High yield PTEexam review part 36 - 38 Flashcards
For a watchman procedure, how is the septum usually crossed?
- Inferiorly
- Posterioly
What is the release criteria for a Watchman?
- Position - Device distal to LAA
- Anchor - Fixation anchors and is engaged or stable
- Size - Device is compressed 8-20% of original size (said another way 80-92% of original size)
- Seal - Ensure all lobes are distal to the device
To place a watchman, what is the width of the LAA ostium have to be between?
17 and 31 mm
To place a watchman, what is the length of the LAA ostium have to be between?
Equal to or greaater than the ostium width
What are the pragmatic ways in which you measure the LAA ostium at different angles (4 of the them)?
Include angle measurements and where to measure
0 degrees - Measure from coronary artery marker to a ppint 2 cm from tip of “limbus”
45 degrees - Measure from top of LV annulus to a ppint 2 cm from tip of “limbus”
90 degrees - Measure from top of LV annulus to a ppint 2 cm from tip of “limbus”
135 degrees - Measure from top of LV annulus to a ppint 2 cm from tip of “limbus”

What vena contracta measurement is seen in the narrowest cross sectional area of the LAA after watchman?
(What vena contracta is normal)
<5 mm is ok

Label 1 - 4

1 Aorta

When does Pressure Recovery occur?
Elevated peak instantaneous pressure gradient derived from echo (higher than the peak-to-peak gradient obtained by cath)

What 3 risk factors exist for Pressure Recovery?
- Small Aortic Root
- Small aortic valve
- Mechanical valve
Draw the peak to peak vs. instantaneous pressure measurements comparing TEE vs. Cath
See image

What does the backing material do to bandwidth?
increases bandwidth
(Creates wider range of frequencies)
What does the backing material do to spatial pulse length?
Decreases SPL
How does backing material affect axial resolution?
Improves axial resolution
Remember, lower numerical vaalue for axial resolution (1/2 SPL)
How does the backing material affect Q factor?
Decreases Q factor
What is the formula for Q factor?
Resonant Frequency* / *Bandwidth
What two heart conditions are found in Lutembacher Syndrome?
1. Mitral Stenosis
2. ASD
Lutembacher syndrome is defined as a combination of mitral stenosis and a left-to-right shunt at the atrial level. Typically, the left-to-right shunt is an atrial septal defect (ASD) of the ostium secundum variety. Both these defects, ASD and mitral stenosis, can be either congenital or acquired
What is the cosine of 0 degrees?
What is the cosine of 10 degrees?
What is the cosine of 20 degrees?
(Underestimates by 6%)
What is the cosine of 60 degrees?
We are measuring 50% of the true velocity
A.I. due to normal leaflet (cusp) motion with dilation of the sinuses of Valsalva and the sinotubular junction is best classified as what A.I. morphology?
Type 1b

What is Type 1a Aortic Regurgitation Morphology?
Normal Leaflet Motion
Sinotubular Junction Enlargement & Dilation of Ascending Aorta
1A = (Ascending Aorta)
“A = A”

What is Type 1b Aortic Regurgitation Morphology?
Dilation of the Sinuses of Valsalva and Sinotubular Junction

What is Type 1c Aortic Regurgitation Morphology?
Dilation of the Annulus (Ventriculoarterial Junction)

Type 1d Aortic Regurgitation Morphology
“Dog bite a hold in the cusp”

What is Type II A.I. Morphology?
Tyle II Cusp Prolapse
(Excessive Leaflet motion)

