Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution procedures L1 Flashcards
What is a conflict?
An unresolved disagreement between two or more parties.
When do disputes arise in your role?
Typically when expectations are not managed, or when communication breaks down.
What can you do if negotiations break down?
Seek to mediate myself, try to reset the relationship, seek third party intervention.
What is a conflict of interest?
A situation where a person or organisations interests are at odds with what is in the best interest of the client.
What do the RICS Rules of Conduct say about avoiding conflicts of interest?
The RICS Rules of Conduct set out an overarching obligation for both RICS-regulated firms and members to always act with integrity and avoid conflicts of interest and any actions or situations that are inconsistent with their professional obligations.
Give examples of ways that conflict can be avoided.
Clear and honest communication
Detailed follow up in writing
Clear terms of engagement
Effective communication between landlord and tenant, especially post negotiation.
How can good client management reduce conflict?
It keeps clients involved with what is happening and manages their expectations of the process.
How can good record keeping avoid conflict?
Good record keeping, specifically following up on verbal communication in writing to confirm what has been agreed, allows the other party to confirm if you have misunderstood as well as acting as an historic record of what has been agreed to avoid disagreements later on.
What are the three pillars of dispute resolution?
Negotiation, mediation, and third party intervention
How do mediation and conciliation differ globally?
concilliation is a more formal process typically with power to make determinations.
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?
Means of using a third party to resolve a dispute that doesn’t involve litigating through the courts.
Can you tell me about any RICS guidance relating to conflicts of interest?
Conflicts of interest 2017 Professional statement.
If pushed, it defines the nature of conflicts, and also provides instruction on mitigating or managing strategies, ie Chinese Walls
What is the practice of dual agency/double dipping?
Acting on both sides of the instruction, strictly forbidden.
Can you tell me about any recent RICS guidance relating to dual agency/double dipping?
What is the difference between an arbitrator and an independent expert?
One acts on the authority of the lease and the other under the rules of the arbitration act. Arbitrator is trained specifically in their role where independent exert is a senior professional with the appropriate experience.
Can you tell me about any other types of ADR?
Mediation, conciliation, adjudication
Explain the role of the Civil Procedure Rules (CPRs).
These Rules are a new procedural code with the overriding objective of enabling the court to deal with cases justly and at proportionate cost.
Improve the process of and access to justice especially for lay people.
What governs dispute resolution during insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings?
The insolvency code
Can you tell me about PACT in relation to lease renewals?
Proffesional Arbitration Court Terms
PACT is a process where the determination of all or some of the terms of a renewal lease is (with the consent of both parties) ‘delegated’ to an independent third party who may act either as an arbitrator or as an independent expert. The consider:
Duration of a new lease
Rent / interim rent
Service Charge
Break clauses
Other terms of the new tenancy
Detailed drafting of the provisions to be included in the new tenancy
Or a combination of the above
What is the role of RICS in dispute resolution?
To provide clear unambiguous guidance on all matters under their jurisdiction.
To provide access to professional adjudication or Independent expert.
What RICS guidance are you aware of relating to dispute resolution, ADR or roles in dispute resolution?
Surveyors Acting as Independent Experts in Commercial Property Rent Reviews, 2014
Tell me about your role if you were acting as an expert witness/advocate
My role would start as advocate during negotiations.
At the point that independant expert was instructed my role would change to expert witness. The crucial difference being:
Advocate is partisan, and tries to get the best posible outcome for client.
EW is obliged to be honest an impartial in putting forward the evidence base for IE to consider.
How does your duty of care differ in the two roles?
Duty to the client as Advocate
Duty to the RICS/the tribunal.
What tribunals are you aware of?
SRB Tribunal
Independent Expert Tribunal
Land Tribunal
When might the Lands Tribunal be involved in a dispute?
When the dispute cannot be resolved through ADR
What are the differences between conflict avoidance and dispute resolution?
Proactive vs reactive
Which dispute resolution procedures lead to a binding decision?
Land Tribunal
What is a Scott Schedule and when would one be used?
Under the CPR to provide a detailed account of a dispute in readiness for court proceedings.
Explain the RICS conflict avoidance pledge to me.
Its a pledge to act responsibly and reasonably in business relationships recognising the damage that conflict does to both business and the industry.
Once commited to the pledge the company is listed publicly