Behavior Terminology Flashcards
The ethological approach that states that behavior is learned rather then genetically programmed
Is the study of animal behaviour
Is a slow process that leads to new species of plants and animals over a period of time
Survival Value
Unlearned response characteristic of a species
Classical Ethology
Much off what animals know is innate or instinctive
Natural Selection
Awards survival and reproductive success to those individuals and groups that best adjust to their environment
Fixed Action Patters
Stereotypical of predictable behavior of a species
Conditioned Stimulus
Sensory input unrelated to a simple reflex behavior
Classical Conditioning
Association of stimuli that happens at approximately the same time or in roughly same are
Natural scientists
Nature-Nurture Controversy
Two opposing school: Classical ethology which views animal behavior as primarily Learned. Animal psychology which views animal behavior as primarily learned
Unconditioned stimulus
Sensory input that produces a simple reflex behavior
Unconditioned response
A simple reflex behavior
Stimulus Response Theory
Psychological school of though stating that all complex forms of behavior, including emotions thoughts, and habits, are complex muscular and glandular responses that can be observed and measured
Study of biological basis of the social behavior
Functioning or tending to produce effects
Operant Conditioning
Association of an activity with punishment or reward
A complex pattern of movements performed by a bee that directs other bees to a food source
Social Behavior
The ways individual members of the same species interact with each other
The acquisition in the very young of certain fixed action patterns
Instrumental Learning
Learning by trial and error
Sensitive Period
A specific stage early in an animals life when imprinting occurs
Recognition of Individuals
The process that allows animals to distinguish their place in a social context broader than their relationship with primary caregivers
The process of adopting to contact with others
House Soiling
Urinating or defecating inside the home
Prone to defining and defending areas of sleep, eating, exercise, and play
Staining vertical surfaces with a string smelling urine
Post Parturition
Period of time after giving birth to offspring
Used to treat minor issues; involves surrounding animal with stimulus
A training maneuver designed to disorient a bird abruptly dropping the hand it’s perched on
Classification given to a group of animals that can produce
Eliminates problem behavior completely removing the reinforcement for behavior
Diminishing a particular behavior gradually exposing to it slowly
Counter conditioning
Replaces undesirable behaviours with a desired behavior by taking a negative linked stimulus and linking it to positive emotions
Command - Response Reward
Involved giving.a command with an immediate reward
Clicker Training
Type of training that uses a clicker to signal correct behaviour
Used to eliminate not create behaviours
Positive Reinforcement
An immediate pleasant occurrence following a behavior, and used to reinforce desired behaviours
An unpleasant occurrence used to eliminate an undesirable behaviours; most difficult method of behavior modification
Negative Reinforcement
An immediate unpleasant occurrence used to create a desired behavior
Aversion Therapy
Creating a relationship between an unpleasant stimulus and an object that are chewing or marking
Avoidance Therapy
Use of negative reinforcement to eliminate a problem behavior
Fear Induced Aggression
Occurs when an animal is in position from which it can’t escape
Fear - Induced Aggression
Occurs when an animal is in position from which it can’t escape
Conflict Related Aggression
Occurs when exposed to an uncomfortable or uncertain stimulus
Conflict - Related Aggression
Occurs when exposed to an uncomfortable or uncertain stimulus
Inter - Male Aggression
Male dogs and cats that show aggression to eat other
Pain - Induced Aggression
Protective Instinct; Pain related
Maternal Aggression
Normal protective behavior to protect young
Surgical Approaches
Pharmaceutical Therapy
Meds that can help when all else fails
Environmental Modification
When cats break litter box training and constantly defecating on the carpet; can wrap the outer edges of a litter box with carpet
Konrad Zacharias Lorenz
One of the founding fathers of modern ethology. Dedicated much of his research to identifying various kinds of fixed action patters. Young animals follow their parents because of auditory or visual cues the parent presents
B. F. Skinner
American psychologist; expert on the mechanism of operant conditions. A classic experiment he devised involved teaching a rat to press a bar for food. Such conditioning uses specific environmental responses to shape the behavior to a specific task
John B. Watson
American psychologist proposed an approach to psychology based on objective laboratory procedures. His experience let him ti formulate a stimulus - response theory of psychology which hold that all complex forms of behavior including emotions, thoughts, and habits are complex muscular and glandular responses that can be observed and measured
School of Animal Psychology
Was founded on Pavlov’s discovery that animals could learn to build novel associations between various stimuli, and therefore develop novel responses to their environment. Behaviourism became the dominant school of animal psychology
Ivan Pavlov
Russian psychologist, the first to question the role of instinct. During the process of studying digestion in dogs, Pavlov discovered the animals immediately salivated at the site of food. Salivation was an involuntary or unconditioned response. Animals can build novel associations between various stimuli and therefore develop novel responses to their environment
Ivan Pavlov
Russian psychologist, the first to question the role of instinct. During the process of studying digestion in dogs, Pavlov discovered the animals immediately salivated at the site of food. Salivation was an involuntary or unconditioned response. Animals can build novel associations between various stimuli and therefore develop novel responses to their environment
Breaking Litter Box Training
When a cat urinates or defecates some place other than it’s litter box
Charles Darwin
British Scientist that revolution much of the study related to biology and ethology. He laid the foundation for classical ethology, which asserts that much of what animals know is instinctive or innate
Behavior Modification Programs
Training courses that use rewards and reprimand to stimulate change in behavior
Canine Separation Anxiety
Anxiety when separated from owner