High Yield PTEexam review part 39 - 41 Flashcards
What is the most common cause of primary MR?
Myxomatous Degeneration
E/A: <0.8
Peak E velocity: <50 cm/sec
e’ velocity <10 cm/sec
What is the patient’s diastology dysfunction?
Grade 1 Diastolic Dysfunction
(See chart below)

What is Eisenmenger’s syndrome?
Eisenmenger’s syndrome is defined as the process in which a long-standing left-to-right cardiac shunt caused by a congenital heart defect (typically by a ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, or less commonly, patent ductus arteriosus) causes pulmonary hypertension and eventual reversal of the shunt into a cyanotic right-to-left shunt.
What particular end organ is most affected by Alagille syndrome other than the heart?
Bile ducts –> Liver Damage
Bile builds up in the liver aand scars
S/S: Jaundice, pruritits, deposits of cholesterol (Xanthomas)
What is important to remember about Alagille patients in terms of induction?
Bad airways –> Broad, prominent forehead, deep set eyes, small pointed chin

What heart problems are seen in Alagille Syndrome?
- Pulmonic Stenosis
- Tetralolgy of Fallot

What occurs in right and left isomerism of the atria, respectively?
Morphologically two right and left atria, respectively
What occurs in atrial situs solitus?
Morphologic RA on the Right and LA on the Left

What is the position of IVC, SVC and Coronary sinus with atrial situs inversus?
IVC, SVC and Coronary sinus on the LEFT

What side is the Septum Primum and septum secundum on, respectively?
Septum Primum = Left
Septum Secundum = Right

Which atria is more trabeculated?
RA more trabeculated than the left
At zero degrees, which pulmonary veins are more horizontal?
(Upper or Lower)
Lower = More horizontal
(See image)

What is the morphology of the RAA?
RAA = Broad
LAA = Narrow and Pointed
What is the most common cause of primary TR?
Myxomatous Degeneration
What objective measurement can predict a patient to require an RVAD when an LVAD is placed?
Pulmonary Artery Pulsatility Index
>2 = Less likely RV failing after LVAD
<2 = More likely RV fails
When placing an LVAD and you have more than mild TR, what should you consider?
TV ring
What is seen on pulmonary vein flow patterns with Mitral Stenosis and Complete heart block?
Giant A wave

Where is the C-sept distance typically measured?
5- chamber view when MV is closed

List the 7 RF for SAM after Mitral valve repair/
- LVOT <2.0 cm
- C-sept distance < 2.5 (ME 5 chamber when valve closed)
- Mitral-Aortic Angle (120 degrees)
- AL / PL ratio < 1.3 (Valve closed)
- Basal anteroseptal hypertrophy (>1.5 cm)
- Ant Mitral Valve Length >2.0 cm
- Posterior Mitral Valve Length >1.5 cm
How can you improve temporal resolution by adjustment line density?
Decrease line density will improve temporal density
What is Snell’s Law used for?
Describes refraction (Bending of sound)
What two properties need to occur in order to have refraction (Bending of sound)?
- Oblique Incidence
- V1 cannot equal V2 (Velocities of the two media have to be different)
What is the formula for Snell’s law?
Sin (Angle T) / Sin (Angle i) = V2 / V1

What is the optimal thickness of the matching layer in terms of wavelength?
1/4 wavelength thick
What is the optimal thickness of the crystal (piezoelectric) in terms of wavelength?
1/2 wavelength thick
How do you tell the difference in a right vs. left pleural effusion?
Left (Points to left of the screen, Aorta present)
Right (Points to the right of the screen, Liver present)

What is the most common VSD?
Perimembranous VSD

What VSD are associated with Ventricular septal aneurysms or redundant TV septal leaflet that may plug the defect?
Perimembranous VSD
What VSD are more common in asians?