Head and Neck (General) Part 4 Flashcards
CN VIII Name Function Origin Foramen Destination
Vestibulocochlear N. Special Sensory: Balance and Hearing Receptors of the vestibule and cochlea. Internal acoustic meatus. Pons
What is the function of the semicircular canals?
CN IX Name Function Origin Foramen Destination
Glossopharyngeal N. (Tongue throat)
Mixed: Sensory: Tongue pain, Motor: Swallowing
Origin: Mixed Sensory: Posterior 1/3 of tongue, Motor: Salivary gland.
Foramen: Jugular foramen
Destination: Sensory: Pons, Visceral Motor: Parotid salivary gland, Somatic motor: Pharyngeal muscles for swallowing.
CN X Name Function Origin Foramne Destination
Vagus N.
Function: Sensory: Information from organs, Motor: Sends information to the organs.
Origin: Sensory: From the organs, Motor: Medulla Oblongata
Foramen: Jugular Foramen
Destination: Sensory: Autonomic centers of the medulla oblongata.
Somatic Motor: Muscles of the palate and pharynx.
Visceral Motor: Respiratory, cardiovascular, and digestive organs.
CN XI Name Function Origin Foramen Destination
The Spinal Accessory N.
Function: Motor: Controls the STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID, TRAPEZIUS, palate, pharynx, and larynx muscles.
ORigin: Spinal cord and medulla oblongata.
Foramen: Jugular foramen.
Destination: Internal branch: Muscles of the palate, pharynx, and larynx.
Exernal Branch: Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles.
CN XII Name Function What cant happen without it? Origin Foramen Destination
Hypoglossal N. Motor: Controls tongue movement, Nearly impossible to swallow without it. Medulla Oblongata. Hypoglossal canal Tongue muscles