History Chapter 1 Flashcards
Describe root of word PSYCHOLOGY
– Greek -psyche (or soul) - and logos (the study)
Define psychology
Psychology is the scientific study of and the mind and behaviour
Define mind
The mind is the private inner experience of perceptions, thoughts, memories, and feelings
Defined behavior
Behavior is observable actions of human beings and non-human animals
Why is studying human Errors/Mistakes helpful in the psychology??
broken’ parts show how the whole working machine works
Define nativism
Nativism is a philosophy that certain kinds of knowledge are innate and inborn
Defined philosophical empiricism
Philosophical empiricism that is the idea that all knowledge is acquired through experience
Define phrenology
Phrenology is the idea that mental processes/abilities are localized in specific regions of the brain DEFUNCT
Define physiology
Physiology is the study of BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES especially in humans
This was the Aristotle view of the child’s mind
Tabula rasa (or blank slate)
René Descartes argued this:
Descartes: the body/mind are fundamentally different and separate
Thomas Hobbes said this about the mind:
Thomas Hobbes: the mind and body aren’t different “Mind is what the brain does”
Franz Joseph Gall this view on the mind: ___ with a theory called ____
Gall said - the brains and mind are linked - bigger brain = big mental capacity - he developed the theory of phrenology
Pierre Flourens made this contribution:
To improve on Gall’s go method - he surgically removed parts of animal brains - his conclusion: action of a partial brain differs from an intact brain
Paul Broca linked the brain/ mind with this area:
It’s called Broca’s area - patient Monsieur Leborgne - could only say tan - but he could still communicate and understand with gestures - only his SPEECH was affected
define stimulus
Sensory input from the environment
Define reaction time
Reaction time is the time it takes to respond to stimuli
Defined consciousness
Consciousness is the person’s subjective experience of the world and the mind
Define structuralism
Structuralism is an analysis of the basic elements of the mine
Define introspection
Introspection is the subjective observation of one’s own experience
Herman von Helmholtz conclude this from his studies
Helmholtz applied stimuli to patient - he recorded their reaction time - the Toe time> thigh time therefore signals where TRAVELLING to the brain
Wilhelm Wundt had this approach to psychology
Wundt said Scientific psychology should focus on analyzing consciousness - so he adopted structuralism
Wundt was based here:
Edward Titchener took Wundt’s approach here:
To America
Wilhelm Wundt emphasize this:
Wudnt emphasized the Relationship between Elements of conscious
Edward Titchener emphasized this as opposed to Wundt:
Edward Titchener emphasized IDENTIFYING the basic ELEMENTS of consciousness
Define functionalism
Functionalism is the study of the purpose mental processes serve to help people adapt to their environment
William James brought this approach to psychology after his European tour:
Functionalism is with James Bryant - a Mental processes to help people adapt
Describe the relationship William James saw between functionalism and natural selection
William James: mental abilities and must have evolved because they were ADAPTIVE - abilities increase an individual fitness in and environment
Ancient philosophers did not support their claims with this: scientists do:
Empirical evidence
How did Flourens/Broca develop science! linking mind and behavior
They showed that damage to the brain= impairment behavior/mental functions - so the physical brain is tied to the mind
How did Herman von Helmholtz further the science! of the mind
Helmholtz developed methods to measure reaction Time -he showed that signals travel to the brain
What scientific achievement is Wilhelm Wundt credited with?
