History & Physical Terminology Flashcards
Physical Examination
the cornerstone of ever diagnosis and treatment
Presenting Problem
The reason the animal is at the vet
Body Systems History
detailed questions about the body system or systems involved in the presenting problem
Body Systems Review
a review of the body systems to note any additional problems the animal may have
the overall patient description; breed, genes, age, reproductive status
Environmental History
the animals most recent lining situation
Pulmonary Edema
fluid accumulation in the lungd
Intervertebral DIsk Disease
deteriorated cushions between the vertebra
bones of the spine
examining body parts by touch
listening for sounds produced within the body
involved careful visual inspection of each body and evaluation the animal as a hwile
Systemic Examination
begins by examine one body system inits entirety before moving on to the next
loss of hair on the body
a medical term meaning “reddened skin”
a hard, pimple like bump
skin lesions that resemble blackheads
towards the head
Inguinal region
between the rear legs
towards the middle
Neuro Hammer
an examination instrument used by the vet to check on an animals reflexes
to pump; in the animal, the body’s ability to pump blood
a pimple like structure that can be found in the ear canal; choana
Tympanic Membrane
membrane that covers the ear drum
towards the anterior of front
Turgor Pressure
normal elasticity of the elasticity of the skin for evidence of dehydration
Thoracic Area
the chest cavity of an animal
abnormal crackling sounds heard in the lungs
Capillary Refill Time
the time it takes for the vessels in the muccus membranes to return to normal after being pressed
Pulse Deficits
Distinct difference between the point at which the heart beats and the point at which a pulse beats is felt. Pulse should be felt immediately after heart beat
Cranial third
Stomach, spleen, 2/3 of the kidneys
Medial third
Small intestines, caudal 1/3 of the kidneys
Caudal third
Urinary bladder, large intestine
Palpenral Reflex
evaluate by touching the medial corner of the eye to elicit a blink
Menace reflex
is evaluated by moving an open palm rapidly toward the animals eye
the righting reflex (should be present in each of the 4 paws)
Submandibular Lymph Nodes
located caudal to the mandible on each side of the jaw
towards the bak
Towards the tail
Prescapular Lymph Nodes
located just cranial and dorsal to the shoulder joint
Axillary Lymph Nodes
located in the arm pit region of the animal
Inguinal lymph Nodies
located in the inguinal region between the rear legs
Popliteal Lymph Noddes
located in the inguinal region between the rear legs
Stifle Joint
membrane that covers the eyeball as well as the inside of the eyelids
Normal colour of the eyelids
white part of eye
the transparent layer that covers the very front of the eye
an instrument used to visualize the interior chamber of the eye, where signs of disease or trauma can sometimes be seen
an instrument used to inspect the ear of an animal; its essential diagnostic took to determine types of infection and discover bodies
Medical Record Chart
a legal document belonging to the vet hospital or owner of the practice
Progress Notes
portion of a medical chart devoted to ongoing patient evaluation using the SOAP format
Subjective Data
includes the reason the animal is being presented to the bet clinic
Objective Data
can be measured; quantifiable
Client Education
a general term that covers many of the clients interactions at a practice
identifying the cause of the animals symptoms
outlook for the patient
occurring or having 2 sides
Cephalic Venipuncture
taking a blood sample from the foreleg of an animal
a slit like opening on the roof of the mouth in a bird
a device that consists of wooden stats or round woven together that go around a horses neck to keep the neck straight and prevent the horse from chewing at itself
rope or chain device that encircles the rear legs restricting the animals ability to kick
Integumentary System
skin and attached structures such as hair
Jugular venipuncture
taking a blood sample from the front neck
the breast bone of a bird
Lateral Recumbency
laying on its side
Cardiovascular System
body system that circulates blood
Cat bag
a restraining devide consisting of a zipper and several openings for treating different parts of the cats body
Elizabethan Collar
circular plastic shield resembling a lampshade, that encircles the neck and extends to end of muzzle
Head catch
the part of a stall or chute that traps cattle by the head
Heart - Girth - Tape
Flexible tape measuring device that weights a horse by measuring its girth just behind the elbow in its heart area
Hog Snare
a pole with a loop of cable at the end that can be tightened over a pigs snout
Master Problem List
the first page of a vet medical chart that serves a an index or table of contents for the rest of the record
Mouth Gag
wedge shaped structure that prevents a horse from biting down while someone is examining or treating its mouth
Nose Tongs
Cattle restraint device that grasps the centre of the nose just inside the nostrils to permit more hand control
Respiratory System
body system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
Grasping the loose skin behind an animals neck; restraint method for cats
involuntary constriction and relation of the muscles of the intestine or another canal creating wavelike movements that push the contents of the canal forward
short circuit in the brain that makes the animal lose control over its body
a horse restraint device usually either a long wooden handle affixed to a shout loop of chain, or two hinged metal handle that pinch and hold