Henle Latin 3 & review Flashcards
Cum viro bono
Kings and chiefs are often eager for glory
praemia pueris bonis dabimus
Daring men resisted the Germans and injured them in every way
Puer bonus praemium accipiet
Who was in command of the swift cavalry?
Fortuna militum bonorum
Caesar, a bold and careful leader, led the legions away into the forest; the cavalry remained behind
Nautae boni in classi sunt
Whom shall we put in command of our army and our fleet? Will we not put an exact and courageous man in charge of them?
Praemia pueri boni sunt magna
The Gauls strove after liberty, but their daring leadesr and eager soldiers were conquered by the swift and daring Roman cavalry
Gratias duci bono agimus
Caesar was over the Roman army, and he did harm in every way to the troops of the Gauls.
Sine amicis bonis
There were sharp battles in the forests and fields of Gaul
Per servum bonum
All men are by nature devoted to liberty. Nevertheless, many wretched men are slaves.
Rex multos homines bonos interfecit
We have often waged war with fierce barbarians. Our daring soldiers have bravely withstood them.
Caesar, vir audax atque acer, exercitui Romano in Gallia praeerat
The grain was damaged by the enemy
Multae gentes et Romanis et Germanis restiterunt
The barbarians were resisted by our men
Caesar legatum diligentem atque acrem legioni saepe praefecit
The daring lieutenant was put in command of the legion
Rogo num Sancta Maria gloriae suae studuerit
When a new war had arisen in Gaul, Caesar set out from the city and swiftly arrived in the province
In bello hostibus omni ratione nocemus
There he at once called the chiefs of the Haedui in order to strengthen their faithfulness
Galli equitatui studebant
For the Haedui were friends of the Roman Senate and people and often helped Caesar
Libertatis causa regibus et principibus fortiter resistemus
They gave him grain when he asked (for it) and sent cavalry to his army
In exercitu bono, imperator audax et acer est, equites celeres sunt, centuriones et tribuni militum diligentes atque acres, milites fortes et audaces
When the envoys had arrived in his camp, Caesar spoke with them concerning his war plans
Dux custodes diligentes in omnibus portis collocavit
When he had encouraged the envoys and had praised their faithfulness, he dismissed them
Duces Romani viri diligentes et acres castra fossa valloque semper muniverunt
When they had departed, he hastened with all the cavalry into the territory of the Haedui lest they suffer the wrongs of ar
In illo magno omnium gentium bello Philippinenses homines audaces et fortes hostibus resistebant atque omni ratione nocebant
He put a lieutenant in command of the legions
Multi de illis se in silvis et montibus abdiderunt ne a Japonibus caperentur
These swiftly followed the cavalry
Ex eis locis pueri et viri audaces in oppida et urbes clam venerunt ut Japonibus nocerent.
When Caesar had arrived in the fields of the Haedui, the enemy did not attack them, for they feared Caesar
Japones custodes diligentes omnibus locis collocaverunt
Therefore they withdrew swiftly into their own territory and there waited for the coming of the Roman army
tamen frumentum a pueris audacibus incensum est; centuriones et milites occisi, arma capta castra pontesque incensi
Caesar did not at once pursue them but he waited for fresh troops
Ita illi Japonibus nocuerunt atque celeriter se in silvas montesque receperunt
These were being led from Italy by a lieutenant
Etiam nuntios de belli ratione Japonumque consiliis ad duces Americanos omni ratione adjuvabant
We asked whether they had been killed
Tandem repulsi sunt Japones atque victi
We asked whether they had been observed
Nonne hac de causa illis viris diligentibus et fortibus gratias agemus, illosque laudabimus atque memoria semper tenebimus?
We asked whether they had been influenced
hostes nautis nocebant
We asked whether they had been pacified
Nautis ab hostibus nocebatur
We asked whether they had been captured
Hostibus a nostris fortiter resistebatur
We asked whether they had been aroused
Caesarem provinciae praefecerunt
Caesar asks whether it has been captured
Caesar ab eis provinciae praefectus est
Caesar asks whether it has been received
Equitibus a custodibus acriter resistebatur
Caesar asks whether it has been held
Agros vastavit ut hac ratione hostibus noceretur
Caesar asks whether it has been attended to
Dux suos hortabatur
Caesar asks whether it has been prepared
Galli consulem Romanum verebantur
Caesar asks whether it has been seized
Equites eos celeriter sequebantur
Caesar asks whether it has been stormed