disaster preparedness and management Flashcards
cause level of destruction, death, injury that affects abilities of comm to respond with available resources
tend to strike at risk individuals
mass = 100+
multiple = 3- 99
casualties = injured or dead; direct/indirect victim, displaced person, refugee
categories: natural, human generated
natural disaster
sudden impact or acute onset
slow or chronic impact -> drought
human generated disaster
bio, nuclear, incendiary, chm, explosive, technologic
disaster: major effects
pop, env, food and water, infrastructure, psych, social, economic stability
disaster management phases: prevention
identify potential hazards, vulnerabilities
strengthen capacity: identify strengths, attributes, resources avail w/n comm, organization, or society to manage and decrease disaster risk and increase resilience
disaster management phases: preparedness
issue timely warnings, implement protective actions, undertake emergency management activities, evacuate pop predisaster prn
disaster management phases: reaction/respond
est control of situation:
implement life saving action (START, decontamination)
implement PH management and surveillance (quarantine)
evacuate pop immediate post disaster prn
disaster management phases: reaction/respond - decontamination
chm exposure
prevent further abs by victim, prevent spread on body, prevent spread to others
remove contaminated articles
wash exposed areas
safely dispose of wash water and articles
disaster management phases: reaction/respond - est control of situation
ID disaster management team leader
determine and clearly articulate roles of each member of team (including self)
set up viable and realistic triage system
disaster management phases: recovery
continue to monitor comm/pop for ongoing effects due to post disaster env
re-est health services
debrief pop and responders
eval response
apply to prep for next
blue grass army depot
storing chm weapons and conventional explosive munition
CSEPP = chm stockpile emergency preparedness plan
nerve agents
readily abs by inhalation, ingestion, dermal contact
rapidly fatal systemic effects
sarm (GB): organophosphate, clear liquid colorless, volatile at ambient temp
VX: destroyed -> amber, oily liquid, low volatility unless high temps
blistering agents
sulfer mustard (destroyed)
nerve agents: effects on body
decreased anticholinesterase levels
rapid, w/n mins of exposure
HA, restless, convulsions, loss of consciousness, coma
SOB, chest tight, wheeze, excessive secretions
abd pain, n/v/d, incont
red eyes, tearing, pupil constrict
tachy, htn -> brady, hypoT
paralysis, fasciculations
nerve agents: immediate response
protect self, remove victims, decontaminate, drug therapy
scene safety
cant help anyone if you dont protect self
rule of thumb -> too close if can still see scene
be aware of wind direction -> go up wind
dont enter scene w unknown chm
decontamination process
remove clothing and belongings and place in sealed double bag
remove or neutralize agent on skin -> blott visible with abs material or adsorbent powders
wash skin and hair with soap and water, contain run off
flush eyes with water 5 - 10 min
dont induce emesis if ingested
drug therapy
atropine sulfate IM/IV -> antichol
atropine eye drops -> some s/s relief
Z-pam chloride pralidoxine salts IV to restore activity of acetylcholinesterase
mech vent prn for resp fail -> dont want to do while hot bc then hazardous med equip
diazepam prn for convulsions
avoid skin to skin or contact with clothing
self contained breathing, gas mask with filter and barrier suit
chm protective (butyl rubber) gloves -> no latex!
no mouth to mouth without proper shields -> possible residual agent on face
other hazards in central KY
sherwin williams pain factory
carpet factories
farms, farm supply, fertilizer, methane pit
tobacco warehouse
coal processing plant
structural fire
cyanide poisoning
HA, dizzy, seizure
SOA, hypoT, death
originate from release of hydrogen cyanide gas and cyanide salts, certin meds
cause histotoxic hypoxia
cyanide poisoning: antidote
amyl nitrate: restore oxygen transport, cyanide has higher affinity for hgb than oxygen
cyanokit - hydroxocobalamin
carbon monoxide poisoning
winter d/t poorly vented furnace
HA, dizzy, seizure
SOA, vom, chest pain
CO- has higher affinity to hgb than O2 -> pt will read 100% but they arent
use pulse ox that monitors CO-
high flow o2 via non rebreather
treat with hyperbaric chamber and O2 washout
industrial exposure
know what chm before treating
acids, base
MSDS -> material safety data sheets
look at placards on vehicles, storage tank, packaging
ask safety officer or hazmat tech about exposure
call poison control
industrial exposure: decon - hot zone
no care
contamination -> everything inside
appropriate PPE, limited personnel
industrial exposure: decon - warm zone
contamination control
appropriate PPE
decon corridor
life saving emergency care
industrial exposure: decon - cold zone
med monitoring/rehab