Century 9 Flashcards
He pacified Gaul
R?m?n? Galliam p?c?v?runt
At dawn they fled
Gall?, homin?s fort?s, Galliam incol?bant
Soldiers desire victory
Dux multa itinera f?cit
They hurled darts
Serv? bon? ducem monu?runt
A good king makes a good kingdom
Caesar pontem in fl?mine f?cit
Virtue makes a holy life
Barbar? in magn?s silv?s fugi?bant
They captured the hill
Homin?s mal? mortem timent
They were fleeing into the mountains
Am?c? firm? et fort?s am?c?s adjuv?bunt
He is capturing the city
R?g?s gl?riae cupid? bella petunt
Did you see the column?
Barbar? pl?rima t?la jaci?bant
After the battle there were bodies in the river and on the hill
Imper?tor castra m?ni?bat
They withstood the attack
M?les v?c?s hostium aud?vit
The sailors defend the harbor
M?lit?s firm? impetum sustin?bunt
They were fighting with the barbarians
R?m?n? hostium cl?m?rem aud?v?runt
The barbarians were throwing darts
R?m?n? vi?s per pr?vinci?s m?n?v?runt
The Gauls saw the standards of the Roman legion
R?g?s et imper?t?r?s imperium cupi?bant
There were slaves in the camp
R?m?n? mult?s et magn?s urb?s c?p?runt
Many good men dwelt in Gaul
R?m?n?, imperi? cupid?, Galliam p?c?v?runt
He desired power
Gall?, homin?s barbar? atque fort?s, Galliam incolu?runt
The barbarians will capture the town
Duc?s R?m?n?, vir? fort?s, multa et magna itinera f?c?runt
The legion was in serious danger
Serv? bon? ducem bonum mon?bunt
The soldier will pacify the barbarians
Caesar, vir magnus, pontem in fl?mine alt? et l?t? f?cit
They were marching into the province
Reliqu? barbar? propter equitum metum in silv?s f?gerant
He hurled a dart into the camp
Vir? firm? et fort?s mortem n?n tim?bunt
Part of the colmn was on the bridge
Caesar am?c?s semper adj?vit
With whom did Caesar wage war?
R?g?s vict?riae et gl?riae cupid? p?cem cum f?nitim?s gentibus n?n pet?v?runt
Whom did Caesar praise?
Host?s undique t?la in castra R?m?na j?c?runt
What did Caesar desire?
Imper?tor R?m?nus propter magnum hostium numerum castra m?n?vit
In whom do we place our hope?
M?lit?s v?c?s et cl?m?rem serv?rum miser?rum audi?bant
Who conquered the Gauls?
Legi?n?s impetum barbar?rum fortium fortiter sustinu?runt
Whose fields did Caesar lay waste?
Imper?tor R?m?nus ?r?ti?nem pr?ncipum aud?vit
With whose soldiers were the Gauls contending?
Duc?s R?m?n? propter bell? metum long?s vi?s per pr?vinci?s m?ni?bant
Who inhabited Gaul?
Vir? mal? imperium vehementer cupiunt
To whom will Christ give great rewards?
Impert?t?r?s R?m?n? pl?rim?s urb?s et oppida ali?n?rum gentium capi?bant
Whom do you all praise?
Quid omn?s Chr?sti?n? cupiunt?
Caesar asked whether the legions had hurled back the enemy
In qu? est omnis sp?s Chr?sti?n?rum?
Caesar asked whether the lieutenant was leading the hostages back
Quibus Deus gr?tiam dat?
The romans ask whether the soldiers have checked the slaves
Quis fuit P?l?tus?
They asked whether Caesar was sending the envoys back
Qu? cum R?m?n?s in Galli? bellum gess?runt?
They are asking whether you remember the victories of the American soldiers
Cui gr?ti?s pr? omnibus r?bus agimus?
Do you know who is the commander in chief of the American army
Quibuscum ad mortem Chr?stum d?x?runt?
We know whom the Christians praise
C?jus n?men semper laud?mus?
I ask whether the Gauls captured Rome
Qu?s p?c?vit Caesar?
Do you know who Caesar was?
Qu?rum obsid?s Caesar occ?dit?
Will you ask whether the lieutenant has led back the first legion?
C?r Deum laud?mus?
He asked how many men were in the winter quarters
P?c?vitne Caesar Galliam?
Caesar asked how many attacks the legion had withstood
N?nne Caesar vir magnus fuit?
We asked whether you had seen Rome
Num Gall? R?m?n?s v?c?runt?
The Gauls were brave. Caesar, however, pacified them and seized their fields and towns.
Ubi est fl?men Mississippi?
The Romans led Christ to death on account of the Jews, for Pilate feared them and their leading men.
N?nne am?cum firmum semper laud?mus?
The Romans defended Rome bravely. The Gauls, however, captured and burned it.
Quaer? num P?l?tum laud?tis
Our state is great and free. We shall always defend it.
Quaer? num P?l?tus vir bonus et fortis fuerit
Very many Romans praised Caesar. I ask whether God praised him and his victories
P?l?tus quaes?vit num Chr?stus r?x esset
By the grace of God, Mary is our mother. We are her sons. Let us praise her.
P?l?tus quaes?vit c?r J?dae? Chr?stum c?pissent
I shall warn the Senate.
