Historical Figures Flashcards
Simón Bolívar
1783-1830 AD
South/Central American General and liberator of Venezuela, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru from Spanish rule.
Fidel Castro
Cuban communist revolutionary and dictator.
Winston Churchill
1874-1965 AD
British Prime Minister during WW2.
Oliver Cromwell
1599-1658 AD
British General, member of Parliament, and revolutionary who ruled England in lieu of the King in the 1600’s.
Jefferson Davis
1808-1889 AD
President of the Confederacy.
Frederick Douglass
1817-1895 AD
African American abolitionist.
Mahatma Gandhi
1869-1948 AD
Indian leader who helped India achieve independence through non-violent civil disobedience.
William Lloyd Garrison
1805-1879 AD
An American abolitionist.
Ulysses S. Grant
1822-1885 AD
American President and General of the Union forces.
Che Guevara
1928-1967 AD
Communist revolutionary in South/Central America.
Henry Vlll
1491-1547 AD
British monarch who started the Anglican Church.
Thomas Jefferson
1743-1826 AD
U.S. President and author of the Declaration of Independence.
John F. Kennedy
1917-1963 AD
U.S. President during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the beginning of the Civil Rights movement.
Robert E. Lee
1807-1870 AD
Leader of the Confederate Army.
Vladimir Lenin
1870-1924 AD
Leader of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and the first leader of the USSR.
Abraham Lincoln
1809-1865 AD
American president during the civil war.
Louis XlV
1638-1715 AD
Known as the “Sun King” who ruled over the height of the French monarchy at Versailles.
Louis XVl
1754-1793 AD
French King killed in the French Revolution.
Mao Zedong
1893-1976 AD
Chinese revolutionary and leader.
Karl Marx
1818-1883 AD
Philosopher who first discussed communism.
Napoleon Bonaparte
1769-1821 AD
Emperor who ruled France and parts of Europe who took over after the Revolution.
Carry Nation
1846-1911 AD
Leader of the temperance movement in America.
Maximilien Robespierre
1758-1794 AD
French Revolutionary who ruled brutally during the early years of the Revolution.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1882-1945 AD
U.S. President during WW2.
Adam Smith
1723-1790 AD
British economist and author who wrote “The Wealth of Nations” about the free market system.
Joseph Stalin
1879-1953 AD
Soviet leader during WW2 and the Cold War.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
1815-1902 AD
American leader of the women’s rights movement.
Booker T. Washington
1856-1915 AD
African American spokesman and scholar.
George Washington
1732-1799 AD
First U.S. President and commander of the colonial army.
Susan B. Anthony
1820-1906 AD
American leader of women’s suffrage.