HEENT Assessment Flashcards
What percentage of anomalies seen at birth occur in the HEENT region?
This emphasizes the importance of thorough HEENT assessments in newborns.
What techniques are required for HEENT assessment?
- Observation/visualization
- Measurements
- Palpation
- Use of ophthalmoscope
- Auscultation
- Inspection
What is the average occipital-frontal circumference (OFC) at term?
35 cm
The range is 33 – 37 cm for 10% - 90% of infants.
What does microcephaly indicate in terms of occipital-frontal circumference?
OFC < 3%
It suggests poor brain growth or inaccurate dating.
What does macrocephaly indicate in terms of occipital-frontal circumference?
OFC > 90%
It can be familial or related to conditions like hydrocephalus.
What are the characteristics of the anterior fontanel?
- Intersection of metopic, coronal, and sagittal sutures
- Average size: 0.6 – 3.6 cm across
- Should be flat and soft; sunken indicates dehydration; bulging indicates increased intracranial pressure.
What is craniosynostosis?
Premature closure of a suture line
It may lead to various head shapes such as plagiocephaly or scaphocephaly.
What is the significance of palpating sutures in newborns?
To assess mobility of sutures and detect conditions like increased intracranial pressure.
What does craniotabes refer to?
Soft or thin areas of bone that collapse when pressed
It may indicate increased pressure from the fetal head.
What is caput succedaneum?
Scalp edema across suture lines with poorly defined edges that resolves within days.
What distinguishes cephalohematoma from caput succedaneum?
Cephalohematoma does not cross suture lines and can enlarge over the first few days.
What is subgaleal hemorrhage?
Bleeding between the galea aponeurosis and skull periosteum that can extend to the neck.
What are Epstein pearls?
Small yellow or white papules that are epithelial inclusion cysts and disappear by a few weeks of age.
What is the most common neck mass in infants?
Cystic hygroma
It results from the development of sequestered lymph channels.
What does the presence of facial nerve palsy indicate?
Peripheral nerve compression presenting soon after birth with decreased movement on the affected side.
What is the typical presentation of congenital cataract?
White reflex in the eye indicating abnormalities such as glaucoma or tumors.
What is the purpose of assessing the nasolacrimal duct?
To check for obstruction which is common and usually resolves spontaneously.
What does macroglossia indicate?
Conditions such as Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome or hypothyroidism.
What is ankyloglossia?
Tongue-tie occurring in approximately 4% of newborns
Most babies can breastfeed without difficulty despite this condition.
What is the significance of assessing the external ear?
To identify anomalies and ensure the ear canal is patent.
What is hypospadias?
A condition where the urethral opening is not located at the tip of the penis.
What is the expected reaction of pupils to light in a normal infant?
Pupils should be equal and react to light.