HIV Law Flashcards
First case of HIV in the Philippines
- Dec. 3, 1992
EO No. 39 ser. 1992
First case of HIV in the Philippines
- Feb 13, 1998
RA 8504
- Dec 20, 2018
1. Strengthens the Philippine Comprehensive Policy on HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support
2. Reconstitutes PNAC
3. Repeals RA 8504
RA 11166
- the agency attached to the DOH
- Primarily tasked to ensure the implementation of the country’s
response to the HIV and AIDS situation
as a precondition to employment, admission
to educational institutions, the provision of medical service or any kind of service shall be deemed unlawful
- Compulsory HIV testing
It shall be conducted in every circumstances by a social
worker, health-care provider, or other health-care professionals
accredited by
the HIV status and the ID of the patient must be
- Approved on: December 30, 2018
- Approved by: Rodrigo Duterte
- Articles: 8
- Sections: 57
- Believed transmission of virus from chimpanzee
- Because of bush meat trading in Democratic Republic of
AIDS was described
- 1st case of blood transfusion associated AIDS to an
- 1st case if HIV in Philippines was reported
- Mandatory HIV screening test for blood units (AO 57
series 1989)
- Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC) was created
(EO 39 series 1992)
o Prevent and control HIV/AIDS
Dec. 3, 1992
- RA 8504: Phil. AIDS prevention and control act of 1998
February 13, 1998
- RA 11166: Phil. HIV and AIDS Policy Act
o Reconstituted PNAC (after 20 years)
Dec. 20, 2018
- Strengthen Philippine policy on HIV/AIDS in
prevention, treatment, care, and support - Reconstitute PNAC
- o May plan/goals na sila ngayon - Repeals RA 8504 (Philippine AIDS Prevention and
Control Act of 1998)
RA 11166
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Disorder
- Stems from infection with the Human Immunodeficiency
Virus or HIV, making an individual susceptible to
opportunistic infections
- Stops or suppresses viral replication or replications of a
retrovirus like HIV, thereby slowing down the progression
of infection - Given to those who are positive or as prophylaxis
Antiretroviral Drugs/Therapy (ART)
NGO, non-commercial individuals
Civil society organization (CSO)
Study undertaken in community settings
Community-based research
Evidence-based policies, programs, and approaches that
aim to reduce transmission of HIV and its harmful consequences on health, social relations and economic
Comprehensive health intervention for key
Imposed upon an individual characterized by lack of
consent, use of force or intimidation, the use of testing
as a prerequisite for employment or other purposes
Compulsary HIV testing
Unfair or unjust treatment
- Concept enshrined in Article 5 of the Convention on the
Rights of the Child recognizing the developmental
changes and the corresponding progress in cognitive
abilities and capacity for self-determination undergone
by children as they grow up
Evolving capacities of the child
- the way a person communicates gender identity to
others through behavior, clothing, hairstyles,
communication or speech pattern, or body
Gender Expression
Personal sense of identity as characterized
Gender Identity
- Designated health care services to its enrolled members
for a fixed pre-paid fee for a specified period of time
Health maintenance organization (HMO)
- A person’s involvement in certain activities that increase
the risk of transmitting or acquiring HIV
o Unprotected sex
o Having multiple sexual partners
High-risk behavior
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- Retrovirus affecting cells of the human immune system
- Interpersonal and dynamic communication process
between a client and a trained counselor - Pretest and post-test
HIV Counseling
Trained by an institution or organization accredited by
the Department of Health (DOH) to provide counseling
services on HIV and AIDS with emphasis on behavior
HIV/AIDS counselor
- Documentation and analysis of the number of HIV and
AIDS infections and the pattern of its spread
o Check cases
o Bulletin
HIV/AIDS monitoring
Measures aimed at protecting non-infected persons from
contracting HIV and minimizing the impact of the
condition on persons living with HIV
HIV prevention and control
Absence of HIV/HIV antibodies
Presence of HIV/HIV antibodies
- Facility-based, mobile medical procedure, or communitybased screening modalities that are conducted to determine the presence or absence of HIV
HIV Testing
Laboratory testing or procedure done or an individual
HIV Related Testing
DOH accredited on-site or mobile testing center, hospital, clinic, laboratory, and other facility that has the capacity to conduct voluntary HIV counseling and HIV
HIV Testing facility
Transfer of HIV from one infected person to an
uninfected individual
HIV Transmission
Voluntary agreement of a person to undergo or be subjected to a procedure based on full information
Informed consent
- Groups or persons at higher risk of HIV exposure, or
affected populations whose behavior make them likely to
be exposed to HIV or to transmit the virus
Key affected population
Illnesses caused by various organism, many of which do
not cause diseases in persons with healthy immune
Opportunistic infection
Process by which the “index client”, “source”, or “patient”
who has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) including
HIV, is given support in order to notify and advise the
partners that have been exposed to infection
. Partner notification
Any individual diagnosed to be infected with HIV
Persons living with HIV
Use of prescription drugs as a strategy for the prevention
of HIV infection by people who do not have the HIV and
Pre-exposure prophylaxis
- Process of providing an individual with information on the biomedical aspects of HIV AIDS, and emotional support -
undergoing HIV testing and the test result itself before
the individual is subjected to the test
Pre-test Counseling
Preventive medical treatment started immediately after
exposure to pathogen (HIV)
Post-exposure prophylaxis
Process of providing risk-reduction information and
emotional support to a person who submitted to HIV
testing at the time the result is released
Post-test Counseling
Agent/device used to prevent the transmission of an
health care provider initiated HIV testing to a person practicing high-risk behavior or vulnerable to HIV after conducting HIV pre-test counseling
Provider-initiated counseling and testing
- Compensation for unfairness, grievance, and reparation
- “Danyos”
- Choices made and behaviors adopted by a person to
reduce or minimize the risk of HIV transmission
Safer sex practices
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Infections that are spread through the transfer of
organisms from one person to another as a result of
sexual contact
Direction of emotional, sexual attraction, or conduct
towards people
Sexual Orientation
Sets of policies to protect positive/negative HIV patients
Social protection
- Fear
- Stigma arises from ignorance since it leads to fear
- Devaluation and dehumanization of an individual in the
eyes of others
- Private and public hospitals or medical establishments
accredited by the DOH to have the capacity and facility
to provide treatment and care services to PLHIV - Namimigay ART
Treatment HUB
- HIV testing done on an individual who, after having
undergone pre-test counseling willingly submits to such
Voluntary HIV testing
- Suffering from inequalities in life suffering from
vulnerabilities such as unequal opportunities, social
exclusion, poverty, unemployment, and other similar
social exclusion
Vulnerable community: at risk