Quaer? num Columbus ad Americam perv?nerit
Mary is God’s mother and my mother
Quaer? num Columbum memori? tene?tis
Who will come with me
Columbus quaer?bat num nautae terram vid?rent
We Christians praise the Holy Spirit
Poste? Columbus quaes?vit quis pr?mus terram v?disset
We Americans have not waged many wars with the nations next to us
Chr?stus Caelum omnibus hominibus aperuit
God will give us all grace
Chr?stus in cruce Caelum aperi?bat
Do you ask whether Christ came into the world for our salvation
Chr?sti?n? sc?v?runt quant? dol?re Chr?stus Caelum aperuisset
We shall not withdraw into the camp
Rog? num Chr?stus Caelum aperuerit
The roads are good. The Romans constructed them.
Sc?v?runtne centuri? et m?lit?s R?m?n? c?r Chr?stus in cruce Caelum aper?ret
They pitched camp. The soldiers fortified it.
Quid est v?rit?s?
They defended themselves with great courage
Sc?sne quid sit v?rit?s?
God gave her a great reward. All holy men will see her and her Son in heaven. They will all pray with her for us.
P?l?tus quaes?vit quid esset v?rit?s
Holy men pray both for themselves and for us
C?r Chr?stus in mundum v?nit?
God is in us by grace
Sc?sne c?r Chr?stus in mundum v?nerit?
You were fighting on your own behalf
Sc?vitne P?l?tus c?r Chr?stus in mundum v?nisset?
We shall not surrender to the barbarians
Chr?stus propetr comm?nem omnium hominum sal?tem in mundum v?nit
You praise your mother don’t you?
Sc?mus quis Chr?stus sit
Caesar knew in how much danger his men were.
Sc?vitne P?l?tus c?jus F?lius Chr?stus esset?
They surrendered to Caesar after the slaughter of their leaders
Sc?mus cui J?dae? Chr?stum tr?diderint
Caesar killed the barbarians after the death of their leaders
Sc?sne qu? Chr?stum P?l?t? tr?diderint?
The new cohort withdrew into the city
Quaer? quibuscum Chr?stum ad mortem d?xerint
They hid in the forest
Sc?v?runtne omn?s quibus Chr?stus Caelum aper?ret?
The commander in chief had many lieutenants with him in Gaul
Sc?sne qu?rum m?ter Mar?a nunc sit?
They asked whether the centurion had sent Caesar a message about their danger
Sc?sne quem Chr?stus in cruce in Caelum voc?verit?
They ARE BEING led out of the camp
Sc?sne c?r R?m?n? Chr?stum n?n in urbe occ?derint?
They WERE BEING led out of the camp
Sc?sne qu? m?lit?s Chr?stum d?xerint?
They HAVE BEEN led out of the camp
Quaerunt quantum dol?rem Chr?stus in cruce sustinuerit
They HAD BEEN led out of the camp
Quaer? quot am?c? cum Chr?st? fuerint
They ARE BEING driven back from the river
Sc?vitne P?l?tus ubi r?gnum Chr?st? esset?
They WERE BEING driven back from the river
S?nctus Paulus sc?vit quant?s dol?r?s Chr?stus propter hominum sal?tem in cruce sustinuisset
They HAVE BEEN led out of the camp
Deum laud?mus
He is being sent away from the camp
Loc? ali?n? n? pugnent
He WAS BEING sent away from the camp
Utinam veni?s
He HAS BEEN sent away from the camp
Inj?riam n? faciat
He HAD BEEN sent away from the camp
Adjuvet Deus miser?s
I AM BEING warned
Impetum fortiter faciant
I WAS BEING warned
V?ta serv?rum brevis saepe fuit et dol?rum pl?na
I HAVE BEEN warned
Dominus v?b?scum (sit); et cum sp?rit? tu?
I HAD BEEN warned
P?x v?b?scum
The javelins ARE BEING thrown against the enemy
Deus det v?b?s gr?tiam et p?cem
The javelins WERE BEING thrown against the enemy
Veniat r?gnum tuum
The javelins HAVE BEEN thrown against the enemy
Deus t?cum sit
The javelins HAD BEEN thrown against the enemy
Post pr?ncipum caedem n?s in montibus abdidimus
We ARE BEING sent back from the hill
M?lit?s nostr? pr? n?bis atque nostr? l?bert?te pugn?v?runt
We WERE BEING sent back from the hill
Vestr? am?c? firm? atque fort?s sunt
We HAVE BEEN sent back from the hill
Itaque v?s adjuv?bunt
We HAD BEEN sent back from the hill
Num d?d?mus n?s hostibus?
They ARE BEING led back into the province
Quis t? in per?cul?s adjuv?bit?
They WERE BEING led back into the province
Chr?stus t? adjuv?bit
They HAVE BEEN led back into the province
Imper?tor tibi propter tu?s vict?ri?s atque magnam tuam virt?tem magna praemia dabit
They HAD BEEN led back into the province
Quaes?vit num m?lit?s n?s v?dissent
They ARE BEING hurled down from the wall
In locum t?tum n?s rec?pimus
They WERE BEING hurled down from the wall
Quaer? num R?ma urbs magna sit
They HAVE BEEN hurled down from the wall
Ego enim eam n?n v?d?
They HAD BEEN hurled down from the wall
Suntne mont?s alt? in nostr?s f?nibus? V?dist?ne e?s?
They ARE BEING left in the winter quarters
Caesar erat imper?tor magnus et fortis. R?m?n? propter vict?ri?s ?jus eum laud?v?runt