after exposure to cold, dry weather.
Testicular problems.
Goiter and thyroid problems.
Spongia toasta
Ailments from grief, trembles and throws things when angry.
Insomnia but worse with napping, sleeping, or masturbating (although many sexual fantasies).
Styes on eyes and teeth are crumbling.
Patient is delirius, febrile, incoherently talkative with hallucinations.
Dilated pupils, convulsions.
THIRSTY but afraid of water.
Tx for sunstroke, delirium, mania, fevers.
Datura- has atropine and hyoscyamine
Extroverted, messy, itchy, sweaty, and hot patient. Conjunctivitis that feels like “sand in the eyes.”
Burning feet, burning hemorrhoids, and burning diarrhea that wakes them up in the morning.
Trauma to the eye or orbit.
Bone fractures, phantom limb pain, and periosteal pain.
OCD gambler with cleft palate who craves alcohol. Worse 2-4am.
HA in the bones of his head. Bone pains and leg ulcers.
Patient mumbles, is secretive, thinks no one would like them if they knew them.
Has warts, thin eyebrows, the feeling that something is alive in their abdomen.
Forked urine. Dreams of falling that wake them up.
Romanic, needs change and excitement, travel. Better in the mountains or forest.
Scoliosis and dark hair along the spine.
LAD, angry head banging.
Delusionally religious. Manic, thinks he is Christ, tears his own clothes.
Prostration and icy cold.
Pale, sweaty, cyanotic.
Which remedies are thirsty?
Arsenicum wants little sips
Stramonium (afraid to drink)
Which remedy is thirstless?
Remedy for poison ivy and tiredness from exams?
Which remedies have bright red blood?
Which remedies have ear complaints?
Graphites (cracks in skin)
Hepar sulph (AOM)
Mercury (yellow d/c)
Which remedies have dry mucus membranes?
belladonna, bryonia
Which remedies are restless?
Aconite (strong, fear of dying)
Arsenicum (weak, fear of death, sx alternate)
Rhus tox (moving relieves pain)
Worse with coition?
Which rememdies treat urticaria?
Apis (better with cold topically)
Urtica (cold doesn’t help)