Aortic Valve Flashcards
Label the Aortic Valve Cusps in the Aortic Valve Short Axis

Non-Coronary Cusp nearest to the interatrial septum (Does not have a coronary artery)
Left Coronary Cusp is NOT on the Right side
Right coronary cusp near the right heart at the bottom of the screen

What are the 5 views to evaluate the aortic valve?
Mid-esophageal Aortic Valve Short Axis
Mid-esophageal Aortic Valve Long Axis
Mid-esophageal 5 chamber view
Deep Transgastric Long Axis
Transgastric Long Axis
How do you determine which coronary cusp is which in the long axis?

Right Coronary Cusp = Bottom of the Screen
Left or NON Coronary Cusp = Top of the Screen
What is the measurement seen here?

Sinus of Valsalva

What is the blue arrow indicating?

Sinotubular Ridge or Sinuotubular Junction

What is seen in red?

Aortic Annulus

What is the normal size of the Aortic Root in an adult?
What measurement is termed dilated?
Normal = < 40 mm (4.0 cm)
Dilated = >40 mm
Why is the deep transgastric long axis view used to assess the aortic valve? (2 major measurement reasons)
Align Doppler parallel to blood flow through aortic valve
1. Measure Cardiac Output
2. AV Area by continuity equation
3. Dimensionless index to assess Aortic Stenosis
Draw a Pressure Volume loop of cardiac cycle labeling:
Opening and closing of Mitral and Aortic Valves
Solid Line = Systole
Dotted Line = Diastole
MO and AO = Opening of Left sided valves
MC and AC = Closing of Left sided valves

What are the 3 phases of LV change for aortic insuffiency?
- Acute
- Chronic Compensated
- Chronic Uncompensated
List what happens from the compensated AI form to the decompensated AI in terms of:
LV End Diastolic Volume
LV End Systolic Volume
Shortening Fraction
LVEDD rises (Heart dilates)
LVESD rises (Due to dilation)
Sarcomere Fraction Drops (Falls of Frank Starling Curve)
EF% drops

What is the initial medical/surgical management of AI patients?
Serial TTE to look for:
1. LV dysfunction
2. Dilation
When you evaluate for AI, what are the goals of TEE?
- Severity
- Mechanism and Etiology of AI
- Degree of Root Dilation
- Effect of AI on the LV
- Repairable? (If not already in surgery)
What are the 7 ways to quantitatively assess severity of AI?
- AI jet height / LVOT diameter
- AI jet area / LVOT area
- Jet Depth
- Vena Contracta Size
- Slope of AR Jet decay
- Pressure Half TIme (PHT) of the jet decay
- Holodiastolic flow reversal in the descending Aorta
What TEE view is utilized to assess AI Jet / LVOT diameter to assess quantitatively for AI?
Mid Esophageal Aortic Valve Long Axis
AI Jet / LVOT diameter to assess quantitatively for AI:
What determines:
Mild (1-2+) vs. Moderate (2-3+) vs. Severe (3-4+)?
Mild (1-2+) = <25%
Moderate (2-3+) = 25-64%
Severe (3-4+) = >65%
What TEE view is utilized to assess AI area / LVOT area?
ME AV Short Axis
A.I. area / LVOT area criteria for:
Mild AI?
Moderate AI?
Severe AI?
AI area / LVOT area criteria for:
Mild AI = <5%
Moderate AI = 5-59%
Severe AI = >60%
What TEE view using jet depth is best used to quantify A.I. severity?
ME Long Axis
How do you quantify Jet Depth in the Mid-Esophageal Long axis view?
Trivial = LVOT
Mild = Mid Anterior Leaflet of Mitral Valve
Moderate = Tip of Anterior Leaflet of Mitral Valve
Severe = Papillary Muscle Head
What are the two TEE views you could assess vena contracta to determine A.I. severity?
Mid Esophageal Long Axis
What are the two criteria used to measure the vena contracta to determine A.I. severity?
Width = > 6mm
Area = > 7.5 mm2
What TEE views are used to determine slope of the AR Jet Decay?
TG Deep Long Axis
TG Long Axis
What are the criteria for determining AI severity using slope of the AR Jet Decay in the TG TEE views?
>/= 2 m/s for Moderate A.I.
>/= 3 m/s for Severe A.I.
Using Pressure Half time, what is the criteria of using AI jet decay?
Mild = >500 ms
Moderate = 200-500 ms
Severe = <200 ms
What would determine severe AI for:
Effective Regurgitant Orifice Area
Effective Regurgitant Orifice Area = > 0.3 cm2
What would determine severe AI for:
Regurgitant Fraction
Regurgitant Fraction = > 50%
What would determine severe AI in terms of:
Regurgitant Volume?
Regurgitant Volume = > 60 mL/beat
What are the 2 ways to measure A.I. using AI jet / LVOT diameter?
- ME AV Long Axis direct measurements
- M-Mode of ME AV Long Axis

