HL - power places and networks Flashcards
what physical factors impact global interactions?
landlocked countries
remote islands (distance to other countries)
physical environment
geographical terrain
climate (monsoon and heat)
why does a landlocked country have less global interactions?
- harder to develop
- dont have access to ports, so its harder to export and import goods
- have to move goods through other countries which costs more due to tax
- have impact on HDI - relates to poorness
what is an LLDC?
landlocked developing country
how does physical global interaction effect global interaction?
if a place has access to coast it makes it easier
global patter in trade of goods
G7 have much influence, global recession in 2009, next year there was a 15% increase,
china is largest trader in goods
G7 follow similar patterns in trading
what has caused an increase in trade and services
rising middle class, more people consuming things, more disposable income
what is globalistation
the increasing connectins between places, people, established through trade, politics and cultural exchanges, helped by tech and trasnport
what are positives to globalisation
bettering economy
easy travel
sharing of cukture
international aid
spread of resources
what are negatives to globalistation
exploitation by high income countries
evolving much faster
reliance on TNCs and G7
harder for local businesses
KOF index
index measuring degree of gloalisation
three dimensions of the KOF index
economic globalisation - long distance glows of goods, capital and services, information, Tariffs, payments, restrictions
political globalisation - government - diffusion of policies, embassies, UN, treaties, international organisations
social globalisation - expressed as the spread of ideas, information, images and people, tourism, TNCs, internet
what does the G20 do?
holds a strategic role in securing future global economic growth and prosperity.
To discuss global issues regarding economic growth
Represent more than 80% of the worlds GDP
what are the G7?
the most powerful countries
what is the aims of the EU
promote peace, freedom, security, no internal borders, regulate asylum and immigration and prevent combat and crime
what is OPEC
organisation of the petroleum exporting countries
purpose of OPEC
control protect price of oil and its import
what is OECD
organisation for economic co-operation and development
purpose of OEDC
create better policies for better lives
what is the IMF
international monetary fund
purpose of IMF
monitors the international monetary system, identify risks and recommends policies for growth and financial stability
purpose of world bank
offer support to developing countries through advice, research, technical assistance
purpose of new development bank
objective of financing infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging economies and developing countries
what is BRICS
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa
what date did ireland join the EU
jan 1973
advantages of ireland being in the EU
economy - was agriculturally based, moved away from that, as framers were granted access to more profitable markets, they eventually expanded their skills with access to more things in the EU
equality - Irish women gained equality through European legislation - entitled to equal pay
peace - conflict between northern Ireland, eurpoean parliament allowed for neutral body to allow for peace programs, EU is strong supporter of belfast agreement
what are the disadvantages of ireland in the EU
- It has been a net contributor to the EU since 2013, this means it pays more than it receives from the union
- They share Irish fishing water, take a lot of exports and there are little restrictions
- Lack of transparency, easier for them to hide problems in the European commission members
- Also people are unaware of the process and way members are elected
- Local governments are powerless in some situations,
- Little restriction on borders can make a country more dangerous
diamond trade \
fastest growing industry around the world
very risky
Botswana profited but it was exploited by Belgium
petroleum industry
- Dubai has 55 billion dollars out of a 425 billion dollar export industry is oil
- 30% GDP based on oil and gas
- 7th biggest producer in the world
Government profits rely on oil and gas
what are remittances
money sent to other countries, such as to family or friends or even accounts or Remittances, usually understood as the money or goods that migrants send back to families and friends in origin countries
international aid
International aid (also known as overseas aid or foreign aid) is defined as the assistance from rich and developed states that is given to developing countries, cash, military, resources etc
international loans
a loan to or from a government or organization in another country
debt relief
Debt relief refers to measures to reduce or refinance debt in order to make it easier for the borrower to repay it.
development aid
intended to promote long-term economic and social development in the receiving nation.