Wundt is credited with the founding of psychology as a scientific! Discipline - he is a structuralist/ observing the relationship! between those elements
G. Stanley Hall did this for psychology:
G Stanley Hall established the first American psychology laboratory, Journal and the American psychology association APA
Define hysteria
Hysteria is a temporary loss of cognitive or motor functions, using due to emotionally upsetting experiences
Define unconscious
The unconscious operates outside conscious awareness - and it influences conscious behavior
Psychoanalytic theory
Psychoanalytic theory emphasizes the importance of unconscious mental processes in shaving feeling and thoughts/ behavior
Charcot and Janet observe this:
Patient had hysteria - but the symptoms disappear under hypnosis
This psychologist believed hysteria could help understand the mind:
William James - you thought you could use a mental disruptions to understand normal operation
Describe the root of the word hysteria:
Latin Hyster = womb - they thought women had a wondering womb Now defunct
Describe Sigmund Freud’s perspective on psychology
Freud and the psychoanalytic theory - we must discover really experiences of the patient - when we must uncover their unconscious conflicts and sexual desires
Define psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis is a therapeutic approach the focus is on bringing unconscious material to conscious awareness to better understand disorders
William James and Sigmund Freud have this in common:
James and Freud Believe the mental aberrations provide important clues into the nature of mind
Describe the contrasting workplaces James and Freud
William James working in academic setting while Sigmund Freud had clinical patients - clinical psychology
What is criticized in Freud’s psychoanalysis approach
He focuses on limitations and problems - he thinks people are hostages to unconscious childhood and primitive sexual desires - his ideas are difficult to test scientifically
These psychologists pioneered a humanistic psychology
Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers pioneered humanistic psychology
Define humanistic psychology
Humanistic psychology is an approach to understand human nature emphasizing positive potential
Contrast Psychoanalysis and psychology
Psychoanalysis: people have limitations, prisoners of their past, PATIENTS vs. humanistic psychology: people have potential, they are free agents developing, CLIENTS
Charcot and Janet raise this possibility studying hysteria
Patients are different people under his hypnosis - so each of us may have more than oneself
She was the first woman to receive a PhD in psychology
Margaret Floy Washburn - she have the animal mind book which develops the theory of consciousness - criticized
Define behaviorism
Behaviorism is an approach where psychologists restrict himself to the study of objectively observable behavior
Watson suggested this is about the direction of psychology
Watson: private experience is too vague for scientific inquiry - since psychology should focus on behavior! Not experience
Defined response
Responses and action or psychological change enacted by a stimulus
Define reinforcement
Reinforcement is the idea that the consequences! of behavior determine whether it will be more likely to be done again
This scientist influenced Watson’s theory of behavior
Ivan Pavlov
Pavlov’s experiments show that this
The sound of a tone could influence the salivation of dogs - salivation= the response
What is the difference between Pavlov and Skinner’s approach
Pavlov: dogs are passive! participants vs. Skinner: animals act! So can they learn to craft
Skinner build this to demonstrate reinforcement
Skinner built the conditioning chamber or skinner box -it works by reinforcement-the rat learns to push a lever to get food
Describe Skinner application his reinforcement principles as well as the backlash
Skinner builds teaching machines - he has utopia dreams: he will make good behavior through reinforcement - he thinks free will is an illusion -there is backlash because you can’t criticize free will in AMERICA
define illusions
Ilusions are errors of perception/ memory/ judgment in which subjective experience differs from Objective reality
Define Gestalt psychology
Gestalt psychology - we often perceived the whole rather than the sum of its parts. Gestalt - German for a unified whole
This man developed Gestalt psychology
Max Wertheimer - he observes daddy disappearing.is interpreted as a moving dot so he concludes the whole! as perceived and not the parts - even though the movement is an illusion
Barlett observed this
Ebbinghaus Tom Had message to test memory on himself - but Barlett instead studied story recollections - people recalled what they wanted to happen in the story not! reality
What did Piaget theorize?
Piaget: Young children lack the particular cognitive ability that allows older! children to realize mass is constant when object is divided
Describe Kurt Lewin’s theory
A persons construal of a stimulus determines reaction ie not all kisses are pleasant - and he used topology to model subjective experience
This invention help spur cognitive psychology
The computer helped spur cognitive psychology it introduced the idea of a flow of information = mental event are flow
Broadbent and Miller had to these insights to the mind
Broadbent: Limited capacity to handle incoming information-less multitask - Miller: we can attend to seven 7 pieces of information at a time
What did BF Skinner contribute to cognitive psychology
Observable behavior was pushed in Skinners book - but it cannot account for language that is strung together in original ways therefore there are cognitive processes tonight
Lashley tried to find this in the brain
lAshley had rats in a maze - he wanted to find the precise spot when learning occurred - the rats got worse couldn’t find it - it was the starting physiological psychology and it lead to behavioral neuroscience
Define behavioral neuroscience
Behavioral Neuroscience links psychological processes to activities in the nervous system and other bodily processes
Define cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Nueroscience is the field of study that attends to understand the link between cognitive processes and brain activity
Define evolutionary psychology
Evolutionary psychology puts the mind and behavior in terms of adaptive value I’m Abilities chosen by natural selection overtime
This scientists married evolution to psychology
e.o Wilson
define social psychology
Social psychology is the study of the causes and consequences of sociality
Define lewins field theory
Lewin: behavior is a product of internal forces and external forces
define absolutism in psychology
Absolutism holds the culture makes little or no difference for most psychological phenomena
Relativism in psychology
Relativism holds that psychological phenomena across cultures -should only be viewed in specific cultural context
what do social and cultural psychology both add to the discipline
Social and cultural psychology expanded disciplines horizon of individuals and a greater context
Who was the first woman to be president of the APA
Mary Calkins -argue to get structuralism -a single unit cannot be broken down into mini parts
Is the first minority president of the APA
Kenneth Clark he said segregation of races causes great psychological harm for example African-American children prefer a white doll to black doll
Describe the difference between us response to aline in the box Japanese response
Americans drew a line at the same length - Japanese juror line proportionately this is
Which part of psychology has largest PhD/jobs
ClinicalPsychology is the largest
Biological psychology
Brain focus