Health Information System Flashcards
Computers, hardware/software, networking,
programming, data storage, security
➔ Technology responsible for storing data
Health Information Technology
Records, coding, documentation, policy and
guidelines, administration, compliance
➔ Data
Health Information Management
A discipline at the intersection of information science,
computer science, and health care
Health Informatics
Cover different systems that capture, store, manage,
and transmit health-related information that can be
sourced from individuals or activities of a health
● Disease Surveillance Systems
● District Level Routine Information Systems
● Hospital Patient Administration Systems (PAS)
○ Used in hospitals
● Human Resource Management Information Systems (HRMIS)
○ Used by the human resource department
● Laboratory Information Systems (LIS)
○ Used for laboratory
○ Shows laboratory results of patients and tests ordered for the patient
Who developed CHITS
Developed by the UP National Institutes of Health
Used in monitoring the health status in barangays or
Community Health Information Tracking System (CHITS)
Roles and function of HIS
HIS delivers accurate information in a timely manner, enabling decision-makers to make informed choices about the different aspects of the health institution, from patient care to annual budgets
Previous results of patient are checked for
● Test is repeated if patient does not have
previous records
Delta Check
Health information systems have revolutionized the
way that doctors and healthcare professionals
maintain patient information
● Hard copies and soft copies of patient
records both exist
➔ These systems are electronic, so the days of hard
files and loose papers are over
Easier Access to Files
Assigned or limited access of personnel to data of
➔ Staff must be authorized to access the health
information system
Better Control
➔ _____ may have permission to update, change
and delete information from the electronic medical
➔ The _____, however, may only have the
authority to update a patient’s appointments
Doctor; receptionist
Health information systems let doctors create
electronic medical records for their patients
➔ Patient information can be pulled up for review at
any time and copies can be made for the patient
upon request
Easier Update
Health information systems abet communication
between multiple doctors or hospitals
Improved Communications
A well functioning HIS should
Detect events that threaten public health security
in Health Metrics Network (HMN) the components are,
Data management, data sources, indicators, resources, dissemination and use, information products
These consist of the legislative, regulatory, and planning frameworks required to ensure a fully functioning HIS and the resources that are required
for such a system to be functional, such as personnel, financing (budget), information and communications technology (ICT) (personnel, hardware tools) etc.
Resources (input)
A core set of indicators and related targets is the
basis for a HIS plan and strategy
Indicators (Processes)
Including population-based approaches and
institution-based data
➔ Additional information from occasional health
surveys, research, and information produced by
community-based organizations (CBOs)
Data sources (processes)
Examples of Population-based approaches
Censuses, surveys, and civil registration
○ Data about a population
Examples of Institution-based data
○ Individual records, service records, and
resource records
○ Individual record of a patient
examples of Community-based organizations
Survey, research
○ Data produced about a community
➔ Data handling
➔ Collection, storage, quality-assurance, flow,
processing, compilation, and analysis of data
➔ Plan on how data will be managed
Data Management (processes)
Data must be transformed into information that will
become the basis for evidence and decision
- Information Products (outputs)
Can be enhanced by making it readily accessible to the decision makers
Dissemination and use (output)
Who enumerated data sources for HIS
Donaldson and LOHR (1994)
➔ Facts about the patient along with information on
immediate family members
● Full name, father’s name, mother’s name in
case of emergency, current and permanent
address, contact information
Demographic Data
Information on services conducted/provided to
● Laboratory tests, vital signs, CT scan,
confinement, bill
Administrative data
Lifestyle and behavior, and other genetic factors
● Genetic factors – newborn disease, medical
history related to family
● Lifestyle – smoking, alcohol intake, work
exposure (e.g. radiation)
Health Risk Information
Quality of life that a patient leads which is crucial to
his/her health
● Insurance, capability to pay
Health Status
Information on past medical encounters
● Diagnosis of diseases/illnesses,
operations/procedures done to patient,
medications given
Patient Medical History
Reflects the patient’s present health status
(diagnosis, medications, counseling)
● Current treatments
➔ Existing condition of patient
Current Medical Management
➔ The measures of aftereffects of health care and
various health problems
➔ Extending the life of a patient
Outcomes Data