Heights and causing levels Flashcards
above mean sea level
Distance measured from specified datum
Height of earth surface (or any point) above mean sea level
Altimeter settings
When flying bellow 13000ft the altimeter is set to the appropriate area QNH or aerodrome QNH
Aerodrome QNH
Calculated mean sea level pressure at the aerodrome.
To be set on altimeter sub scale when operating in the aerodrome traffic circuit, when operating in control zone, and during intermediate and final approach of instrument approach
Area QNH
QNH setting applicable when flying within QNH zone. Published AIP ENR 1.7.
NZ divided into 12 area QNH.
Obtained from ATC, Flight service, or Flight information.
Set when flying outside of CTR and clear from aerodrome.
When in class C or D, QNH must be set to QNH advised by ATC.
High level flight
Flying above 13,000ft altitude is now referred to flight level.
Flight level is surface constant atmospheric pressure expressed in terms of hundreds of feet that is related to specific datum 1013.2 hpa, and separated from other such surfaces by specific pressure intervals.
Transition altitude
If intend to climb above 13000 ft, must change QNH to 1013 as you pass 13,000ft. Known as transition altitude and from here up you fly flight levels.
Transition level
When defending from flight level change QNH from 1013 to zone QNH as pass FL150. Lowest usable FL.
Transition level becomes FL160 when QNH 980hPa or less, or within 20nm radius of Mt Cook.
Transition layer
Layer between transition altitude 13000ft and transition level FL150.
Thickness changes with QNH. Only 1010ft thick at QNH 980.
Flights at 14,000ft
Allowed in controlled airspace under emergency or hazard conditions. Altimeter setting advised by ATC. In uncontrolled airspace, level cruise in transition layer is not permitted.
Minimum safe heights
May not fly bellow:
at height less than required to execute emergency landing without hazard to persons or surface property in the event engine failure.
Over any congested area of city , town, or settlement, or open air assembly of people at height less than 1000ft above surface or highest obstacle within 600m radius.
Or over all other areas (countryside) not lower than 500ft above surface or highest structure in 150m radius.
Must fly high enough to be able to glide to field that you can land in.
Must fly high enough to be able to glide clear of city, settlement etc.
CTO exemptions
May conduct approaches, departures, and manouvers bellow 500ft within 150ft of persons, vehicles, or structures provided PIC
Prepared flight plan for operation in conjunction with the people involved in the operation.
Taken reasonable care in avoiding hazard to any person or property.
Briefed all personnel and organisations involved in the operation.
VFR magnetic track
Flying northerly magnetic tract (270 -89), fly odds + 500ft.
Flying southerly magnetic track (90 - 269), fly evens + 500ft.
Magnetic track vs compass heading
Deciding factor is magnetic track, not compass heading. Must comply with magnetic track requirements when altitude is greater than 3000ft AMSL to 1000ft AGL (which ever is higher).