What is Type III A.I. Morphology?
Cusp Restriction

What type of VSD is seen with RCC prolapse?
Membranous VSD and Outlet VSD

What are 3 syndromes associated with myxomas?
- LAMB Syndrome
- NAME Syndrome
- Carney Complex
LAMB syndrome is associated with myxoma.
How did LAMB syndrome acquire it’s name?
(List the associations with the acronym)
Lentigines (Liver spots)
Atrial Myxoma
Blue Nevi (Blue pigmented spots)
NAME syndrome is associated with myxoma.
How did NAME syndrome acquire it’s name?
(List the associations with the acronym)
Atrial Myxoma
Myxoid Neurofibroma
Ephelides (Freckle like skin markings)
What is the most common primary cardiac tumor >15 years?
What is the most common primary cardiac tumor <15 years?
Rhabdomyomas are benign or malignant?
Frequency of rhabdomyoma found in locations of the heart?
Both ventricles = Equivalent
rhabdomyoma are associated with what syndrome?
Tuberous Sclerosis
Are rhabdomyoma usually problematic as patients are older?
No, they usually regress
Which property is most responsible for reflection of ultraasound?
Acoustic Impedence
Is bicuspid aortic valve more common in men or women?
(4:1 male to female ratio)
What 3 syndromes are associated with bicuspid aortic valves?
- Turner Syndrome
- Shone Complex
- Kabuki Syndrome
How common is a bicuspid aortic valve?
BAV is the most common cause of heart disease present at birth and affects approximately 1.3%-3% of adults
What two other abnormal cardiovascular findings are associated with Bicuspid Aortic Valves?
- Coarctataion of Aorta (Turner syndrome)
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus
What occurs on the left side with bicuspid aortic valves
Left sided obstructive syndrome
(Low flow = Low grow)
What type of VSD is seen with Bicuspid Aortic Valves?
Posterior Malalignment VSDs
(Septum shifted posteriorly and leftward)
What 4 congenital heart defects is Down Syndrome Associated with?
- AV canal defect
What can occur with turner syndrome of the left heart?
Hypoplastic Left heart
What 4 cardiovascular abnormalities are seen with DiGeorge Syndrome?
- Conotruncal Defects
- Interrupted Aortic Arch
- Truncus Arteriosus
What 2 anatomical cardiovascular abnormalities are seen with Williams syndrome?
1. Supravalcular Aortic stenosis
2. Peripheral Pulmonic Stenosis
(Also sudden death with anesthesia)
What are 3 congenital heart anatomical abnormalities that are seen with Noonan syndrome?
- Pulmonic Stenosis
What 5 congenital heart defects are seen with Kabuki syndrome?
1. Coarctation of the Aorta
2. ASD
Left Sided Stenotic vessels
3. Aortic Stenosis
4. Mitral Stenosis
5. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Kabuki syndrome is from what genetic etiology?
The KMT2D and KDM6A genes belong to a family of genes called chromatin-modifying enzymes. Specifically, these genes code for a histone methyltransferase (KMT2D) and a histone demethylase (KDM6A), and play a part in the regulation of gene expression.
Alagille Syndrome has what 3 cardiac abnormalities?
- Peripheral Pulmonic Stenosis
- Pulmonic Stenosis
- Tetralogy of Fallot
What cardiac anomalies are seen with Barlow’s Syndrome?
Myxomatous Mitral Valve with bileaflet prolapse
Shone Complex has 7 cardiac anomalies.
Name them
- Coarctation of the Aorta
- Bicuspid Aortic Valve
- Aortic Stenosis
- Hypoplastic Left heart syndrome
- Parachute Mitral Valve (1 papillary muscle)
- Supravalvular Mitral Ring
- Subaortic Stenosis
Wha is the formula for LVSP?
LVSP = SBP + Gradient across Aortic Valve (Vmax2 AV)
What is the formula for EROA for MR?
2πr2 * VelocityAliasing / Velocity MR peak
What is the formula for MR regurgitant volume?
EROA = 2πr2 * VelocityAliasing / Velocity MR peak
What is the formula for RVSP?
Change in Pressure (Delta P) = 4V2 + RAP (or CVP)
Label 1

Middle Cardiac Vein

Label 2

Coronary Sinus

What is the valve to the coronary sinus?
Thebesian Valve

What is a cone procedure for?
Ebstein Anomaly
What is a Ross Procedure for?
Aortic stenosis or Bicuspid Aortic Valve
What is a Warden Procedure for?
Sinus Venosus ASD with anomalous pulmonary vein

What is a Jatene procedure?
(Done initially but part of double switch for L-TGA)
What is a Rastelli procedure done for?
Double Outlet RV with Pulmonic Stenosis
What is a Fontan procedure?
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
“Final” 3rd operation
What is a Glenn Procedure?
2nd operation for hypoplastic left heart syndrome
What is a Norwood procedure?
1st procedure for hypoplastic left heart syndrome
What is a Kawashima procedure for?
Hypoplastic left hearat with interrupted IVC
What is a Mustard Procedure for?
- D-TGA operataion done initially
- Still part of double switch for L-TGA
How do you calculate the LVEDP using echo?
Bernoulli (Use it!)
Delta P = 4 (V)2
AoDP - LVEDP = 4 (VAI late)2