Health And Social Care Unit 1 Flashcards
What is the meaning of Growth ?
Growth is an increase in some part of an individual that can be measured in weight and height
What is the meaning of Development ?
Development are complex changes including an increase in skills, abilities and capabilities.
What is the meaning of Development Norms ?
Development Norms are the average set of expectations for a child’s development, but it’s important to remember each child is unique.
What is the meaning of Gross Motor Skills?
Gross Motor skills are large movements that involve using large muscles in your body.
What is the meaning of Fine Motor skills ?
Fine Motor Skills are small movements that require more precise direction and dexterity. They use muscles such as the movement of hands and fingers.
What is the meaning of Centile Line?
Centile Lines are lines on a graph what are used to show the average measurements of height,weight and head circumference.
What are the 4 Pies ?
Physical Development,
Intellectual Development,
Emotional Development,
Social Development
What are the 4 Principles of Growth ?
Growth rates are not constant.
Different parts of the body grow at different times.
Growth rates vary between children.
Boys usually grow faster than girls, as they tend to be taller than women.
What is the meaning of Life Stages ?
Life Stages are particular phases a person will go through in their life span.
What is the meaning of Life Span ?
Life Span is the length of time a person functions from birth to death.
What is the meaning of Intellectual Development ?
Intellectual Development is the development of language, memory and thinking skills.
What is Physical Development ?
Physical Development is the growth and other physical changes that happen in the body through life stages.
What is Emotional Development ?
Emotional Development is the ability to cope with feelings about ourselves and towards others.
What is Social Development ?
Social Development is the ability to form friendships and relationships while being able to learn to be independent.
What are the Principles of Development ? [Stage 1]
1st Stage
Development happens from head to toe, infants are able to control there head, then develop control over there body to enable them to sit. Then have control over there legs and feet what enables them to crawl then walk.
What are the Principles of Development ? [2nd Stage]
2nd Stage
Infants develop from inside to the outside.
An infant learns to control movements in their body first in their arms and legs until they can control the small muscles in their fingers.
What are the Principles of Development ? [3rd Stage]
Development happens in the same sequence but in different rates.
What is the meaning Holistically?
Holistically are where areas of development are dependent on the influence of others.
State a Gross Motor Skill common for a Newborn ?
One example are primitive reflexes such as grasp.
State a Fine Motor Skill common for a Newborn ?
One example is holding there thumb tucked into their hands.
State a Gross Motor Skill common for 1 months year old babies ?
One example is a baby being able to lift their chin and have some control of their heads.
State a Fine Motor Skill common for 1 months year old babies ?
One example is a baby being able to open there hands to grasp a finger.
State a Gross Motor common for 3 month year old babies ?
One example is a baby having the ability to lift their head and chest when lying on their front.
State a Fine Motor Skill common for 3 month year old babies ?
One example is when a baby can briefly grasp a rattle.
State a Gross Motor Skill common for 6 months year old babies ?
One example is for a baby to be able to roll over, and can have the ability to sit up for a short period of time without support. In addition a baby being able to have their legs held up.
State a Fine Motor Skill common for 6 months year old babies ?
One example is for a baby to be able to move objects from hand to hand, while also being able to pick up dropped toys if they are in sight.
State a Gross Motor Skill common for 9-10 months year old baby ?
One example is for a baby to be able to crawl and being able to cruise [walking while holding onto an object].
State a Fine Motor Skill common for 9-10 months year old baby?
One example is for a baby to be able to use their fingers or thumbs to hold a small object.
State a Gross Motor Skill common for 12-13 months year old baby ?
One example is for a baby to be able to stand alone, and to be able to walk without help.
State a Fine Motor Skill common for 12-13 months year old baby ?
One example is for a baby to manipulate and places toys.
State a Gross Motor Skill common for 18 month year old baby ?
One example is for a baby being able to climb furniture.
State a Fine Motor Skill common for a 18 months ?
One example is for a baby to be able to build a short tower with blocks.
State a Gross Motor Skill common for a 2 year old infant?
One example is for a baby to be able to propel a sit-on toy with their feet and being able to throw a large ball.
State a Fine Motor Skill common for a 2 year old infant?
One example is for a infant to be able to draw lines and circle as well as having the ability to turn pages.
State a Gross Motor Skill common for a 2 and a half year old infant ?
One example is for a infant to be able to jump from a low step and to be able a kick a ball.
State a Fine Motor Skill common for a 2 and a half year old infant ?
One example is for a infant to use a spoon and fork and also being able to build a tower of 7-8 blocks.
How do infants gain the ability to do more complex movements ?
Infants gain the ability to do more complex movements by developing gross and motor skills.
What do Infants develop at 2 years old ?
At the age of 2 years old infants develop and use both gross and fine motor skills, as they become more independent.
What is an example of a game a 2 year old does what is a Gross Motor Skill ?
2 year olds play with shape sorting toys, they use gross motor skills to hold there body steady enough to grasp the shapes and use fine motor skills to fit each shape into the correct slot.
