Head Injury Flashcards
head wound treatment
Use disposable gloves
Don’t pull the loose skin at the wound site pull the skin over wound
Cover wound w/ sterile dressing apply pressure + secure with roller bandage
Assist patient into lying position with their head + shoulders slightly raised
Arrange hospital transport
Skull fracture signs + symptoms
Loss of consciousness
Blood/clear fluid from the nose/ears
Blood, bruise/depression on the head
Skull fracture treatment
Get to hospital ASAP
Unconscious patient should be put in recovery position
Blood/CSF fluid should be covered with a loose bandage to protect from infection/allow for drainage
Eye injury treatment
Advise not to touch their eye
For a blunt force trauma, use a cold compress
NEVER remove an object that is inpaled in the eye
Dress + bandage both eyes (injured + non)
Arrange for transport to hospital
Mouth wound treatment
Place sterile dressing over the wound
Ask patient to put pressure on it for 10 mins
If bleeding stops secure with adhesive tape, not obstructing the nose/mouth
Knocked out tooth treatment
Apply gauze to the socket
The gauze must be large enough to prevent upper + lower teeth
Ask patient to bite down on the gauze
Nose bleed treatment
Tilt head forward + pinch
Bleeding from the ear
Tilt head to the side to drain
Arrange transport