What is the pathophysiology of Pressure Half Time when evaluating Aortic Insufficiency?
High PHT = Trivial / Mild AI
Low PHT = Severe AI
PHT is the time is takes to go from max pressure gradient to 1/2 max pressure gradient
Pathophysiology: The larger the hole, the faster the equilibriation between two chambers (LV and Aorta) and the less time it takes for PHT to occur
Why is pressure half time not the best measurerment of Aortic Insufficiency?
- Diastolic Function
- Compliance of the Heart
- Relaxation of the hearrt
How do you logistically obtain a pressure half time measurement for Aortic Insufficiency?
- Deep Transgastric Long Axis view
- Continuous Wave Doppler on the Aortic Valve
- Look at Diastolic Regurgitant Flow
How do you logistically obtain the slope of the AR jet decay?
- TG Deep Long Axis View
- CWD spectal profile through Aortic Valve
- Rate the slope
Explain the slope and how it correlates to the degree of A.I. when using slope of AI jet decay of TG Long axis view using CWD.
Steeper the slope = Worse the A.I = Faster the chambers equilibriate (Aorta vs. LV)
What is seen in this image?

Holodiastolic Flow reversal in the Descending Thoracic Aorta
What are the 3 factors that influence prognosis of a patient with aortic insufficiency?
- LV Dysfunction
- LV Dilation
- Dilation of the Ascending Aorta
What are the characteristitics of high risk patients with Aortic Insufficiency?
- Symptomatic Patients
- LVEF <55%
- End Systolic Diameter normalized to body surface area > 25 mm/m2
What is the normal measurement of the sinus of valsalva?
25 - 31 mm
What is the threshold value of dilation of the sinus of valsalva?
No consensus
>50-55 mm then replace the valve regardless of the level of Aortic Insufficiency
What is the low risk group of AI?
Pertains to Patients with Marfans Disease
Ao ratio of < 1.3 (Sinus of Valsalva diameter actual / Predicted)
- Predicted is determined by age of the patient
Annual Rate of Change of <5%
When you have a patient with Aortic Insufficiency, when should you replace the valve?
- Symptomative Severe AR
1. Asymptomatic
- Dilated Heart
- Decreased EF
- Dilated Aortic Root
What is the only indication for Sinotubular Junction Annuloplasty?
Ic Type 1 A.I.
(Normal cusp motion with FAA dilatition or cusp perforation)
Aortic insufficiency is a “x” problem
Aortic Stenosis is a “y” problem
X = Volume overload
Y = Pressure overload
Show a PV loop of Aortic Stenosis

Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Peak Velocity (M/Sec)
2.6 - 2.9 m/s
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Peak Velocity (M/Sec)
3 - 3.9 m/sec
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Peak Velocity (M/Sec)
>4.0 m/sec
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Mean Peak Gradient (mmHg)
15 - 29 mmHg
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Mean Peak Gradient (mmHg)
30 - 49 mmHg
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Mean Peak Gradient (mmHg)
>50 mmHg
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Max Peak Gradient (mmHg)
20 - 39 mmHg
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Max Peak Gradient (mmHg)
40 - 69 mmHg
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Max Peak Gradient (mmHg)
> 70 mmHg
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Dimensionless INdex (TVILVOT / TVIAV ratio)
> 0.5
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Dimensionless INdex (TVILVOT / TVIAV ratio)
0.25 - 0.5
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Dimensionless INdex (TVILVOT / TVIAV ratio)
< 0.25
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Aortic Valve Area (AVA) cm2
3 - 4 cm2
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Aortic Valve Area (AVA) cm2
1.6 - 2.9 cm2
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Aortic Valve Area (AVA) cm2
1 - 1.5 cm2
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Aortic Valve Area (AVA) cm2
< 1.0 cm2
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Aortic Valve Area (AVA) cm2 / BSA (m2)
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Aortic Valve Area (AVA) cm2 / BSA (m2)
0.6 - 0.85
Aortic Stenosis Grading:
Aortic Valve Area (AVA) cm2 / BSA (m2)
< 0.6
What pressure gradient is the best gradient to measure when evaluating Aortic Stenosis?
Mean Gradient
If you have a low pressure gradient, is aortic stenosis still possible?
What would you use to determine?
AS still possible if low SV
Use = Continuity Equation
What equation do you use if you have small AVA, but not have aortic stenosis?
Modified Gorlin Equation
AVA = CO / (Mean Gradient)1/2
AVA = CO / Peak Grad
Rearranged - Peak Grade = CO / AVA
What view do you use to determine Dimensionless Index?
Deep TG Long Axis
Derive the Dimensionless Index from the Continuity Equation.
Q1 = Q2

Continuity equation:
What do we substitute for TVI?
Continuity equation:
What do we substitute for Area LVOT?
Pie (π) r2
Rate the severity of Aortic Insufficiency.
LVOT diameter = 2.3 cm
Jet diameter = 1.0 cm

In this equation, we have 1/2.3 = 43%
Remember, Moderate (2-3+) = 25-64%
List 4 advantages of using a dimnesionless index to determine degree of aortic stenosis.
- Not affected by cardiac left sided regurgitant disease
- Not affected by decreases in LV Stroke volume
- Independent of Patient’s size
- Avoids errors due to inaccurate measurements of LVOT radius
What is the most common type of VSD?
Membranous VSD
What is structure 1?

What is structure 2?

Pulmonic Valve
What is structure 3?

Right Coronary Cusp
What is structure 4?

Left Coronary Cusp
What is structure 5?

Non-Coronary Cusp
What is structure 6?

Main Pulmonary Artery
What is structure 7?

Left Pulmonary Artery
What is structure 8?

Right Pulmonary Artery
What is structure 9?

Left Atrium
What is structure 10?

Right Atrium
What is structure 11?

Interatrial Septum
What is structure 12?

Tricuspid Valve
Label 1-3
What view is this?

1 = LVOT
2 = Aortic Valve
3 = Aorta
View = Epicardial View
Label 1-3
What view is this?

1 = Left Atrium
2 = Aortic Valve
3 = LV
View = Parasternal Long Axis view
The non-coronary cusp is always adjacent to what structure?
Interatrial Septum
Label 1 - 3

1 = RV
2 = LV 3 = Aortic Valve
What is the relationship of the right, left, and non-coronary cusps in relation to the mitral valve? (This is the aortic mitral curtain)
Draw this

Label 1-3 in the surgeon view of the mitral valve

1 = LCC 2 = RCC 3 = NCC
Label 1-3

1 = LCC
2 = Flail P2 Scallop
3 = Interatrial Septum
Epicardial View
Label 1-3

1 = RCC 2 = NCC 3 = LCC
Label 6-9

6 = LV
7 = RV
8 = AV
9 = LA
Label 6-9

6 = Anterior Mitral Valve Leaflet
7 = Posterior Mitral Valve Leaftlet
8 = AV
9 = LA