State the development of Gross Motor Skills in the Early Childhood life stage [3-8] years old ?
Age 3- Most children can pedal using a tricycle.
Age 4- Children may be able to kick and throw a large ball.
Age 5- Children can hop using each foot separately.
Age 6 and 7- A child may be able to skip and ride a bicycle.
Age 8- Have a good strength and body coordination so they can take part in many sports and activites.
State the development of Fine Motor Skills in Early Childhood life stage [3-8] years old ?
Age 3- Children should be able to control
What is the meaning of Adolescence ?
Adolescence is an important status change following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult.
What does Primary Sexual Characteristics mean ?
The Primary Sexual Characteristics means that a person is born with these characteristics and they will develop during puberty.
What are the Primary Sexual Characteristics for a Female ?
Females are born with a uterus and ovaries.
What are Primary Sexual Characteristics for a Male ?
Males are born with a penis and testes.
What do Secondary Sexual Characteristics mean ?
Secondary Sexual Characteristics are characteristics that develop during puberty.
What are the Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Females ?
In females there secondary characteristics are for there breasts to develop and the areola [The area around the nipple] to darken.
What are the Secondary Sexual Characteristics in Females ?
In females a secondary sexual characteristic is for hair to grow in armpits and pubic areas.
What are the Secondary Sexual Characteristics for females ?
In females a secondary sexual characteristics is that their is a redistribution of body fat causing hips to widen.
What are Secondary Sexual Characteristics for Males ?
In Males they have a change in larynx what causes their voices to deepen.
What are the Secondary Sexual Characteristics for Males ?
In Males they have hair grow in their armpits, pubic area and facial hair.
What are Secondary Sexual Characteristics for Males ?
In Males they will have a redistribution of muscle tissue and fat.
What is the meaning of Puberty?
Puberty is a period of rapid growth during which young people reach sexual maturity, and become biologically able to reproduce and secondary sexual characteristics develop.
What is the meaning of Hormones ?
Hormones are chemical substances produced in the body and transported in the blood stream that control or regulate body cells or body organs.
When does Puberty start for girls ?
For Girls puberty starts begin the ages of 11 and 13 although it may begin earlier.
When does Puberty start for Boys ?
For boys puberty starts a bit later than girls between the ages of 13 and 15 years of age.
What is Puberty ?
Puberty is a development stage that prepares the body for sexual reproduction.
What is Puberty triggered by ?
Puberty is triggered by the action of hormones that control sexual development.
What happens when people go through puberty ?
When people go through puberty they may experience a “growth spurt” when they grow taller at a faster rate than before.
What is responsible for Puberty?
Sex Hormones are responsible for the changes that occur in puberty.
The pituitary glands controls the onset and rate of puberty.
It is a difficult time emotionally for young people as levels of hormones are going up or down often cause mood swings.
What are the main Female Hormones produced during puberty ?
The main hormones a female starts to produce during puberty is Oestrogen and Progesterone.
The ovaries start to produce Oestrogen and Progesterone which are responsible for changes including ovulation and menstruation. The first shed of blood indicates the onset of fertility.
What is the main Male Hormone produced during for Puberty ?
The main hormone a male produces during puberty is Testosterone.
The testes start to produce testosterone which stimulates sperm production, indicating the onset of fertility.
What is responsible for the development of Secondary Sexual Characteristics in males ?
Testosterone is responsible for development of Secondary Sexual Characteristics.
What is happens in the Early Adulthood Life Stage ?
In the Early Adulthood Life Stage young adults usually reach their peak of their physical fitness
What is the age range for Early Adults ?
The age range for Early Adults is 19-45 years old.
At what age do Young Adults reach their Peak of their Physical performance ?
Young Adults reach their Peak of their Physical Performance between the Agees of 19-28.
What Key Abilities do Young Adults have in this age range ?
Young Adults reach their full height, strength. Their reaction time and manual dexterity is also at their peak.
What happens to Adults who are older than this age range ?
After this age range adults may gradually lose some strength and speed, although these changes are often unnoticed outside of sport activities.
What happens to Adults who are older than this age range ?
For young adults above this age range there is a decline in physical capability’s may increase coming to the end of this life stage. If an individual has an unhealthy diet and doesn’t do exercise regularly they will maintain a unhealthy lifestyle leading to a decline in physical capabilities.
What is Menopause ?
Menopause is the ending of female fertility
What is the meaning of a Schema ?
Schemas are categories of knowledge that helps us to interpret and understand the world.
What is egocentrism ?
Egocentrism is when a young child unable to see a situation from another person point of view.
What does Nature mean ?
Nature are physical characteristics which are biologically determined by genetic inheritance.
What does Nurture mean ?
Nurture are influences that an environment has on a individual including social and environmental factors.
What factors influence nurture behaviour ?
-Parenting styles
-Social class
What factors influence nature characteristics ?
-Eye/Hair colour
-Straight/Curly hair
-Life expectancy
-Skin Pigmentation