what are MGOs
multi-governmental organisations
free trade
international trade left to its natural course without tariffs quotas and other restrictions
what is NAFTA
north american free trade agreement
signed by Canada, Mexico and US
purpose of NAFTA
to create large free trade zones which reduce or eliminates tariffs on imports and exports
what is sovereignty
the state of being independent and being able to make your own decisions as a country (area)
possible perceived threats of free trade
imported commodities and raw materials threaten nations pre-established ones
migrants can bring cultural change and religious diversity - not everyone is welcoming
leaking of resources through TNC’s
information and data give people government finds threatening
illegal flows movements goods - case study
narcotics - cocaine highway to USA
el naya
major global trade involving cultivations, manufacture, distribution, and sale of substances
worth $400 billion 1 percent of global trade
80 of cocaine to US passes through honurdas
illegal flows of humans case study
mexico to USA - people trafficking
17,500 trafficked each year
reports of physical abuse
exploited and forced into sex trade - free labour etc
foreign direct investment
- investment made by firm of individual in one country into business interests located in another country
business practise of hiring a party outside a company to preform services and create goods that traditionally were preformed in house
spatial division of labour
moving low-skilled work abroad ( or “offshore”) to places where labor costs are low. Important skilled management jobs are retained at the TNC’s headquarters in its country of origin.
global servies location index
offers snapshot for both business leaders who must choose among a growing number of offshore locations - and the policy makers who seek to influence decisions
what is the impact of improved tech in FDIs
threatens low skilled workers jobs
makes workers more efficient
1 million jobs in US at risk
using examples explain how FDI and outsourcing networks places
APPLE - outsource manufacturing to china
more efficient and effective
big population
this has helped china as they are growing in their business sector - becoming more resourced and skilled, more people are aware of china, they can start taxing for their jobs, people get payed well, more income into chinas economy, creates tourism - more funding
brands like mcdonalds expand their company to other
increase supply chain - they play a large part - the world is dependent
developed the pearl river
allowed government to create special economic zones
global trade - mcdonalds
power - created a large amount of power and expanded into every country, known brand, lots of money owns many things
processes - franchising model, consistency and innovation - created rapid growth
possibilities - sustainability
place- 13000 locations in US
global strategies - fast low priced, brought American way to other countries, now this has turned into glocalisation
multi-governmental organisation
time-space convergence
the time it takes to travel between spaces is becoming smaller, the changing relationship between time and space
friction of distance
the further away two places are the less they will interact
what has decreased travel costs done
- culture sharing
- clear links between economic development and trade of a country
spread of phenomenon over time and space
distance decay
the reduction in the amount of movement or spatial interaction between two places
time-space divergence
when the journey time between places increases due to congestion, lower speed limits or other limiting factors
mobile phones in africa
M pesa - is a system that connects people to a phone so you can use credit card to pay
works on anything
send and receive money
desposit and withdraw money from account
safe and reliable
10 million access bank accounts through m pesa
now only 10% don’t have phones
how has M Pesa aided in development
- Allows more people to get an education
- More business can start up because of microloans
- Boosts local and international market
- Economy is boosted
- Access to money is easier for people
- Provides jobs
- Profit maximization - get the most money for goods because they check market prices
what is the digital divide
the gap between demographics and regions that have access to modern info and comms through tech
wealth income
parental restrictions
internet access
personal use
what is a black hole
loaction where incoming or outgoing data are dropped from network without informing the sender or recipient that this has happened
government censorship - china and N Korea
what is spatial chnage
- The arrangement of people, places, and environments
- Where things exist in what quality and quantity
Can be measured in terms of reserves of the resource or perhaps production levels
- Where things exist in what quality and quantity
temporal change
- Change in resources availability over time, when and how long it is
- Effected by seasonal variations in availability
other factors that determine availability
- Ownership - Governments, TNS’s and tribal groups own the land
- Patterns and trends in supply and demand- oil demand lowering, prices up
- Political - tariffs, control flow of resources, terrorism
- Tech - extraction tech