Histology - Liver, Pancreas and Gall Bladder Flashcards
liver and pancreas development
outgrowth of the gut
parenchyma of the liver and pancreas
composed of glandular epithelial cells
the functional tissue of an organ as distinguished from the connective and supporting tissue
functions of the liver
most diverse tissue in the body
liver capsule
covered by collagenous connective tissue capsule
that is covered by a layer of mesothelial cells (simple squamous epithelium) derived from the peritoneum
liver structure
made up of segments called lobules
branch of the hepatic vein called the centrolobular vein (central vein) at its centre and portal triads at each corner
portal triads
branches of the vessels which enter at the aorta hepatic (hepatic vein and the hepatic artery)
include a third ‘tube’ - a branch of the conduit which leaves the liver at the aorta hepatic, the bile duct
portal tracts include branches of….
hepatic portal vein
hepatic artery
bile ductule - lined by simple cuboidal ells called cholangiocytes
include lymphatic vessels
main cells of the liver
polyhedral epithelial cells form plates or sheets of cells with spaces in between form blood to flow through
blood channels = sinusoids
lined by endothelial cells
narrow space between these lining cells and the hepatocytes - space of Disse (perisinusoidal space)
microvilli of the hepatocytes project into the space
endothelial = fenestrated
liquid component of the blood generally has free access to the hepatocytes
connective tissue of the liver
portal tracts are accompanied by collagenous connective tissue
parenchyma of the liver is also supported by reticular fibres along with some Type 1 collagen that is found in the space of Disse
connective tissue of the liver
hepatic stellate cells are found scattered in the space of Disse
modified fibroblasts and make connective tissue
store vitamin A within fat droplets in their cytoplasm
transform into myofibroblasts and produce scar tissue in the liver
macrophages of sinusoids - KUPFFER CELLS
scattered within the sinusoids
remove particulate matter from the blood and help remove worn out red blood cells
alkaline solution containing water, ions, phospholipids, bilirubin and bile salts
pigment which results from the breakdown of haemoglobin in the spleen
excreted in the bile - brown colour feces