Health and Safety Flashcards
What is a Designer’s Risk Assessment?
- Informs Principal Contractor, Client, Other Designers of potential H&S risks on a construction project that need to be considered and managed.
- Seeks to Eliminate, Reduce, Isolate or Control them as appropriate.
- Often Includes a RAG rating or system of classification
Where you have acted as Principal Designer on a D&B project, and that role has now passed to the contractor, how might you assis the client thereafter to ensure the client duties under CDM are being met?
- You could fulfill this through the ‘Client Advisor’ role.
- Provides advice to client to ensure they are meeting their responsibilities under CDM e.g. appoint dutyholders, provide sufficient time and resources, provide information, provide welfare.
What are the principles of the RICS Surveying Safely Guidance Note?
- Appointing the right people.
- Firms providing Information, Instruction and Training.
- Safe person Concept - each person taking responsibility for own and others safety.
- Risk Assessments - assessing severity and likelihood.
- Dynamic risk assessments on site - accounting for any changes that have occured.
- Hierarchy of Risk Control - ERIC PD.
- Guidance for Visiting Premises - travelling to and from site, lone working, condition of property, occupation, activity, roofs, high structures, diseases.
It’s coming up to Christmas and you are asked to undertake a TDD inspection of a derelict 3-storey industrial building at the edge of an out-of-town industrial estate. What hazards and risks might you anticipate in planning how to survey the unit safely and how might you overcome them?
- Winter - less natural light, shorter days. Assess journey -safe? Parking secure? Arrival time?
- Derelict - What is the condition? Lone working? Infestation/Diseases? Pre-assessment of hazards - info from persons responsible etc. Make dynamic risk assessment on site. Is lone-working safe? What provisions have been made? Anyone likely to be encountered - squatters? public? Any neighbours likely to notice?
- Industrial - what was the use? Contaminants? Materials? PPE required? Any areas deemed unsafe? Radiation? Asbestos? Gas? Nanomaterials? Confined spaces?
- 3-storey - secure structure? Risk of falls etc? Edge protection? Roof necessary to inspect? MEWP or scaffold needed - have these been checked?
- Hidden traps, ducts openings?
- Slips, trips, hazards
- Timbers, glass and sharp objects?
- Rotting vegetation?
- Mould?
- Live and unsecured services?
Can you give a summary of the Health and Safety @ Work Act?
- 1974
- General provisions - employers to emplyees and public, employees to themselves and each other, self-emplyed people to themselves and others.
- Workplaces should provide: adequate training of staff, adequate welfare provisions, a safe working environment, suitable provision of info, instruction and supervision.
When is a project ‘notifiable’ under CDM? What is the penalty for not doing this?
- Lasts more than 30 days with more than 20 workers on site at any time.
- OR - lasts more than 500 person days.
- Failure to comply is serious as it’s a legal requirements under CDM regulations. HSE could take a client to court. There have been fines and even prison sentences as a result of the regulations.
What should an F10 include?
Addresses, Local Authority, Description of Works, Contact Details, Planned Start, Duration, No. of Operatives
What would you find in a H&S file?
Infor useful for planning future works/maintenance:
* Description of Works
* Residual Hazards
* Key Structural Features
* Any hazardous materials used
* Location of services
What would you find in the Pre-Construction Information?
- Project Description
- Requirements for hoarding, welfare facilities, traffic restrictions, permits to work.
- Existing on-site risks / site restrictions
- Previous H&S files
- Ground conditions
- Existing services
- Asbestos information
- Risk assessments
- Suggested MEthod Statements
- H&S file requirements
What are the duties of the client under CDM 2015 Regulations?
- Appoint competent duty holders
- Allow sufficient time and resources
- Provide relevant info
- Ensure Designer and Contractor carry out their duties
- Ensure Welfare facilities
What are the CDM Regulations 2015?
- Purspose it to ensure H&S is properly considered
- Applies to all building and construction works
- Doesn’t aplly to domestic clients
- Commercial clients must make arragements for managing the H&S of their projects.
What are the roles and responsibilities of the Principal Designer under CDM regulations?
- Ensure client is aware of their duties
- Plan, manager, monitor and coordinate H&S in the Pre-Construction Phase.
- Draft Pre-Construction info and provide to the contractor.
- Risk Hierarchy - ERIC PD=Eliminate, Reduce, Isolate, Control, PPE, Discipline.
- H&S File
- Designer’s Risk Assessment - complete.
- Liase with Principal Contractor.
What other H&S legislation are you aware of?
- RIDDOR. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurances Regulations. ‘Responsible Person’ has duty to report incidents to HSE: death, major injuries, occupational diseases.
- COSHH. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health.
- Working at Height Regulations 2005.
- CAR 2012
- H&S at Work Act 1974
- Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- CSCS - Construction Skills Certification Scheme.
How often are surveyors required to have asbestos awareness traning?
- There is no requirement to have a formal asbestos awareness training every 12 months, but it would be sensible to have a ‘refresher’ based training every 12 months (HSE).
- For those whose work will disturb asbestos, the requirement will be more stringent.
What’s the HSE Guidance for all roles under CDM.
This is the HSE L153 document.
Sets out obligations of all roles under CDM.
How would you check if a contractor is competent / previous convictions, near misses, etc.
- CHAS or other certification schemes.
- Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
- Any previous reports available on HSE or through RIDDOR?
When preparing Design Risk Assessments what consideration do you give to HSE Hierarchy of Controls?
- Eliminate, Reduce, Isolate, Control, PPE, Discippline,
- Do everything ‘reasonably practical’ to remove people from harm.
- Record your findings - what hazards? Who harm? What doing to control?