health promo approaches in public health Flashcards
nutrition: access
neighborhood availability, affordable, food insecurity (money going towards other issues), transportation, norms
nutrition: understanding of nutrition and healthy dietary patterns
knowledge of healthy dietary patters -> diet rec, “healthy”
knowledge of how to prep avail healthy food
nutrition: individual/interpersonal - assess
24 hr recall, food freq questionnaire, diet log
determine diet needs -> anything special
explore fam and cultural influences on food choices
accessibility of healthy options -> stores and cost
nutrition: individual/interpersonal - program planning or policy dev
educate -> healthy diet/portions
label reading/shopping
nutrition: population - increase access
influence local growers to sell fresh fruits and veggies, low fat, low Na
farmers market, comm garden
school contract with local producers to provide healthy food for school lunch
nutrition: population - increase ability to make healthy choices
labeling initiatives -> cals on menu
simplify labels -> help make better choices
encourage healthy options at restaurants
true advertising
nutrition: population - respect social and cultural aspects of food prep and sharing
work with comm members to create culturally acceptable healthy alternatives to typical foods
phys activity: guidelines
knowledge does not = behavior change!
30 min mod intensity, 5/wk =150 min OR…
25 min vigorous 3/wk = 75 min or combo mod and vigorous AND…
mod-high muscle strengthening 2/wk
adolescents = 3/wk, 60 min
phys activity: SDOH - access
sidewalks v street, parks/green space (safe, well maintained), bike lane, rec facilities (gym, $, times), neighborhood safety, work schedule, low cost/free phys activities
disabilities, cost, location, etc
phy activity: individual/fam approaches - educate about benefits
weight control, decrease r/o CVD, DM2, cancer, hip fracture
arthritis: decrease pain, increase mobility, low impact ~2.5hr/wk
improve mental health, increase ADL ability, decrease falls, increase QOL, increase lifespan
phy activity: individual/fam approaches - educate about supportive and protective factors
increase slowly and gradually to decrease r/o injury and MI
phy activity: individual/fam approaches - etc
chronic conditions and older and out of shape -> eval by hcp prior
fam activities
doable -> 10 min walk, break into chunks
comm resources, no/low cost opportunities
phy activity: pop approaches
employ natural helpers or early adapters from comm
create walkable/bikeable, address barriers (safety, greenspace), organize comm events, phys activity programs at schools, businesses, organizations; edu campaigns (“lets move”)
obesity: pop approaches
more safe places for phys activity, policies influencing work schedule/commutes (more time), decrease oversized portions, educate about cal content (menus, decrease size of sugary beverages), increase access to healthy food (phys and $), policies about food ads -> especially high cal, high fat, sugary drinks; food desserts
sleep: pop approaches
address sleep distubrances in hospital -> quiet hours, visiting hours, cluster care
policies to decrease nighttime noise and light -> air and train traffic, sirens
increase green spaces = increase daytime activity
decrease air pollution = more daytime sun exposure