Histology Flashcards
2 periods of growth
- embryonic
- fetal
4 mechanisms of growth
- cell proliferation
- protoplasmic synthesis
- water uptake
- intercellular matrix deposition
__________: the colorless material comprising the living part of a cell, including the cytoplasm, nucleus, and other organelles
growth in the _________ system represents the major component of increase in overall body mass during the growth phase
_________________ are used to compare growth patterns within a species
absolute growth scales
____________ are used to compare growth patterns between species
relative growth scales
growth patterns will reflect ______ differences within a species
___________: in which a larger body size would preserve the same size relationships among body parts
geometric scaling
__________: in which some body parts change non-linearly with growth`
elastic scaling
__________: a mathematical tool used to analyze scaling, the study of the relationship between size and shape
What is the allometric equation?
Where Y= thing measured X= total body weight b= proportionality constant k= allometric growth coefficient (the slope in log-log plots)
_________: where a body part grows proportionally faster than the organism as a whole
positive allometry
________: where a body part grows proportionally slower than the organism as a whole
negative allometry
_________: condition in which all portions of the body are growing at the same rate
3 muscle types
- skeletal
- smooth
- cardiac
which muscle type is under voluntary control?
_______: spindle shaped, non-striated, uninucleated fibers
smooth muscle
______: tubular, striated, multinucleated fibers
skeletal muscle
______: striated, branched, uninucleated fibers
cardiac muscle
4 tissue types that develop from the mesoderm/mesenchyme
- skeletal muscle
- cartilage
- bone
- connective tissue
somite dermatomes develop into ________
connective tissues
somite myotomes develop into ________
skeletal muscle
somite sclerotomes develop into _______
axial skeleton
somite ________ develop into connective tissues
somite ________ develop into skeletal muscle
somite ________ develop into axial skeleton
____________ develops into the appendicular skeleton
lateral plate somatic mesoderm
lateral plate somatic mesoderm develops into the __________
appendicular skeleton
head mesenchyme develops into___________
skull and branchial arch bone + cartilage
______________ develops into skull and branchial arch bone + cartilage
head mesenchyme
somitomeres develop into _____________
striated muscle of the head and branchial arches 1-3
_________ develop into striated muscle of the head and branchial arches 1-3
What happens to myotome cells when they lose the ability to undergo mitosis?
they become myoblasts
myotome cells become myoblasts when they __________ and begin ___________
- lose the ability to undergo mitosis
- synthesizing myofibrillar proteins
postmitotic myoblasts fuse together to form a __________
_________: an elongated, multinucleated muscle fiber
myotubes will begin to synthesize _______ and ________
- actin
- myosin
in the myotube, the nuclei will migrate to the ___________ and the cytoplasm is filled with ____________ in a characteristic _____________
- periphery
- bundles of contractile filaments
- banding pattern
___________: the outer capsule of the muscle
_________: the inward extensions of epimysium that package groups of muscle cells into fascicles and bring nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatics into the muscle
__________: loose connective tissue that surrounds individual multinucleated muscle fibers; brings in capillaries and the smallest division of nerves
____________: the process of laying down new bone material by osteoblasts
the growth plates of a long bone are located at the junction of the ___________ and the _________
- epiphysis (articular region)
- diaphysis (shaft region)
the ______ can be viewed as a synarthrotic cartilaginous joint between two bones
growth plate/physes
4 zones of cartilaginous growth and mineralization
- zone of resting chondrocytes
- zone of proliferative chondrocytes
- zone of hypertrophied chondrocytes
- zone of calcified cartilage
___________: chondrocytes are scattered, they do not divide and may serve to weld the growth plate to the epiphysis
zone of resting chondrocytes
_________: isogenic columns of actively dividing chondrocytes; site of elongation of the long bone. the more mature chondrocytes are located at the diaphyseal end of the columns
zone of proliferative chondrocytes
_________: narrow zone at the diaphyseal end of the column, in which chondrocytes with lacunae are large and intercellular matrix is minimal
zone of hypertrophied chondrocytes
__________: the weakest site in the growth plate and therefore the major site of fractures
zone of hypertrophied chondrocytes
________: cartilaginous area where the matrix is more darkly stained due to calcium deposition
zone of calcified cartilage
after growth is finished, the tidemark will be a visible border between the ___________ and the ____________
- zone of articular cartilage
- zone of calcification
_________: the enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase in size of its cells
_________: develop from the fusion of macrophages and aremuch larger multinucleated cells that remodel/digest existing bone
4 contents of a haversian canal
- artery
- vein
- nerve
- lymph vessel
_________: denotes the border between articular cartilage and mineralized cartilage (in mature bone)
______ unite bones
articulations (joints)
_________: a movable joint
_________: an immovable joint
joints are defined histologically by the __________ within the joint
type of connective tissue
__________: a fluid filled joint
synovial joint
What type of joint is dealt with most often in clinical medicine and surgery?
synovial joints
intervertebral joints are examples of the _________ type, where fibrocartilage connects the articulating components
5 categories of joints
- synchonrosis
- syndesomsis
- synostosis
- synovial
- symphysis
Which 3 types of joints are synarthrotic?
- syndhondrosis
- syndesmosis
- synostosis
What type of joint is diarthrotic?
What type of joint is amphiarthrotic?
_______ joint: bar or plate of hyaline cartilage between 2 bones
_______ joint: ligament or fibrous membrane between 2 bones
_______ joint: bones fused into a single unit
______ joint: articulating bone surfaces covered by hyaline cartilage separated by a fluid-filled joint cavity, surrounded by a joint capsule
________ joint: articular surfaces covered by hyaline cartilage, separated by a pad of fibrocartilage
______: located between the articular heads, normally filled with synovial fluid
joint cavity
_______: infolding of synovial membrane into the synovial space
synovial fold
___________: the site of synovial fluid production
synovial fold
_______: an epithelioid layer of fibroblasts that encases the synovial fluid
synovial membrane
_______: dense white fibrous connective tissue that contains elastic fibers
fibrous layer
the fibrous layer attaches to the bone at the _________
perichondral ring
_________: an area of transition between the articular cartilage and the periosteum of the diaphysis
perichondral ring
________: a remnant of the notochord found within the intervertebral joints
nucleus pulposus
___________: collagenous fibers that attach tendons, ligaments, and joint capsules to bone
Sharpey’s Fibers
__________: bundles of collagenous fibers arranged in parallel which function to anchor or bind muscles to bones
_______: consist mostly of bundles of elastin molecules formed into elastic fibers with some bundles of collagen, bind bone to bone
due to their high concentration of elastin, ligaments are therefore more ________ than tendons, but offer less __________
- elastic and flexible
- tensile strength