Health and Safty L1 Flashcards
What health & safety legislation are you aware of?
The main primary legisaltion relating to health and saftey is the Health and Saftey at work act 1974, other important ones to me are:
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 amended 2002
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) 2002
Can you tell me your understanding of the H&S at work act 1974 as it relates to your role?
The Responsibilities of the Employer
- Provide and maintain safe systems of work.
- Provide adequate health and safety induction and training.
- Maintain safe work equipment.
- Ensure safe operation of working equipment.
- Ensure adequate welfare provisions are made.
- Provide a safe place of work. This includes safe access and egress.
- Ensure any materials are handled, transported, used and stored safely.
- Communicate with safety representatives.
- Provide PPE or any other equipment needed in the interests of health and safety.
Employees Responsibilities?
- Take care of their own health and safety and that of others.
- Not interfere with any health hand safety equipment.
- Cooperate with employers.
In your employers health and safety policy who should you contact if you have a H&S concern
Line manager
Please tell me about a section of your employers health and safety policy that particularly relates to your role
Lone working
- Ensure I understand the hazards of the site I am on
- Dynamic risk assessment
- Diarise appointment times as well as where they are and when I am expected back
- Take mobile phone
- Stay in contact
Screen working
- Aim to spend 10 minutes an hour up and about
- Take regular screen breaks
- ensure you work station is configured appropriately
- Monitor top level with your eyes .
Driving for work
- Must not use mobile
- Must not drive under the influence
- Smoke
- Drive when tired
- Ensure car is legal to drive, tax MOT safe
- Wear seat belts
What are the penalties under current health & safety legislation?
Improvement orders
Is it a criminal offence to breach the H&S at Work Act 1974?
Tell me about your employer’s health & safety policy?
In the company handbook.
Includes sections on:
* Policy statement including responsibilites of Er and Ee
* Electrical equipment
* Minimizing risks relating to monitors and workstations
* Providing personal Protective Equipment (PPE),
* Manual handling
* First aid
* Reporting of Injuries,
* Safe electrical systems
* Hazardous substances
* Asbestos
* Fire risk assessment.
* Working hours
* Health & safety induction
* Driving
* Stress
* Lone working
What are your health & safety duties as an individual surveyor?
Adhere to health and saftey policy of my employer.
Complete risk assements for new instructions.
Take a risk based approach to hazards:
- Identify hazard
- Understand risks
- Put in place measures to mitigate
- Record and review
What guidance does the RICS produce about H&S?
RICS Surveying Safely (Professional Standard 2024)
Tell me something you understand from reading Surveying Safely.
- General Statement - Employers/Employees have a duty of care
under law of tort towards - those who may be affected by their actions.
- Safety of Employees - actions that must be taken by employers.
Special duty of care towards - young/trainees.
- Workplace – Fire & First Aid provisions.
- Hazards and Risk Assessment requirements.
- Visiting Sites - PPE, Lone working, Access provisions.
- During Site Visits - Key hazards assessments including structures,
roofs and contamination. - Safety of you and others – Everyone is to take responsibility of
their own health & safety. - Legal Duties - Criminal Liability and CDM guidance.
When was Surveying Safely last updated?
What are the key changes?
Safe person principle?
Each individual assumes individual behvioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work.
What is the safe person concept?
Each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work.
What must Regulated Firms provide?
A safe environment for their employees,
Guidance on how to operate in the work place
What happened in the case of Suzy Lamplugh?
An Estate Agent was brutally murdered in the course of a viewing she conducted alone.
Why is this important for surveyors?
Raised the issue of lone working and the dangers of it.