Health and Safety Flashcards
Summarise the H&S at work Act 1974/ what is it?
It’s the overarching piece of H&S legislation. The act which secures health, safety and welfare of persons at work and protecting people, other than those at work, against risks to H&S arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work.
Within its sections it outlines the duties of employers and employees.
Section 2 - outlines that employers must ‘ensure so far as reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees’
Section 3 outlines that an employer must as far as reasonably practicable ensure the health, safety and welfare of those person who are not employees e.g public.
Section 7 outlines the duty of employees to take reasonable care for their own health and safety as well as others who may be affected.
Summarise the CDM regulations
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 are the main set of regulations for managing the health, safety and welfare of construction projects. CDM applies to all building and construction work and includes new build, demolition, refurbishment, extensions, conversions, repair and maintenance.
Outlines the roles of each duty holder.
What is the role of the H&S Executive?
- The health and safety executive is the body responsible for promoting, regulating and enforcing health, safety and welfare and provide research for occupational risks.
- Prevent work related death or ill health
- providing advice, information and guidance
- raising awareness in workplaces by influencing and engaging
- operating permissioning and licensing activities in major hazard industries
- carrying out targeted inspections and investigations
- taking enforcement action to prevent harm and hold those who break the law to account
What were the changes to CDM 2015
- Simpler layout
- Removal of CDM coordinator was replaced by the PD
- Notification changes
- Additional client duties (Client has to make sure the PC produces CPP and notification is a client duty)
- Construction phase plan - required for all projects, not just notifiable
What potential hazards have you noticed on site and how have you managed these?
- edge protection
- site congestion
- PPE organisation
- safe routes to PPE
Raised to to the site contact immediately, raised to the PD and made it a discussion point in the next meeting to ensure it had been followed up and dealt with.
What is an F10?
It is a document required if a project is notifiable to the HSE and needs to be placed on site in a suitable and visible location.
What are the requirements for a notifiable project?
A notifiable project is one that is lasting longer than 30 days, has more than 20 workers working at the same time at any point or exceeds 500 person days of construction work. under the new CDM regs, this is the responsibility of the client but can delegate to the PD.
What is the role of the PD?
To plan, manage and monitor H&S in the pre-construction phase.
To help the client in bringing the pre-construction information together.
To eliminate H&S risks.
To liaise with the principal contractor
To review H&S throughout the project.
What relevant H&S legislation are you aware of?
- CDM regulations 2015
- H&S at Work Act 1974
- RIDDOR - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995
- Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (known as COSHH).
What are the benefits of the H&S at work Act?
- Aims to provide healthy and safe environments for employees
- Protection to the general public who may be affected by work
- A clear reporting and management structure to ensure that the processes are in place
Provide guidance on the interpretation of the law
Codes of conduct to be followed in specific industries
What should a PM be aware of in terms of H&S on site?
- make sure that a health, safety and environmental management plan is in place.
Making sure that risk assessments are carried out. - that the project team is properly trained.
- There is open and honest disclosure.
- that regular reviews are undertaken.
- that everyone is aware of stress as a potential HSE issue.
- That proper safety equipment is provided - Personal Protective equipment.
- Environmental issues are addressed such as waste.
Who is the duty holder? and what is required of them?
- The person responsible for ensuring regulations are complied with, landlord, tenant, everyone has a duty and where there are multiple it is a shared responsibility.
- Places obligations on both employer and employee working with asbestos
- Employers - duty to manage, duty to identify, complete survey and produce management plan, appoint specialist asbestos surveyor or contractor to carry out works, ensure the authority if notified if works are licensed, provide ppe, PROTECT EMPLOYEES from exposure, risk assessments
- Employees - duty to report anything, duty to comply with employer’s instructions, duty to cooperate
When were the control of asbestos regulations last updated?
- The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 came into force on 6 April 2012, updating previous asbestos regulations to take account of the European Commission’s view that the UK had not fully implemented the EU Directive on exposure to asbestos (Directive 2009/148/EC).
What should you do when asbestos is found what are the different options?
- Depends on the type, location, condition
- Keep as is and manage (less expensive, can keep advantageous elements of the material e.g. fire protection, thermal or acoustic insulation)
- Encapsulate and manage
- Remove
What are the basic principles of asbestos removal?
- Strictly controlled conditions (air tight, sealed environment, PPE, respiratory equipment)
- Safe disposal - double bagged, removed as soon as safely possible.
- Keep a record in an asbestos register.
- Do OOH.
When does an F10 get submitted?
- As soon as possible when information is available
What are the two different F10 forms?
- Initial notification
- Update to existing notification
How do you notify?
- Online form on the HSE website
Who is required to submit an F10?
- The client is required but can delegate someone else to do this on their behalf
Inputs you would find in a F10 form?
- Whether its an initial notification or update to existing.
- Project address
- Project description
- Planned estimated start date
- Planned/estimated duration
- Planned estimated end date
- Max. people on site at any one time
- Planned number of contractors on site
- Principal Designer
- Principal Contractor
- Client
- Designer
What is the Construction Phase Plan?
- Under the CDM 2015 regs, a CPP is required for every construction project.
- Plan of works before the work starts on site and shows that H&S has been thought through.
- Outlines health and safety arrangements for each phase
- Must be kept updated
Risk Management process?
- Identify,
- Monitor
- Manage
- Mitigate
- Eliminate
- Review
What is the CSCS?
- Construction skills certification scheme
- Having a CSCS cards provides proof that individuals working on construction sites have the appropriate training and qualifications for the job they intend to do on site. Improving standards and safety on UK construction sites.
- Not a legislative requirement. It is entirely up to the principal contractor or client whether worker are required to hold a card before they are allowed on site.
What types of asbestos are there?
- Chrysotile (white asbestos) - most commonly used. Found in roofs, ceilings, walls and floors
- Crocidolite (blue asbestos) - insulate steam engines
- Amosite (brown or grey asbestos) - cement sheets