Herptiles Flashcards
Most primitive reptile (100 yr lifespan)
20 years to sexual maturity
Tuatara eggs
Lays every 4 years and takes a year to hatch
Male: above 22C, Female: below 20C
Herptiles do not have a ________
Circulatory systems
Possess 3 chambered hearts except crocs and alligators have 4
Nucleated RBCs and thrombocytes
Crocodilians have ________ stomach
Muscular gizzard-like posterior
Reptile kidneys
Unable to produce liquid urines because they lack loop of henle
Herptile temperature regulation
Ectothermic- body temp regulated by the environment
Reptile signs of health
Plump well rounded tails
Clears eyes and alert
Gloss tone of epithelium and appendages
Snakes smell
Jacobsen’s organ
Forked tongue carries scent particles to organ
Worm lizards with scales arranged in rings
Ecto and endoskeleton
Males have convex plastron and females flat
Herbos= terrestrial , Omnis= marine
What are the top and bottom of the turtle called?
Pastron: Bottom
Cacapace: top
80-90% of problems due to husbandry
Environment, feeding and nutrition, species requirements
Lighting functions
Heat production
Photoperiod regulation
UV light production for calcium metabolism
Why is UV light needed?
Photolysis of provitamin D3 to previtamin D3 that isomerizes to vit. D3
(no important for snakes and nocturnal lizards)
What are included in amphibians?
Frogs, toads, salamanders, caecilians
Amphibians life cycle (2 stages)
- Aquatic (pronephric kidneys)
- Terrestrial (mesonephric kidneys)
Bacterial infection –> swelling and hemorragic –> septicemic
Organisms: Aeromonas spp. **
Treating Redleg
Good nursing care, antibiotic therapy, isotonic solutions (Amphibian Lactated Ringers) soaks
Tuberculosis (Mycobacteriosis)
Organisms: M. Marinum, M. Ranae, M. Chelonae, M. Xenopi
Multifocal non healing ulcerative skin lesions
Can’t eradicate, cull animals
Pseudocapillaroides xenopi
Capillarid nematode frist in African clawed frogs
Epidermal hyperplasia and nematodes in eggs
How do you treat traumatic injuries?
Placing animals in high salt solutions
SCUD (Septicemic cutaneous ulcerative disease)
Organisms: Aeromonas, Aspergillus spp.
Signs: anorexia, lethargy, cutaneous ulcers
Respiratory infections
Clin signs: harsh respirations, heavy oral or nasal secretions, open mouth breathing
Egg binding
Very few snake spays
Retained eggs or portions of eggs or fetuses
May take a few weeks or months to develop
Of boa constrictors
Causes CNS signs and death
Diagnosed based on ID intranucelar IBs
Snakes causing respiratory disease
Causes regurgitation and CNS signs in pythons
Diagnosed by intracytoplasmic IBs
In tortoises cause respiratory disease
May cause necrotic lesions
Diagnosed with IBs
Hypovitaminosis A (turtles)
Dietary inadequacy
Clin signs: Blepharoedma, conjunctivitis, otitis, nasal discharge, lethargy
Treated with parenteral vit. A admin
Retained lenscap (snakes)
Lens cap or spectacle in place after shedding
Abnormal husbandry
Poor husbandry and nutrition
Low humidity
Correct by soaking