Health and Social Care Section C Flashcards
Define the term “Cardiovascular Disease” ?
Cardiovascular disease, is a set of disorders relating to narrowing or blockage of blood vessels.
Identify 4 changes that will happen to the heart in a result of ageing ?
-Increase in size of the heart muscles, making it harder for them to fill with enough blood before blood is pumped out.
-Build up of cholesterol which narrows or blocks arteries, restricting the flow of blood through them.
-Thickening or stiffening of the heart valves which normally prevent back-flow of blood within the heart.
-Deterioration of the heart’s internal pacemaker leading to a more irregular heartbeat.
What are 2 health problems what CVD increase the risk of ?
-Hypertension [High blood pressure]
What is Hypertension ?
Hypertension is a long-term medical condition of high blood pressure.
What are 3 lifestyle choices that can increase the risk of CVD disease ?
-Excessive amounts of alcohol intake
-Poor diet such a being high in fat.
What does independence mean?
Independence is the ability that a person can make their own choices and carry out daily tasks, by and for, themselves.
What are 2 positive effects of developing CVD disease ?
-Choosing healthier lifestyle choices.
-Developing stronger relationships with family members.
What are 2 negative effects of developing CVD disease ?
-Social Exclusion.
What are 4 health factors what can lead to the deterioration of CVD ?
-Being overweight or obese.
-Having a family history of poor CVD health [genetic link]
What is a neuron ?
A neuron is a type of nervous tissue in the nervous system that carries messages from one place to another
What are 2 negative effects of deterioration of the nervous system ?
-Poor short term memory.
- Deterioration of the senses.
How can a reduction in the number of neurons lead to a slower reaction time ?
A reduction in the number of these nerve cells leads to fewer messages getting to and from the brain and spinal cord. Leading to messages being slower and reaction times becoming slower.
What is Parkinson’s disease ?
Parkinson’s disease is a disease that causes a loss of nerve cells in the substantia nigra in the brain, leading to mobility problems.
What are 2 physical effects of Parkinson’s disease ?
-Uncontrollable shaking known as “tremors”.
-Slowness and stiffness of movement.
-What are 2 Cognitive effects of Parkinson’s disease ?
-Slower thinking and reasoning abilities.
- Anxiety and Depression.
What changes in the brain leads to Parkinson’s disease ?
The area of the brain what is damaged in Parkinson’s is the substantia nigra. A decling in dopamine levels mean that less messages telling muscles to move to be sent, so the movement becomes more difficult.
What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a condition that causes joints to become painful and stiff as there is deterioration of the cartilage that covers the bone ends.
What are 2 physical effects of osteoarthritis on the body ?
-Pain in joints
What are 2 ways in which osteoarthritis can be treated ?
-Anti-inflammatory drugs
What does Degeneration mean?
Degeneration is the deterioration in the cells of a tissue or organ.
What are 3 ways in which taste is affected in old age?
-Fewer taste buds so food is less enjoyable which, can impact on the diet.
-Less saliva is produced meaning food is less enjoyable.
-Less able to smell so cannot recognise dangerous smells.
What are 3 changes to touch in old age ?
-Less sensitive to temperature, resulting in an increased likelihood of burns or hypothermia.
-Less sensitive to injury.
-Skin more susceptible to the sun so can burn more easily.
What does Cataract mean ?
A Cataract is when the lens changes and become less transparent in the eye, this stops light getting to the back of the eye.
What are 3 ways in which sight can deteriorate with age ?
-Peripheral vison declines.
-Pupils reaction time slows down.
-Vision begins to lack clarity.
What are 3 ways that hearing can deteriorate with age ?
- Capacity of high-pitched sounds decline.
-Build up of wax in the outer ear hinder hearing as sound transmission is blocked.
-Problems with balance can occur as a result of the fluid build-up in the inner ear.
What does Malnutrition mean ?
Malnutrition is a serious condition which develops when a person is not receiving the correct nutrients in their diet.
What are 2 reasons why their a reduction in absorption of nutrients in old age ?
-The body becomes less effective at absorbing nutrients during later adulthood.
-Teeth become brittle, making it more difficult to chem on food.
-The taste of food may change, causing individuals to eat less.
What are the effects of deficiencies of Vitamin D, Calcium and Iron ?
Vitamin D-
-Higher risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer.
-The body is less able to absorb calcium.
-Higher chance of anemia.
-Higher risk of osteoporosis.
-Bones are easily fractured.
What is Dementia ?
Dementia is a set of symptoms that includes memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language.
What causes Dementia ?
-Unhealthy diet
-Lack of exercise
What are the effect of Dementia to the body ?
-Communication problems.
-Confusion carrying out daily tasks.
-Short-term memory loss.
What is Alzheimer’s disease ?
Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of Dementia. It’s a physical disease that affects the brain and causes an abnormal buildup of proteins.
What are 3 symptoms of the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease ?
-Struggling with simple day-to-day tasks.
-Reduction in short-term memory.
-Difficulty with problem-solving.
What are the support needs for someone with Alzheimer’s ?
-Extra family support.
-Attend memory clinic
-Specialist nurse home visits
-Residential care
What are 4 symptoms associated with the later stages in Alzheimer disease ?
-Very poor judgement.
-Increased susceptibility to infections.
-Difficulty swallowing.
-Loss of ability to communicate using words.
How can respite care be used to support someone in their later stages of Alzheimer’s disease ?
-Respite can provide caregivers a temporary break from caring for the individual, helping improve the carers emotional and physical health and wellbeing.
-It can provide a safe place for people with Alzheimer’s who can’t live independently.
What are the symptoms of the final stages of Alzheimer’s disease ?
-Day/night reversal of sleep patterns.
-Unable to communicate.
-Unable to swallow.
-Needs help with activities of day-to-day living 24 hours a day.
What are 4 physical effects of ageing ?
-Loss of mobility.
- The body is less able to fight infection.
-Decline of senses- hearing loss, deterioration of eye sight, loss of taste.
-Loss of elasticity in the skin.
-Loss of muscle mass